Full-time Professor
Department of Economics
Dean of Research
Office of the Dean of Research
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[email protected]
[+39] 055 4685 952
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Villa La Fonte, VF041
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Cécile Briere
Serena Belligoli
Working languages
Italian, English
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Giacomo Calzolari (Ph.D., University of Toulouse) joined the Institute in September 2018 from the University of Bologna. He is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and has an extensive publication record in top-tier economics and finance journals. His research has earned him several international awards. He serves as Editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization and European Economy - Banks and Regulation and has edited Labour: Review of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations.He advises multiple national agencies on antitrust and competition policy and is a member of the Advisory Group on Competition Policy for the European Commission. Prof. Calzolari has advised the European Parliament on artificial intelligence and financial markets. His current research focuses on artificial intelligence, competition policy, industrial organization, regulation, banking regulation and supervision, and the economics of incentives.Professor Calzolari's research has pioneered the analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence in markets and competition.