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Musmine Research

Academic Research and Activities
The key features of the research developed under the MUSMINE umbrella are:

  • European-level shared knowledge, experience, and collaborative activity to mitigate the relative intellectual isolation and lack of communication observed by specialists on Islam in Europe. 
  • Systematic integration of disciplines (such as economics and law) to form tighter associations, especially for work framed in a comparative perspective, as they address the question of Islam in Europe.

The RSCAS will host visiting scholars (PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and/or senior faculty) from other countries in the EU for brief stays at the Centre to complete and publish their work, and to contribute to the MUSMINE research programme and actively participate in its activities.

The academic work will culminate in publications such as working papers, analytical notes, and volumes in a monograph series. 


14-15 December 2007: Training seminar on the construction of Mosques in European contexts

EU member states have very different experiences and knowledge in this area, depending upon the history of migration, the legal settings framing the construction of religious building, the public discourse on Muslim minorities. On the basis of the European accumulation of experiences of controversies dealing with the construction of mosques, this seminar aims at providing local public authorities with an opportunity to discuss their current problems with experts, scholars and religious authorities. The seminar, based on the expertise of scholars in the different disciplines (urban sociology, sociology of religion, political science, law), is conceived as addressing practical issues in a problem solving perspective.


The planned activities for the 2006–7 academic year are a workshop and an international conference and the publication of the proceedings of both events, as well as a working paper on Islamic Business and Finance in Europe.

Potential research topics include:

  • The social integration of Muslim minorities
    The Islamic veil in non-Muslim societies
    Post-colonial heritage and religious identity
    Muslim participation in civil society
    Public controversies on religion: hidden grafic elementreligious pluralism compared
  • Organization of Muslim minorities
    Religious authorities in Europe
    Islamic finance in Europe (Islamic banking, hidden grafic elementIslamic business)
    Islamic leadership
  • Religion and politics in secular Europe
    The ethnicization of religious identities
    The study of the religious subject in European hidden grafic elementsocial sciences

Page last updated on 26 June 2019

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