Research project The interaction between family’s social class and genetic predisposition to education on educational outcomes with different levels of selectivity Using within-sibship GWAS polygenic index to improve estimates of direct genetic effects Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email This project has received funding via the EUI ESR call 2022, dedicated to Early Stage Researchers. A growing body of promising research investigates whether the opportunity to realize the genetic endowment for education varies by parents’ socioeconomic status (SES). However, previous evidence on this interaction is mixed. To understand this inconsistency, we combine social stratification literature and behavioral genetics research. Using genetic and social data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to AdultHealth (Add Health), we find that inconsistency in previous studies is due to the type of outcome investigated: high-SES parents compensate (boost) for low (high) genetic endowment for education when the educational outcome is easier (more difficult) to achieve.