Research project Colonial legacies, invisible institutions, and financial markets in Latin America (and beyond) Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email This project has received funding via the EUI Research Council calls 2020 and 2021. This project investigates the relationship between European colonial hegemony, financial institutions, and economic development in Latin American in the 17th to 19th centuries and discusses how to decolonise research into institutional structures in the global south. Contrary to what social science theory would expect, historians have shown that private and public investors in colonial Spanish America could draw on ready and cheap capital, while credit dried up after independence in in the 19th century. Combining an empirical and a theoretical research question we ask how a sui generis financial sector evolved and how we can develop methods that account for the co-existence of radically different but efficient contemporaneous credit systems in Europe and Latin America before 1800. Podcasts of Academic EventsWhatever happened to the spiritual economy in colonial Spanish America?Kathryn Burns, 20 May 2021A viceroyalty of silver between two oceans: Peru and the beginnings of Global HistoryMargarita Suárez, 10 June 2021Credit practices and financial intermediation in an Ancien Regime Hispanic American economy: The role of notaries in Buenos Aires during the 17th and 18th centuries Martin Wasserman, 24 June 2021