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Portrait picture of Niccolò Galli

Niccolò Galli

Research Associate

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4685 781


Villa Malafrasca, VM004

Working languages

Italian, English

Niccolò Galli

Research Associate

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies


Niccolò Galli is a Research Associate at the European University Institute, Centre for a Digital Society and Contract Professor of IP and Competition Law at the University of Florence.

Previously, he was a scholarship holder at the technology transfer offices of the University of Florence and the Tuscan Region. Between 2017-2020, Niccolò was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early-Stage Researcher within the EIPIN – Innovation Society European Joint Doctorate and PhD Candidate at Max-Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich.

In 2023, he defended his PhD thesis titled "Patent Aggregation, Innovation and EU Competition Law" before Augsburg University and Maastricht University, obtaining the highest academic distinctions. His thesis won the 2024 Jacques Lassier prize from the International League of Competition Law and the Licensing Executive Society - Italian Chapter's 2024 award for the best research on intellectual property.

In addition, he holds a second level master’s degree in "Internet Ecosystem" from the University of Pisa, with a first-class dissertation on credit data in the European Union, and a law degree summa cum laude from the University of Florence, with a dissertation on standard-essential patents and competition law that won the 2016 Elena Messina Dissertation Prize. His research interests range from the intersections between innovation, antitrust and intellectual property law, to policymaking and regulation for the ICT sector.

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