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Florence School of Transnational Governance

Policy Leader Fellowship - Candidates affected by the war in Ukraine

Programme Start Date





Palazzo Buontalenti

The call is now closed. The available fellowship positions have been filled.

Programme Description

Call for applications

Policy Leader Fellowships for early and mid-career policy practitioners affected by the war in Ukraine.

The School of Transnational Governance (STG) at the European University Institute (EUI) welcomes applications for up to three fellowships for professionals of any nationality who are directly affected by the war in Ukraine. We consider applications from candidates who live in Ukraine, have been displaced or cannot return to Ukraine because of the war, or who are directly affected for other reasons that can be specified in the application.

The Policy Leader Fellowship is a global programme for early and mid-career policy practitioners from around the world to enhance their work and professional skills, whilst participating in workshops, trainings, skills development sessions, conferences and other events. In addition, they get the chance to interact with other fellows, policy-makers and the academic community at the EUI.

The fellowships last for five (fixed term in the first or second semester) or ten months (fixed term from September to the end of June). The candidates can indicate their preference when applying, but once selected for a specific start date and period, no changes or extensions can be granted.

The fellowship can start immediately and by 1 September 2022 at the latest. The fellowship will last for a maximum of 10 months ending on 30 June 2023 at the latest.

The call is now closed. The available fellowship positions have been filled.

Fellows who come to Florence for five months give a presentation of their work in progress to the School of Transnational Governance (STG) community and later to a broader policy audience; produce at least one publication; may contribute to the School’s training programme, and engage in EUI seminars and workshops with other stakeholders. Fellows who stay for the whole academic year are expected to work on major transnational projects with the potential of breakthrough, having a substantial ‘multiplier’ effect in the given policy field, often in collaboration with other organisations.

To view the current STG focus areas, programmes and initiatives, please follow this link (Topics, Programmes & Initiatives at the School of Transnational Governance (

We welcome applications from anywhere in the world, regardless of nationality. EU citizenship is not required. There is no age limit. For further selection criteria, please see the selection procedure section.

In order to fund the fellowships, the EUI is currently seeking dedicated funding opportunities to be made available to candidates of any nationality who are directly affected by the war in Ukraine.

Meet our current Policy Leader Fellows.

  • Policy-Leader-Fellows-Talks_Programme
  • January 2022
  • EN ( 136599 KB - pdf)
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