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Department of Economics

EUI Economics Department gears up for 2023-24 Job Market Season

The EUI Economics Department is gearing up for a promising academic year, as its PhD candidates prepare to enter the job market. With a history of academic excellence, the department is set to make its mark on the global research and academic landscape.

26 October 2023

Villa la fonte from behind

The European University Institute's (EUI) Economics Department is eagerly anticipating the commencement of the academic year 2023-24, as it prepares to launch a new cohort of PhD candidates into the job market. With a distinguished history of producing accomplished economists and researchers, the department is well-positioned to leave a lasting impact on the global academic and research landscape.

For most PhD candidates, the fifth year of their doctoral journey signifies a pivotal phase as they enter the job market, all while diligently concluding their doctoral theses. These candidates, under the guidance of the department, rigorously adhere to structured procedures and timelines, ensuring a seamless transition into the academic and research profession.

Graduates of the department have found homes in esteemed European universities, international organisations, and central banks. Noteworthy destinations encompass the University of Oxford, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB), World Bank, European Commission, Banca d'Italia, Bundesbank, Bank of England, and Banco de España, among others.

The current academic year sees the Economics Department proudly presenting an outstanding group of PhD candidates and recent PhD graduates who are poised to captivate the international job market. Their diverse expertise, pioneering research endeavours, and profound commitment to advancing economic knowledge showcase the department's dedication to scholarly excellence.

As the 2023-24 academic year unfolds, the Department of Economics' job market candidates are fully prepared to leave their indelible mark, further cementing the legacy of excellence in economic research and academia.

Find more information and updates on the Department of Economics' job market candidates here.

Last update: 27 October 2023

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