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Working group

Europe in the World: International Relations, International Security, World Politics

This interdisciplinary research group withing the Global Governance Programme at the EUI's Robert Schuman Centre is organised in association with the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies. Discussions focus on societal challenges that are reshaping the social sciences and the humanities.

Note: This Working Group is no longer active.

Please visit Europe in the World hosted at the Robert Schuman Centre.

The ‘Europe in the World’ research area ties the study of Europe’s international relations and its role in international and security affairs to the central changes and challenges in world politics today. Through its research, seminars, and scholarly publications, it seeks to integrate theoretical and conceptual insights from a wide range of perspectives in international relations, the social sciences, history, and international law, with politically relevant empirical analysis. This research area contributes to the theoretical and political debates on European and international affairs, and the implications of a multi-centered, multi-actor world for contemporary international relations. It engages with key areas of European affairs and addresses some of the big questions confronting Europe and the EU in the decades ahead.

The Europe in the World programme, in association with the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, hosted a research group committed to the study of the EU’s external relations, European security, the EU’s global activities, and to broader questions of international security and world politics. This research group combined theoretical and conceptual research with empirical analysis central to Europe’s political and strategic development, and its role and place in the world.

This multidisciplinary thematic area brough together both promising and established scholars who specialise in many areas of international relations, including security studies, grand strategy, diplomatic history, international law, international institutions, political economy, and foreign policy analysis.

The team

Group members

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