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EUI Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography


From 2014 to 2017 the EUI Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography provided a space for academics, experts, stakeholders and practitioners to reflect on movements of migrants and refugees. The Forum went also beyond the immediate state of crisis of that period to focus on its far-reaching impact in the domains of demography, integration management, the repercussions for Europe’s fundamental premises, and the governance of refugee flows.

The Forum had Rainer Bauböck and Brigid Laffan as Scientific Directors and Philippe Fargues and Anna Triandafyllidou as active contributors.

Within this framework several events were organised:

Academic research, policy dialogue and training in the field of Migration continue now in the work carried out at the  Migration Policy Centre and the Cultural Pluralism research area of the Global Governance Programme

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The Integration of Migrants and Refugees - an EUI Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography, edited by Rainer Baubock and Milena Tripkovic, 2017

This book discusses the challenges that the recent refugee and migration crisis poses to traditional approaches to immigrant integration employed by the European countries affected. These challenges arise from a host of factors particular to the ongoing patterns of immigration such as the unprecedented number of migrants and refugees, the mostly unregulated and uncontrolled nature of this immigration, the desire of immigrants and refugees to settle in specific countries (particularly Germany and Sweden) and the security concerns that arose in the aftermath of terrorist attacks.

The contributions, both individually and in their entirety, seek to explore the medium and long term impacts of these and other challenges on the debate and to measure the success of immigrant integration. 


Past Events

The ‘Lampedusa Dilemma’: Global Flows and Closed Borders. What should Europe do?


Scientific organiser: Anna Triandafyllidou

The inaugural conference of the Forum took place on 17-18 November 2014.



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Mobility in Crisis

Scientific organisers: Rainer Bauböck and Anna Triandafyllidou 

The European University Institute (EUI) and IMISCOE jointly organised the event “Mobility in Crisis: Is Europe becoming more mobile during the economic crisis or is European mobility in crisis?“, on 29-30 January 2015 at the EUI in Florence. 

The conference concentrated on the European landscape and critically examined the extent and effects of mobility in Europe:

  • Is mobility in Europe today qualitatively different from the past?
  • Are European societies today characterised by sedentariness rather than mobility?
  • Who benefits from mobility and under what conditions?
  • Is there an emerging social, cultural and political cleavage between mobile and sedentary populations?


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Conference on the Integration of Migrants and Refugees

Scientific organisers: Rainer Bauböck and Brigid Laffan 

The Conference took place on 29 September 2016 at the EUI and tackled issues such as:

  • How to make use of human capital: certification and retraining of qualifications?
  • How to prevent long-term unemployment: entry level jobs and deregulation?
  • How to prevent labor market segregation and discrimination in employment?
  • Which are the key factors facilitating labor market integration of refugees andmigrants?
  • How to link social benefits for refugees and unemployed migrants with access to the job market?
  • What are the measures that can be taken in countries of origin and transit countries to facilitate labor market integration of refugees and migrants in countries of destination? 


Education | Maurice Crul

Citizenship and Legal Statuses | Maartin Vink

Labour Market Integration | Klaus F. Zimmermann

Cultural integration | Ruth Wodak



Page last updated on 11 December 2018

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