Research project LIFE SIDE - Supporting the Implementation and Development of the EU ETS The LIFE SIDE project has been supporting European policy makers with the design and implementation of the new EU ETS legislation. The main objectives of LIFE SIDE were: Collect and disseminate empirical knowledge and information on the economic functioning of the EU ETS; Establish a network bringing together EU ETS experts; Create a forum enabling interaction amongst policy makers, stakeholders and EU ETS experts. LIFE SIDE was managed by the climate group of the FSR, EUI, in Florence. Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email This project was funded by the EU LIFE Programme grant agreement LIFE15 GIC/IT/000051. The LIFE SIDE project has been supporting European policy makers with the design and implementation of the new EU ETS legislation.The main objectives of LIFE SIDE were:Collect and disseminate empirical knowledge and information on the economic functioning of the EU ETS;Establish a network bringing together EU ETS experts;Create a forum enabling interaction amongst policy makers, stakeholders and EU ETS experts.IFE SIDE was managed by the climate group of the FSR, EUI, in Florence. LIFE SIDE started in September 2016 and was completed in December 2018.To build on and take further the results of the project, a new LIFE project called LIFE DICET supports EU and Member State policymakers in deepening international cooperation for the development and possible integration of carbon markets with other ETS (China, New Zealand, California-Quebec and Switzerland). LIFE DICET started in September 2019 and will finish in December 2021. The team Group members