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Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

'The euro is not what we expected it to be': Launch of the 'EMU Lab'

A laboratory on the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU): the first 2024 event at the Robert Schuman Centre was the launch of the newly established 'EMU Lab', which aimed to look back at the EMU's accomplishments as well as ahead to the remaining challenges.

10 January 2024 | Policy dialogue - Research

EMU Lab launch event, 9 January 202

The Euro area has proved resilient to major crises and continued to expand, but it has only partly delivered on the expectations of its founders.

The first EMU Lab session took place on 9 January in Florence and gathered high level experts to re-visit the history of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), look at promising and false starts, missed opportunities as well as remarkable achievements, with a view to identifying the remaining challenges.

The core objective of the EMU Lab is to re-think the EMU’s architecture in today's Europe and the global economy. Our aim is to identify avenues for research and policy innovation that could foster the advancement of the EMU's stability and fairness and enhance the resilience of the European economy and society.

The EMU Lab is a joint project of Marco Buti, holder of the Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair and Giancarlo Corsetti, holder of the Pierre Werner Chair.

The recording of this launch event is available below.

EMU Lab launch event, 9 January 2024

Launch event of the EMU Lab - 9 January 2024

Last update: 24 June 2024

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