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Editing a Law Journal Seminar (LAW-DS-EDIT-23)


Department LAW
Course category LAW Seminar - 6 credits
Course type Seminar
Academic year 2023-2024
Credits 6 (EUI Law credits)
Contact Law Department administration,
  Course materials

10/10/2023 11:00-13:00 @ Sala degli Stemmi, Villa Salviati

14/11/2023 11:00-13:00 @ Sala degli Stemmi, Villa Salviati

12/12/2023 11:00-13:00 @ Sala degli Stemmi, Villa Salviati

16/01/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala degli Stemmi, Villa Salviati

15/02/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala degli Stemmi, Villa Salviati

12/03/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala degli Stemmi, Villa Salviati

17/04/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala degli Stemmi, Villa Salviati

14/05/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati


>Understanding the art of editing can be very helpful for strengthening one’s own writing. This seminar takes researchers through the entire editorial process of a law journal. What makes for an interesting article? What are the different characteristics of leading journals across the world? What works and what does not work for communicating an idea? Who gets cited, and who does not, and why? How can one write a constructive peer review report? How does one respond to a critical peer reviewer? What material is for an article, what for a blog and what for a tweet? Thanks to close collaboration with the European Journal of International Law (EJIL) researchers will be able to address these questions by gaining hands-on experience in a leading law journal, meanwhile shaping the production of international legal knowledge. Researchers will also be formally recognized by EJIL for their contributions to the editorial process.
The seminar is open to all researchers interested in public international law and allied fields of enquiry.

Apart from the first meeting, all meetings will consist of two parts, one which repeats every session (screening and peer review), and the second in which we address a topic specific to that session, typically intended to contribute to the researchers’ own research and writing. All participants will write a screening or peer review report for each session, which they will receive written feedback on and be invited to discuss during the session. The relevant reading material will be distributed at least two weeks before the meeting. 

The following three requirements apply to each seminar:
a)    Attendance
b)    Writing of a screening report and/or peer review report
c)    Seminar specific assignment (often related to researcher’s own research)

**Please note that this is a year-long seminar (1st, 2nd and 3rd terms)

First, Second & Third Term: registration from 25 to 28 September

Register for this course

Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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