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Research Outputs

As R4R Europe Hub, the STG supports the Commission by gathering evidence and research.

As Europe Hub, the STG supports the R4R Commission by gathering evidence and research to inform the reform for resilience agenda and prepare policy recommendations. The R4R Commission aims to:

  • identify key drivers of ‘health resilience',
  • make specific policy recommendations to enhance the institutional commitment to global health resilience as key to healthier growth,
  • develop a health resilience model and index to help drive cultural and policy changes.

R4R Interim Reports and STG Resilience Papers

Based on input from the STG and other academic partners, the Commission has published the Interim Progress Report and the Research Report in June 2021. The final Report is due in December 2021. In May 2021, STG submitted 9 papers written by 13 authors to the Commission ('STG Resilience Papers').

  1. Hanspach, P., 2021. Improving Health Resilience Through Better Procurement of Medical Supplies: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  2. Huckel Schneider, C., 2021. Macro-health system governance and the UHC agenda: Key learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Innerarity, D., 2021. The Data-Driven Pandemic: A New Conceptualization of the Data Society.
  4. Levine, D., 2021. Data, Social Sciences, and Health Resilience.
  5. Pisacane, L., Tagliacozzo, S., Corrado, A., Conti, M., 2021. Mainstreaming Food Systems Resilience into Health Resilience.
  6. Popic, T., and Moise, A., 2021. Health System Resilience in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Gap Between Eastern and Western Europe
  7. Renda, A., 2021. Walking the Post-Pandemic Talk: How to Incorporate Resilience in Better Regulation Systems.
  8. Scheinin, M., 2021. Health Resilience Requires Rigorous Human Rights Assessment Martin.
  9. Šehović, A., 2021. Resilience: Health Security Beyond Borders.

The STG continues to invite researchers from the EUI community and beyond to insert their ongoing COVID-related research into the Commission’s workstreams and to contribute to an evidence-based post-COVID reform agenda. In particular, the STG focuses on five key themes:

  1. Future Health Resilience Governance and Policy: Global and European Institutions, Strategy and Investments
  2. Population Health: differential population susceptibility and impact of COVID-19 across Europe
  3. The Role of Business in health resilience: startups and multinationals4. Digital and Data: shared data, infodemics and misinformation5. Healthy Growth and Resilience: measurement, metrics and indicators

STG Extended Call for Evidence

R4R Call for Research and Policy Papers

Page last updated on 08/04/2024

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