Research project Equality Law in Europe What are the legal avenues for making a claim to equal treatment in Europe in the 2000s? This project offers researchers and the general public tools and ideas for using and analysing equality law. The open-access database of CJEU discrimination cases between 1970 and 2018 is the first of its kind. Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email Visit the dedicated Project Website → This project was established in 2016 with the aim of putting forward a research agenda for the new generation of Equality Law in Europe. The project seeks to give researchers and the general public insights, tools and ideas about how to analyse and concretely use contemporary equality law. The project team has constructed a comprehensive open access database of CJEU discrimination cases from 1970 – 2018, which is the first of its kind. The database is intended to be a resource that facilitates and inspires research in the field of equality law. Photos: Detail of street art (Paris, 2018) and sculpture of Themis (photos by Hanna Ecklund and public domain). The team Group members Jeffrey Miller Associate Professor, Gallaudet University, Washington DC; Research Associate, Academy of European Law The Court of Justice in the Archives