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Research project

ITFLOWS - IT tools and methods for managing migration flows

In order to deal with migration flows in Europe in an optimal way, the EU-funded ITFLOWS project aims to predict and manage migration flows via the creation of an evidence-based information and communication technology-enabled solution, the so-called EUMigraTool.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 882986.

The EUMigraTool will ease the reception, relocation, settlement and integration of migrants. Intended to be used mainly by first-line practitioners, second-level reception organisations and municipalities, it will also help to predict migration flows and identify the potential risks of tensions between migrants and EU citizens.

Ultimately, the project will formulate recommendations and good practices for the attention of policy makers, governments and EU institutions.

The team

Group members

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