Full-time Professor
Department of Law
Co-Director of the Academy of European Law
Academy of European Law
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[email protected]
[+39] 055 4685 888
Villa Salviati- Manica, SAMN223
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Pietro Masini
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Arnulf Becker Lorca is Chair in Public International Law at the European University Institute in Florence and visiting Professor at Harvard Law School. He has taught at King’s College London, Brown University, University of Helsinki and Amherst College, and received his doctoral degree from Harvard Law School.His research examines the intellectual history of international law from the perspective of the Global South. His book, ‘Mestizo International Law’ published by Cambridge University Press, was the winner of the 2016 Book Prize of the European Society of International Law.He is currently working on the Spanish/Amerindian encounter, exploring the appropriation of the law of peoples by Inca intellectuals. In relation to contemporary international law, he works on international lawyers’ legal strategies to obtain North/South redistribution. And having worked as a legal adviser to the Chilean Constitutional Convention, his research explores the constitutional law traditions of the Global South.
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