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Portrait picture of Arnulf Becker Lorca

Arnulf Becker Lorca

Full-time Professor

Department of Law

Co-Director of the Academy of European Law

Academy of European Law

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4685 888


Villa Salviati- Manica, SAMN223

Administrative contact

Pietro Masini

Working languages

Spanish, English, Italian, German

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Arnulf Becker Lorca

Full-time Professor

Department of Law

Co-Director of the Academy of European Law

Academy of European Law


Arnulf Becker Lorca is Chair in Public International Law at the European University Institute in Florence and visiting Professor at Harvard Law School. He has taught at King’s College London, Brown University, University of Helsinki and Amherst College, and received his doctoral degree from Harvard Law School.

His research examines the intellectual history of international law from the perspective of the Global South. His book, ‘Mestizo International Law’ published by Cambridge University Press, was the winner of the 2016 Book Prize of the European Society of International Law.

He is currently working on the Spanish/Amerindian encounter, exploring the appropriation of the law of peoples by Inca intellectuals. In relation to contemporary international law, he works on international lawyers’ legal strategies to obtain North/South redistribution. And having worked as a legal adviser to the Chilean Constitutional Convention, his research explores the constitutional law traditions of the Global South.

Recent research output

  • BECKER LORCA, Arnulf Arturo Joachim (2024), Using history in Latin America, Contribution to book
  • KREVER, Tor; VELIČKOVIĆ, Marina; MEGRET, Frédéric; ENGLE, Karen; NI AOLAINKNOX, Fionnuala Robert; HAMMOURI, Shahd; QUIGLEY, John; JABER, Nora; RIGNEY, Sophie; KENDALL, Sara; DA SILVA, Clare; SCHWÖBEL-PATEL, Christine; SAMOUR, Nahed; BURGIS-KASTHALA, Michelle; TEITEL, Ruti G.; KORHONEN, Outi; BOWRING, Bill; ALLEN, Lori A.; CHANDLER, David; NESIAH, Vasuki; PAPPÉ, Ilan; FAKHRI, Michael; MILLER, Zinaida; DRUMBL, Mark A.; SAYED, Hani; TZOUVALA, Ntina; JOYCE, Daniel; DOUZINAS, Costas; EDELBI, Souheir; HOFFMANN, Florian F.; JALLAD, Zeina; BECKER LORCA, Arnulf Arturo Joachim; HAJYAHIA, Alaa; KOLABHAI, Reshard L.; ALMEIDA CRAVO, Teresa; CHIAM, Madelaine; QUINTANA, Francisco Jose; BETANCUR-RESTREPO, Laura; FERNANDES CARVALHO, Fabia; KULAMADAYIL, Lys; LI, Darryl; REYNOLDS, John; SAYED, Abdelghany; ESLAVA, Luis; WHYTE, Jessica; CLARK, Martin; CLEMENTS, Richard; GEVERS, Christopher; SHALBAK, Ihab; URIBURU, Justina; ÖZSU, Umut; HERNÁNDEZ, Gleider; TALLGREN, Immi (2024), On international law and Gaza : critical reflections, Article
  • BECKER LORCA, Arnulf Arturo Joachim (2023), After TWAIL’s Success, what next? : afterword to the foreword by Antony Anghie, Article
  • BECKER LORCA, Arnulf Arturo Joachim; ALVEZ MARIN, Amaya (2024), Turning international law against indigenous peoples, Working Paper
  • BECKER LORCA, Arnulf Arturo Joachim (2024), A racist international law : domination and resistance in the Americas of the 19th century, Working Paper

Additional information


  • Book
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf
    "Mestizo International Law: A Global Intellectual History, 1842-1933"
    Citation details: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law; 115
    ISBN: 9781139015424 -- DOI: 10.1017/CBO9781139015424
    Version information: Print book/eBook

Book Chapters

  • Book Chapters
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf
    Using History in Latin America’, in R. Lesaffer and A. Peters (eds.)
    The Cambridge History of International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (The Cambridge History of International Law), pp. 378–427
    Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2024
  • Book Chapter 1.
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf
    "The Legal Mechanics of Spanish Conquest: War and Peace in Early Colonial Peru"
    Citation details: Lothar Brock and Hendrik Simon (eds), The Justification of War and International Order: From Past to Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021, The History and Theory of International Law, pp. 81-106
    ISBN: 9781108767651 -- DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198865308.003.0005.

  • Book Chapter 2.
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf
    "Universal and European: cultural diversity in international law"
    Citation details: Christian REUS-SMIT and Andrew PHILLIPS (eds), Cultural Diversity and International Order, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020

  • Book Chapter 3.
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf
    "Eurocentrism in the History of International Law"
    Citation details: Bardo FASSBENDER, Anne PETERS and Daniel HÖGGER (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012
    ISBN: 9780198725220

  • Book Chapter 4.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf
    "Direito Internacional na América Latina ou Direito Internacional Latino-Americano? Ascensão, queda e recuperação de uma tradição de pensamento jurídico e de imaginação polític"
    Citation details: Badin, Michelle Ratton Sanchez, Brito, Adriane Sanctis de Ventura, Deisy de Freitas Lima (eds), Direito Global E Suas Alternativas Metodológicas: Primeiros Passos, São Paulo: FGV São Paulo, 2014, pp. 31-67
    ISBN: 978-85-64678-27-9 -- DOI:


  • Article 1.
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf
    "Contesting Global Justice from the South: redistribution in the international order"
    Journal details: International Affairs, 2023, Vol. 99, No. 1, pp. 41-60
    DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiac315 -- ISSN: 0020-5850; 1468-2346

  • Article 2.
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf; GANDHI, Ankita; GANGWAR, Shivangi
    "Decolonising the understanding of constitutional developments in Chile: A conversation with Arnulf Becker Lorca"
    Journal details: Jindal Global Law Review, 2023, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 165-185
    DOI: 10.1007/s41020-023-00201-3 -- ISSN: 0975-2498

  • Article 3.
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf
    "The Law of Nations: neither ‘might makes right’ nor ‘unqualified human good"
    "Journal details: Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 2020, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 298-303
    DOI: 10.1080/09557571.2020.1735880

  • Article 4.
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf; MARIN, Alvez
    "La Consulta Indígena en Chile ¿Derecho de participación o de libre determinación?"
    Journal details: Estudios Sociales, 2020, Vol. 59, pp. 89-111
    DOI: 10.14409/es.v59i2.8918

  • Article 5.
    Author(s): BECKER LORCA, Arnulf
    "Human rights in international law? the forgotten origins of human rights in Latin America"
    Journal details: University of Toronto Law Journal, 2017, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp. 465-495
    DOI: 10.3138/utlj.67.8

  • Article 6.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf; Alvez Marin, Amaya
    "Pueblos Originarios y la práctica del Derecho Internacional en Chile: nuevos horizontes ante el debilitamiento de los legados del autoritarismo"
    Journal details: Revista Derecho de Estado, Universidad del Externado de Colombia, 2017, Vol. 39, pp. 21-52
    DOI: 10.18601/01229893.n39.03 -- ISSN: 0122-9893

  • Article 7.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf
    "Global history as an antidote to Eurocentrism, but an antidote with side effects: a response to Professors Jean-Louis Halpérin and Douglas Howland"
    Journal details: Monde(s) Revue d’histoire, 2015, Vol. 1, N. 7 pp. 183-187
    DOI: 10.3917/mond1.151.0173-- ISSN: 2261-6268

  • Article 8.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf
    "Petitioning the international: a prehistory of self-determination"
    Journal details: European Journal of International Law, 2014, Vol. 25, N. 2 pp. 497-523
    DOI: 10.1093/ejil/chu033 -- ISSN: 0938-5428

  • Article 9.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf
    "Rules for the Global War on Terror: Implying Consent and Implicit Rules for Intervention"
    Journal details: NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, 2012, Vol. 45, N. 1 pp. 1-95
    DOI: Print. -- ISSN: 0028-7873

  • Article 10.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf
    "Sovereignty Beyond the West: the end of Classical International Law"
    Journal details: Journal of the History of International Law, 2011, Vol. 13, N. 1 pp. 7-73
    DOI: 10.1163/157180511X552045 -- ISSN: 1388-199X

  • Article 11.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf
    "Universal International Law: Histories of Imposition and Appropriation. 1850s-1900s"
    Journal details: Harvard International Law Journal, 2010, Vol. 51 N. 2, pp. 475-552
    DOI: Print. -- ISSN: 0017-8063

  • Article 12.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf
    "Alejandro Alvarez Situated: Subaltern Modernities and Modernisms that Subvert"
    Journal details: Leiden Journal of International Law, 2006, Vol. 19 N.4, pp. 879-930
    DOI: 10.1017/S0922156506003694 -- ISSN: 0922-1565

  • Article 13.
    Author(s): Becker Lorca, Arnulf
    "International Law in Latin America or Latin American International Law? Rise, Fall and Retrieval of a Tradition of Legal Thinking and Political Imagination"
    Journal details: Harvard International Law Journal, 2006, Vol. 47, N.1, pp. 283-305
    DOI: Print. -- ISSN: 0017-8063
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