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E-Justice ODR Scheme final conference

Online Dispute Resolution tools to make justice more accessible

Add to calendar 2024-01-29 14:30 2024-01-30 12:45 Europe/Rome E-Justice ODR Scheme final conference Sala del Capitolo Badia Fiesolana YYYY-MM-DD


Mon 29 Jan 2024 14.30 - 18.30

Tue 30 Jan 2024 09.30 - 12.45


Sala del Capitolo

Badia Fiesolana

Join this two-day conference will focus on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) procedures as a digital tool to facilitate access to justice for people, especially vulnerable ones.

E-Justice ODR Scheme project of the Centre for Judicial Cooperation aimed at drafting an open specification which is necessary to start developing open e-justice platforms for different purposes in multiple countries which will be able to communicate with each other and exchange data and documents including in relation to the cross-border cases. This Open specification will be freely available to those who will design, develop and manage future easily interconnectable multi-lingual e-justice systems.

This event will present the final results of the project, presenting the different facets that compose the open specifications. The event will also be the occasion for discussing the further avenues of research that may emerge considering the new legislative proposal on ODR package, as well as the use of AI in the delivery of justice. 

Registration will open soon.

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