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State regulation of Islam and violent radicalisation in the MENA region • European University Institute
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State regulation of Islam and violent radicalisation in the MENA region

The renegotiation of state-religious relations between political regimes and religious institutions

Add to calendar 2022-05-31 09:00 2022-05-31 18:00 Europe/Rome State regulation of Islam and violent radicalisation in the MENA region Sala Belvedere Villa Schifanoia YYYY-MM-DD


31 May 2022

9:00 - 18:00 CEST


Sala Belvedere

Villa Schifanoia

This workshop explores the evolution of the relations between politics and religion with a focus on Sunni Islam in Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia since 2014.

Facing an increasingly fluid and violent religious sphere beginning in 2013, governments throughout the MENA region strengthened their control over official Islamic institutions. This nationalization of Islam, although not a new phenomenon itself, involved new regulations that sought to expand state authority in the religious sphere and to co-opt religious personnel. However, such a tight state control over religious institutions may be counterproductive, as it might cause religious actors to lose legitimacy, hence offering opportunities for radical voices to gain influence. Since 2014, the Ulama have found themselves facing a double challenge, from a radical religious competitor (Daesh), and from the regimes’ attempts to assert control over religious institutions. 

This workshop explores the renegotiation of state-religious relations between both political regimes and religious institutions with a focus on Sunni Islam in Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia since 2014. It seeks to answer a number of questions including:

- How do religious institutions respond to political attempts at nationalization of Islam, that is, efforts by the state to control them and their legitimacy before their followers?

- What factors determine how the Ulama — the Muslim clergy — balance political pressures and their congregation’s expectations?


Valentina Gorgoni

Scientific Organiser(s):

Georges Fahmi (European University Institute)

Tine Gade (Senior Research Fellow at NUPI)


Georges Fahmi (European University Institute)

Olivier Roy (EUI)

Tine Gade (Senior Research Fellow at NUPI)

Meriem El-Haitami (Columbia University)

Mohammad Mesbah (MIPA)

Prof. Heba Raouf (Ibn Haldun University)

Patrick Haenni (European University Institute and Humanitarian Dialogue)

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