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Economics Departmental Library

  • The Economics Departmental Library is located on the second floor of Villa La Fonte (VF-035)
  • Shelfmarks of books and software manuals are indicated in the right column below
  • eBook versions are accessible via the blue links in the second column (EUI members only)
  • Departmental books and manuals may only be consulted in the Villa La Fonte complex
  • 30-day loan copies of all titles are available for delivery from the main Library to the Department
  • To suggest books, ebooks and data manuals for acquisition, write to Thomas Bourke at [email protected]


Author / Editor Title  (eBooks in blue) Imprint Copy ID number Shelfmark
Daron Acemoglu

Introduction to Modern Economic Growth Princeton University Press © 2009 30001004728418
339.5 ACE
Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy Cambridge University Press © 2006 30001004989051 321.8 ACE
Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson

Why Nations Fail: the origins of power, prosperity and poverty Crown Publishers © 2012 30001006309878 338.9 ACE
Jérôme Adda and Russell Cooper Dynamic Economics: quantitative methods and applications MIT Press © 2003 30001005008919
330.015195 ADD
Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt The Economics of Growth MIT Press © 2009 30001004930527 338.9 AGH
Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt Endogenous Growth Theory MIT Press © 1998 30001004136307
338.9 AGH
Alan Agresti Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences Pearson, 5th ed. © 2018  30001007425541 519.5 AGR
George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller Animal Spirits: how human psychology drives the economy Princeton University Press © 2009 30001005143740 330.122019 AKE
Alberto Alesina and Andrea Ichino L'Italia Fatta in Casa: indagine sulla vera ricchezza degli italiani Mondadori © 2009 30001005099678 330.945092 ALE

Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti and Giancarlo Corsetti (eds)

Life in the Eurozone with or without Sovereign Default? FIC Press, Wharton © 2011 30001006155008 332.494 ALL

Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti and Joanna Gray (eds)

The New Financial Architecture in the Eurozone EUI / Imperial College © 2015 30001007131891 332.494 ALL

Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti and Joanna Gray (eds)

Bearing the Losses from Bank and Sovereign Default in the Eurozone FIC Press, Wharton © 2014 30001007075239 332.494 ALL
Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti and Joanna Gray (eds)

Political, Fiscal and Banking Union in the Eurozone? FIC Press, Wharton © 2013 30001006434544 332.494 ALL
Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Joanna Gray and Mitu Gulati (eds) The Changing Geography of Finance and Regulation in Europe FIC Press, Wharton © 2017 30001007179908 332.494 ALL
Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti and Mitu Gulati (eds) Institutions and the Crisis EUI, Bocconi, Imperial College © 2018 30001007422447 332.494 ALL
Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti and Saverio Simonelli (eds) Governance for the Eurozone: integration or disintegration? FIC Press, Wharton © 2012 30001006302444 332.494 ALL
Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale

Understanding Financial Crises Oxford University Press © 2007 30001004685139
338.542 ALL
Takeshi Amemiya

Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics Harvard University Press © 1994 30001003573427
519.2 AME
Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke Mastering `Metrics Princeton University Press © 2015 30001007198361
330.015195 ANG
Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke Mostly Harmless Econometrics: an empiricist's companion Princeton University Press © 2009 30001004925873
330.015195 ANG
Dennis R. Appleyard and Alfred J. Field Jr. International Economics McGraw-Hill, 9th ed. © 2017 30001007558903 382 APP
Tom M. Apostol

Mathematical Analysis Addison-Wesley, 2nd ed. © 1974 30001003584010 515 APO
Anthony B. Atkinson and Joseph E. Stiglitz Lectures on Public Economics Princeton University Press © 2015 [with new intro.] 30001007106117 336 ATK
Frank Ayres and Elliott Mendelson Calculus McGraw-Hill [Schaum’s Outlines], 6th ed. © 2013 30001007077821 515 AYR
Costas Azariadis

Intertemporal Macroeconomics Blackwell © 1993 30001004989788
339 AZA
Nathan Balke, Fabio Canova, Fabio Milani and Mark A. Wynne (eds) DSGE Models in Macroeconomics Emerald © 2012 30002006394102 339 CAN
Badi H. Baltagi Econometric Analysis of Panel Data Wiley, 6th ed. © 2021 30001006432969 330.015195 BAL
Badi H. Baltagi Econometrics Springer, 6th ed. © 2021 eBook 330.015195 BAL
Anindya Banerjee, Juan Dolado, J.W. Galbraith and David Hendry Co-integration, Error Correction and the Econometric Analysis of Non-stationary Data Oxford University Press © 1993 30001004126415 330.015195 BAN
Robert J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin

Economic Growth MIT Press, 2nd ed. © 2004 30001004182780
339.5 BAR
Gary S. Becker Human Capital: a theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education University of Chicago Press, 3rd ed. © 1993 30001004248714
331.012 BEC
Paul Belleflamme and Martin Peitz

Industrial Organization: markets and strategies Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed. © 2015 30001007100458 658.4012 BEL
Ken Binmore

Fun and Games: a text on game theory D.C. Heath © 1992 30001001319161
519.3 BIN
Ken Binmore

Game Theory: a very short introduction Oxford University Press © 2007 30001004885994 519.3 BIN
John Black, Nigar Hashimzade and Gareth Myles Oxford Dictionary of Economics Oxford University Press, 5th ed. © 2017 30001007224696 330.03 BLA
Olivier Blanchard

Macroeconomics Pearson Prentice Hall, 7th ed. © 2017 30001007383481 339 BLA
Olivier Jean Blanchard and Stanley Fischer Lectures on Macroeconomics MIT Press, 2nd ed. © 1989 30001001076506
339 BLA
Joseph K. Blitzstein and Jessica Hwang  Introduction to Probability CRC Press, 2nd ed. © 2019   519.2 BLI
Béla Bollobás Random Graphs Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed. © 2001 30001007217435 511.5 BOL
Patrick Bolton and Mathias Dewatripont Contract Theory MIT Press © 2005 30001004407229
338.5 BOL
Marco Buti and André Sapir (eds) Economic Policy in EMU: a study Clarendon Press, Oxford © 1998 30001003621184 332.494 BUT
Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo and André Zylberberg Labor Economics MIT Press, 2nd ed. © 2014 30001007049960 331 CAH
A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi Microeconometrics: methods and applications Cambridge University Press © 2005 30001005008554
330.0182 CAM
John Y. Campbell Financial Decisions and Markets Princeton University Press © 2018 30001007372183 332.632 CAM
John Y. Campbell, Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig MacKinlay The Econometrics of Financial Markets Princeton University Press © 1997 30001004006237 332.015195 CAM
Fabio Canova

Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research Princeton University Press © 2007 30001004755056
339 CAN
Marek Capinski and Ekkehard Kopp Measure, Integral and Probability Springer, 2nd ed. © 2004 30001004436673 515.42 CAP
George Casella and Roger L. Berger Statistical Inference Cengage/CRC Press, 2nd ed. © 2024 30001005114741
519.5 CAS
Edouard Challe Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Policies MIT Press © 2019 30001007559018 339 CHA
Varanya Chaubey The Little Book of Research Writing: the structural challenge of communicating knowledge and a method to meet it CreateSpace, 2nd ed. © 2018 30001007630975
808.042 CHA
Alpha C. Chiang Elements of Dynamic Optimization McGraw-Hill © 1992 30001004284438
330.0151 CHI
Alpha C. Chiang and Kevin Wainwright Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics McGraw-Hill, 4th ed. © 2005 30001007009162 330.0151 CHI
Garret Christensen et al Transparent and Reproducible Social Science Research University of California Press © 2019 30001007285648 001.42 CHR
Fan R. K. Chung Spectral Graph Theory CBMS © 1997 30001007221932 511.5 CHU
John H. Cochrane

Asset Pricing Princeton University Press, rev. ed. © 2005 30001004939650
332.6 COC
Thomas F. Cooley (ed)

Frontiers of Business Cycle Research Princeton University Press © 1995 30001004343366 338.542 COO
Russell W. Cooper

Coordination Games: complementarities and macroeconomics Cambridge University Press © 1999 30001005021268 339.015118 COO
Dean Corbae, Maxwell B. Stinchcombe and Juraj Zeman An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis for Economic Theory and Econometrics Princeton University Press © 2009 30001006261558 330.015195 COR
Stella Cottrell The Exam Skills Handbook Palgrave, 2nd ed. 2012 30001006455556 808.066 COT
James Davidson An Introduction to Econometric Theory Wiley, 2018 30001007416562 330.015195 DAV
James Davidson

Stochastic Limit Theory: an introduction for econometricians Oxford University Press © 1994 30001004183705
519.2 DAV
Russell Davidson and James G. Mackinnon Econometric Theory and Methods Oxford University Press © 2009 30001007254552 330.015195 DAV
Paul de Grauwe Economics of Monetary Union Oxford University Press, 12th ed. © 2018 30001007401894 332.45094 GRA
David N. DeJong and Chetan Dave Structural Macroeconometrics Princeton University Press, 2nd ed. © 2011 30001006192712 339.015195 DEJ
David de la Croix and Philippe Michel

A Theory of Economic Growth: dynamics and policy in overlapping generations Cambridge University Press © 2002 30001004837375
339 LAC
Angel de la Fuente Mathematical Methods and Models for Economists Cambridge University Press © 2000 30001004301968
330.0151 FUE
Angus Deaton

Understanding Consumption Oxford University Press © 1992 30001004089050
339.47 DEA
Gerard Debreu Theory of Value: an axiomatic analysis of economic equilibrium Yale University Press © 1987 30001004182681 330.157 DEB
Avinash K. Dixit and Robert S. Pindyck Investment Under Uncertainty Princeton University Press © 1994 30001007062856 658.1527 DIX
J. L. Doob Stochastic Processes Wiley © 1990 30001001297540 519.2 DOO
Arnaud Doucet, Nando de Freitas and Neil Gordon (eds) Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice Springer © 2001 30001007009121 519.282 DOU
Christopher Dougherty Introduction to Econometrics Oxford University Press, 5th  ed. © 2016 30001007283445 330.015195 DOU
Allan Drazen

Political Economy in Macroeconomics Princeton University Press © 2000 30001003864271 339 DRA
The Economist Style Guide The Economist Books, 12th ed. © 2018 30001007403794 808.02 ECO
George W. Evans and Seppo Honkapohja Learning and Expectations in Macroeconomics Princeton University Press © 2001 30001004937175 339 EVA
Glenn Firebaugh Seven Rules for Social Research Princeton University Press © 2008 30001007083225 300.72 FIR
James Franklin and Albert Daoud Introduction to Proofs in Mathematics Prentice Hall © 1988 30001004374957 511.3 FRA
Philip Hans Franses and Dick van Dijk Non-linear Time Series Models in Empirical Finance Cambridge University Press © 2000 30001005107323
332.0151955 FRA
Xavier Freixas and Jean-Charles Rochet Microeconomics of Banking MIT Press, 3rd ed. © 2023 30001007646286 332.1 FRE
Daniel Friedman and Shyam Sunder Experimental Methods: a primer for economists Cambridge University Press © 1994 30001006456174 330.018 FRI
Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole

Game Theory MIT Press © 1991 30001003431360
519.3 FUD
Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine The Theory of Learning in Games MIT Press © 1998 30001003613397
519.3 FUD
Jordi Galí

Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle Princeton University Press, 2nd ed. © 2015


339.53 GAL
Barbara Gastel and Robert A. Day How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper

Cambridge University Press, 8th ed. © 2017

30001007350178 808.0665021 GAS
Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill

Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel / Hierarchical Models Cambridge University Press © 2007 30001007208400 519.536 GEL
Alan S. Gerber and Donald P. Green Field Experiments: design, analysis and interpretation W.W. Norton & Co. © 2012 30001007546668 001.434 GER
Robert Gibbons A Primer in Game Theory F.T. / Prentice Hall © 1992 30001003985837
519.3 GIB
Robert Gibbons and John Roberts (eds) The Handbook of Organizational Economics Princeton University Press © 2013 30001007525290 338.5 GIB
Christian Gouriéroux and Alain Monfort Simulation-Based Econometric Methods Oxford University Press © 1996 30001004434447 330.015195 GOU
Arthur S. Goldberger A Course in Econometrics Harvard University Press © 1991 30001004181121
330.0182 GOL
Christian Gouriéroux and Alain Monfort Time Series and Dynamic Models Cambridge University Press © 1997 30001002610063 519.232 GOU
Sanjeev Goyal Connections: an introduction to the economics of networks Princeton University Press © 2007 30001005065158 330.0151 GOY
William H. Greene Econometric Analysis Pearson Addison Wesley, 8th ed. © 2018 30001007383801
330.015195 GRE
Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy MIT Press © 1997 30001001321084 338.06 GRO
Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman Special Interest Politics MIT Press © 2001 30001004928166 322 GRO
Luigi Guiso, Michael Haliassos and Tullio Jappelli Household Portfolios MIT Press © 2002 30001004926269 332.6 GUI
Damodar N. Gujarati and Dawn C. Porter Basic Econometrics McGraw-Hill Irwin, 5th ed. © 2009 30001004691624 330.015195 GUJ
James D. Hamilton

Time Series Analysis Princeton University Press © 1994


519.232 HAM
Lars Peter Hansen and Thomas J. Sargent et al Rational Expectations Econometrics Westview Press © 1991 30001001330408 330.0182 HAN
Harvey, Andrew C. Time Series Models Harvester Wheatsheaf, 2nd ed. © 1993 30001001460874
519.232 HAR
Nigar Hashimzade

Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Macroeconomics Edward Elgar © 2013 30001006432795 339 HAS
Fumio Hayashi Econometrics Princeton University Press © 2000


330.015195 HAY
Ben J. Heijdra Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. © 2017 30001007346960 339 HEI
David F. Hendry Dynamic Econometrics Oxford University Press © 1995 30001004089142
330.0182 HEN
David F. Hendry and Bent Nielsen Econometric Modeling: a likelihood approach Princeton University Press © 2007 30001004905115 330.015195 HEN
Albert O. Hirschman Exit, Voice and Loyalty: responses to decline in firms, organizations, and states Harvard University Press © 1970 30001003986652 301.1832 HIR
Robert V. Hogg, Joseph  McKean and Allen T. Craig Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Pearson, 8th ed. © 2019 30001007439412 519.5 HOG
Robert V. Hogg, Elliot A. Tanis and Dale L. Zimmerman Probability and Statistical Inference  Pearson, 10th ed. © 2018 30001007487582 519.5 HOG
Cheng Hsiao Analysis of Panel Data Cambridge University Press, 4th ed. © 2022 30001007584032 330.0182 HSI
Andrea Ichino and Daniele Terlizzese

Facoltà di scelta: l'Università salvata dagli studenti Rizzoli © 2013 30001006392999 378 ICH
Kosuke Imai Quantitative Social Science: an introduction Princeton University Press © 2017 30001007418269 300.72 IMA
Matthew O. Jackson Social and Economic Networks Princeton University Press © 2008 30001004926012 302.35 JAC
Harold James

Making the European Monetary Union Belknap Press, Harvard © 2012 30001007062617 332.494 JAM
Alan Jeffrey

Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals Academic Press, 4th ed. © 2008 30001006309241 510.02 JEF
Geoffrey A. Jehle and Philip J. Reny Advanced Microeconomic Theory F.T./Prentice Hall, 3rd ed. © 2011


338.5 JEH
Søren Johansen Likelihood-based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models Oxford University Press © 1995 30001004164994
330.0151 JOH
Jack Johnston and John DiNardo Econometric Methods McGraw-Hill, 4th ed. © 1997 30001004096717
330.0182 JOH
Charles I. Jones and Dietrich Vollrath

Introduction to Economic Growth W.W. Norton, 3rd ed. © 2013 30001007095260 339.5 JON
Kenneth L. Judd Numerical Methods in Economics MIT Press © 1998 30001003645092
330.015195 JUD
Katarina Juselius The Cointegrated VAR Model: methodology and applications Oxford University Press © 2006 30001004816163
330.0151563 JUS
John H. Kagel and Alvin E. Roth (eds) The Handbook of Experimental Economics Princeton University Press © 1995 30001004079036 330.0724 KAG
John H. Kagel and Alvin E. Roth (eds) The Handbook of Experimental Economics, Vol. 2 Princeton University Press © 2015 30001007253877 330.0724 KAG
Morton I. Kamien and Nancy L. Schwartz

Dynamic Optimization: the calculus of variations and optimal control in economics and management North-Holland/Elsevier, 2nd ed. © 1991 30001001421181 515.64 KAM
John L. Kelley General Topology Springer © 1975 30001004442648 515.42 KEL
Peter Kennedy A Guide to Econometrics Blackwell, 6th ed. © 2008 30001004626448
330.015195 KEN
John Maynard Keynes The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Palgrave Macmillan © [2007] 1936 30001004926475 330.156 KEY
Chang-Jin Kim and Charles R. Nelson State-space Models with Regime Switching MIT Press © 1999 30001005063104 330.015118 KIM
David M. Kreps

A Course in Microeconomic Theory Pearson © 1990 30001004256030
338.5 KRE
David M. Kreps Microeconomic Foundations I: Choice and competitive markets Princeton University Press © 2013 30001007121793 338.5 KRE
David M. Kreps Microeconomic Foundations II: Imperfect competition, information and strategic interaction Princeton University Press © 2023 30001007646252 338.5 KRE
Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld and Marc J. Melitz International Economics: theory and policy Pearson Addison-Wesley, 11th ed. © 2018 30001007370046 382.1 KRU
Jean-Jacques Laffont and David Martimort The Theory of Incentives: the principal-agent model Princeton University Press © 2002 30001004096469
330 LAF
Richard J. Larsen and Morris L. Marx

An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and its Applications Pearson, 6th ed. © 2017 30001007377698 519.5 LAR
Jonathan Law et al Oxford Dictionary of Finance and Banking Oxford University Press, 6th ed. © 2018 30001007371706 330.03 LAW
Edward P. Lazear Personnel Economics MIT Press © 1995 30001003986488 658.3 LAZ
Qi Li and Jeffrey S. Racine Nonparametric Econometrics: theory and practice Princeton University Press © 2006 30001004566784
330.0151954 LI
Seymour Lipschutz

3,000 Solved Problems in Linear Algebra McGraw-Hill © 1988 30001006296687 512.5 LIP
Seymour Lipschutz

Theory and Problems of General Topology McGraw-Hill [Schaum’s Outlines] © 1965 30001006141040 515.42 LIP
Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lars Lipson Linear Algebra McGraw-Hill [Schaum’s Outlines], 6th ed. © 2017 30001007381297 515.42 LIP
Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lipson Probability McGraw-Hill [Schaum’s Outlines], 3nd ed. © 2022 30001007632344 515.42 LIP
Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent Recursive Macroeconomic Theory MIT Press, 4th ed. © 2018


339.0151135 LJU
Robert E. Lucas

Lectures on Economic Growth Harvard University Press © 2002 30001004140630 338.9 LUC
Helmut Lütkepohl

Handbook of Matrices Wiley © 1996 30001004371862 512.9434 LUT
Helmut Lütkepohl

New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis Springer © 2006 30001005008711
519.232 LUT
Helmut Lütkepohl and Markus Krätzig

Applied Time Series Econometrics Cambridge University Press © 2004 30001004334365
519.232 LUT
G.S. Maddala Limited-dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics Cambridge University Press © 1983 30001001215070 330.0182 MAD
George J. Mailath Modeling Strategic Behavior World Scientific © 2019 30001007620638 330.015193 MAI
Rodolfo E. Manuelli and Thomas J. Sargent

Exercises in Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory Harvard University Press © 1987 30001004176345
339.0184 MAN
Massimiliano Marcellino Applied Econometrics: an introduction Bocconi University Press © 2018 30001007428056 330.015195 MAR
Ramon Marimon and Andrew Scott (eds) Computational Methods for the Study of Dynamic Economies Oxford University Press © 1999 30001004930113 339.0113 MAR
Nelson C. Mark

International Macroeconomics and Finance: theory and econometric methods Blackwell © 2001 30001004334522 339 MAR
Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston and Jerry R. Green

Microeconomic Theory Oxford University Press © 1995


338.5 MAS
George T. McCandless, Jr. with Neil Wallace

Introduction to Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory: an overlapping generations approach Harvard University Press © 1991 30001001326448 339 MCC
Deirdre N. McCloskey Economical Writing 3rd ed. © 2019 30001007569272 808.06633 MCC
Bert Mendelson

Introduction to Topology Dover, 3rd ed. © 1990 30001004443620 514.7 MEN
Terence C. Mills

Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series Palgrave Macmillan © 2003 30001004460806 338.54 MIL
Ron C. Mittelhammer

Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business Springer, 2nd ed. © 2013 30001006371290 519.5 MIT
Ron C. Mittelhammer, George G. Judge and Douglas J. Miller Econometric Foundations Cambridge University Press © 2000 30001003430651 330.015195 MIT
Alexander M. Mood, Franklin A. Graybill and Duane C. Boes Introduction to the Theory of Statistics McGraw-Hill, 3rd ed. © 1974 30001000970618 519.5 MOO
Massimo Motta

Competition Policy: theory and practice Cambridge University Press © 2004 30001004629467
338.6048 MOT
Roger B. Myerson

Game Theory: analysis of conflict Harvard University Press © 1991 30001001331869 519.3 MYE
Gareth D. Myles

Public Economics Cambridge University Press © 1995 30001004087633 336 MYL
Robert Neugeboren

The Student's Guide to Writing Economics Routledge © 2005 30001004409431 808.06633 NEU
Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff

Foundations of International Macroeconomics MIT Press © 1996 30001003780287
337 OBS
Efe A. Ok Real Analysis with Economic Applications Princeton University Press © 2007 30001006144069 330.151 OK
Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein A Course in Game Theory MIT Press © 1994 30001004137248
519.3 OSB
Elinor Ostrom Governing the Commons Cambridge University Press  © 1990 30001007208376 333.001 OST
Adrian Pagan and Aman Ullah Nonparametric Econometrics Cambridge University Press © 1999 30001003960566 330.015195 PAG
Kerry Patterson An Introduction to Applied Econometrics: a time series approach Macmillan © 2000 30001004399145
330.0151 PAT
Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini

Political Economics: explaining economic policy MIT Press © 2000 30001003416882 338.9 PER
M. Hashem Pesaran Time Series and Panel Data Econometrics Oxford University Press © 2015 30001007564125 330.015195 PES
Thomas Piketty Capital in the Twenty-First Century Belknap Press, Harvard © 2014 30001006494134 332.041 PIK
Thomas Piketty The Economics of Inequality Belknap Press, Harvard © 2015 30001007096268 332.041 PIK
Christopher A. Pissarides Equilibrium Unemployment Theory MIT Press, 2nd ed. © 2000 30001006436143
331.137 PIS
David Pollard

A User's Guide to Measure Theoretic Probability Cambridge University Press © 2002 30001004379154 519.2 POL
Eric Rasmusen

Games and Information: an introduction to game theory Blackwell, 4th ed. © 2007 30001004809036 519.3 RAS
Guillaume Rocheteau and Ed Nosal Money, Payments and Liquidity MIT Press, 2nd ed. © 2017 30001007297148 339.53 ROC
R. Tyrrell Rockafellar Convex Analysis Princeton University Press © 1970 30001004414662 515.7 ROC
David Romer

Advanced Macroeconomics McGraw-Hill, 5th ed. © 2018 30001007425938 339 ROM
Walter Rudin

Principles of Mathematical Analysis McGraw-Hill, 3rd ed. © 1976 30001004441632 515 RUD
Bernard Salanié The Economics of Contracts: a primer MIT Press, 2nd ed. © 2005 30001004767150
338.5 SAL
Larry Samuelson

Evolutionary Games and Equilibrium Selection MIT Press © 1997 30001002770511 519.3 SAM
Martin Sandbu Europe's Orphan: the future of the Euro and the politics of debt Princeton University Press © 2017 30001007141957 332.494
Thomas J. Sargent The Conquest of American Inflation Princeton University Press © 1999 30001007004072 332.410973 SAR
Thomas J. Sargent

Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory Harvard University Press © 1987 30001002296293
339.0184 SAR
Thomas J. Sargent

Macroeconomic Theory Academic Press, 2nd ed. © 1987 30001001018987
339.01 SAR
Thomas C. Schelling Micromotives and Macrobehavior Norton © 2006 30001006384707 301.113 SCH
Carl P. Simon and Lawrence Blume

Mathematics for Economists Norton © 1994 30001004396604
510 SIM
Daniel T. Slesnick Consumption and Social Welfare Cambridge University Press © 2001 30001007388883 339.470973 SLE
Aris Spanos Statistical Foundations of Econometric Modelling Cambridge University Press © 1986 30001001294398
330.0182 SPA
Murray R. Spiegel and Seymour Lipschutz Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables McGraw-Hill, 5th ed. © 2017 30001007379860 510.0212
Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J. Stephens Statistics McGraw-Hill, 6th ed. © 2017 30001007379394 519.5 SPI
James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson Introduction to Econometrics Pearson, 4th ed. © 2019 30001007464424 330.015195 STO
Nancy L. Stokey and Robert E. Lucas Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics Harvard University Press © 1989 30001005008877
330.0151 STO
Knut Sydsaeter, Arne Stroem and Peter Berck Economists' Mathematical Manual Springer, 4th ed. © 2005 30001006148391 330.0182 SYD
William Thomson

A Guide for the Young Economist MIT Press, 2nd ed. © 2011 30001006144176 808.06633 NEU
Jean Tirole

The Theory of Corporate Finance Princeton University Press © 2006 30001004760973
658.15 TIR
Jean Tirole

The Theory of Industrial Organization MIT Press © 1988 30001004089548
338.701 TIR
Kenneth Train

Qualitative Choice Analysis: theory, econometrics MIT Press © 1986 30001004183267 511.65 TRA
Donald J. Treiman Quantitative Data Analysis Jossey-Bass © 2009 30001007208392  300.72 TRE
George Tsebelis Nested Games: rational choice in comparative politics University of California Press © 1990 30001001451436 320.3 TSE

Martín Uribe and Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé

Open Economy Macroeconomics Princeton University Press © 2017 30001007349857
339 URI
Fernando Vega-Redondo Complex Social Networks Cambridge University Press © 2007 30001004896058
302.35 VEG
Fernando Vega-Redondo Economics and the Theory of Games Cambridge University Press © 2003 30001004652121
330.015193 VEG
Hal R. Varian

Intermediate Microeconomics: a modern approach Norton, 9th ed. © 2014 30001007208459 338.5 VAR
Hal R. Varian Microeconomic Analysis Norton, 3rd ed. © 1992 30001004181758
330 VAR
Laura L. Veldkamp

Information Choice in Macroeconoimcs and Finance Princeton University Press © 2011 30001006362935 339.5 VEL
Marno Verbeek A Guide to Modern Econometrics Wiley, 5th ed. © 2017 30001007376450 330.015195 VER
Peter P. Wakker

Prospect Theory for Risk and Ambiguity Cambridge University Press © 2010 30001006446043 338.5 WAK
Carl E. Walsh

Monetary Theory and Policy MIT Press, 4th ed. © 2017 30001007326806
332.46 WAL
Jörgen W. Weibull

Evolutionary Game Theory MIT Press © 1995 30001004089324 519.3 WEI
Halbert White Asymptotic Theory for Econometricians Academic Press, rev. ed. © 2001 30001003431782 330.015195 WHI
Simon N. Wood

Generalized Additive Models: an introduction with R Chapman & Hall / CRC, 2nd ed. © 2017 30001007382662 519.282 WOO
Michael Woodford

Interest and Prices: foundations of a theory of monetary policy Princeton University Press © 2003 30001004140275 332.46 WOO
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data MIT Press, 2nd ed. © 2010 30001005281938
330.015195 WOO
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Introductory Econometrics: a modern approach Cengage, 7th  ed. © 2019 30001007450393 330.015195 WOO
Robert Wrede and Murray R. Spiegel Advanced Calculus McGraw-Hill [Schaum’s Outlines], 3rd ed. © 2010 30001007083167 515 WRE


William E. Griffiths, R. Carter Hill and Guay C. Lim Using EViews for Principles of Econometrics Wiley, 4th ed. © 2012  30001007208467 005.369
Brian Albright and William P. Fox Mathematical Modeling with Excel CRC Press, 2nd ed. © 2020

30001007531892 005.369
Jordan Goldmeier Advanced Excel Essentials Apress Media © 2014 30001007066170 005.369
Roger Laing Microsoft Excel Basics Flame Tree © 2018 30001007408777 005.369
Timothy R. Mayes Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel Cengage, 9th ed. © 2020 30001007530829 005.369
Robert E. McGrath Creating and Verifying Data Sets with Excel Sage © 2015 30001007208384 005.369 
Manisha Nigam Advanced Analytics with Excel BPB Publications © 2020 30001007541339 005.369
Lynn Wermers Microsoft Excel 2013: illustrated course guide Cengage © 2014 30001007083530 005.369
Hans Fehr and Fabian Kindermann Introduction to Computational Economics using Fortran Oxford University Press © 2018 30001007411411 005.133
International Monetary Fund IMF BPM6 Compilation Guide IMF © 2014 30001007072210 382.17
International Monetary Fund IMF Guide to Direction of Trade Statistics IMF © 1993 30001004102333 EE-EK-DIR
International Monetary Fund IMF Government Finance Statistics Manual IMF © 2014 30001007067095 336.0072
Michel Goossens et al LaTeX Graphics Companion Addison-Wesley, 2nd ed. © 2008 30001004695575  005.369
Dilip Datta LaTeX in 24 Hours: a practical guide for scientific writing Springer © 2017 30001007407561 005.369
Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz LaTeX Web Companion Addison-Wesley © 2007 30001004695526 005.369
Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly Guide to LaTeX Addison-Wesley, 4th ed. © 2004 30001004433175 005.369
Frank Mittelbach et al The LaTeX Companion Addison-Wesley, 2nd ed. © 2004 30001004433621 005.369
K.B.M. Nambudiripad LaTeX for Beginners Alpha Science © 2014 30001007208475 005.369
Martha L. Abell and James P. Braselton Mathematica by Example Academic Press, 4th  ed. © 2009 30001005009107 005.369
C-K. Cheung et al Getting Started with Mathematica Wiley, 3rd ed. © 2009 30001005014958 005.369
Eugene Don Mathematica and the Wolfram Language McGraw Hill © 2019 30001007443918 005.369

Galina Filipuk and Andrzej Kozłowski


Analysis with Mathematica  Vols. 1 & 2

De Gruyter © 2019


David McMahon and Daniel M. Topa A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica CRC Press © 2018 30001007408020 005.369
Heikki Ruskeepää Mathematica Navigator: mathematics, statistics and graphics Academic Press, 3rd ed. © 2009 30001005015708 005.369
Bruce F. Torrence and Eve A. Torrence The Student’s Introduction to Mathematica and the Wolfram language Cambridge University Press, 3rd ed © 2019 30001007528534 005.369
Paul Wellin Programming with Mathematica: an introduction Cambridge University Press © 2013 30001007080163 005.369
Stormy Attaway MATLAB: a practical introduction to programming and problem solving Butterworth-Heinemann, 5th ed. © 2018 30001007420310 005.369
Stephen J. Chapman Essentials of MATLAB Programming Cengage, 3rd ed. © 2018 30001007435612 005.369
Tobin A. Driscoll Learning MATLAB Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics © 2009 30001005009271 005.369
Delores Etter Introduction to MATLAB Pearson, 4th ed. © 2018 30001007414629 005.369
Amos Gilat MATLAB: an introduction with applications Wiley, 5th  ed. © 2015  30001007075759 005.369
Abdelwahab Kharab and Ronald B. Guenther An Introduction to Numerical Methods: a MATLAB approach CRC Press, 4th ed. © 2018 30001007407481 005.369
George Lindfield and John Penny Numerical Methods Using MATLAB Academic Press, 4th ed. © 2018 30001007422979 005.369
César Pérez López MATLAB Mathematical Analysis Apress Media © 2014 30001007082508 005.369
César Pérez López MATLAB Symbolic Algebra and Calculus Tools Apress Media © 2014 30001007080346 005.369

Dingyü Xue

MATLAB Programming De Gruyter © 2020 30001007531314 005.369
Tristen Hayfield and Jeffrey S. Racine The NP Package Version 0.12-1 © 2006 VLF-OFFPRINT 005.369

Sébastien Laurent

OxMetrics G@RCH 6 Timberlake © 2009 30001005097805 005.369
Jurgen A. Doornik and Marius Ooms OxMetrics Introduction to Ox Timberlake © 2007 30001005097862 005.369
Jurgen A. Doornik OxMetrics An Introduction to OxMetrics 6 Timberlake © 2009 30001005097714 005.369
Jurgen A. Doornik OxMetrics Ox 6 Timberlake © 2009 30001005097912 005.369
Jurgen A. Doornik and David F. Hendry OxMetrics PcGive 13 Vol I Timberlake © 2009 30001005097870 005.369
Jurgen A. Doornik and David F. Hendry OxMetrics PcGive 13 Vol II Timberlake © 2009 30001005097961 005.369
Jurgen A. Doornik and David F. Hendry OxMetrics PcGive 13 Vol III Timberlake © 2009 30001005097979 005.369
Jurgen A. Doornik and David F. Hendry OxMetrics PcNaive 5 Timberlake © 2009 30001005098068 005.369
Siem Jan Koopman et al OxMetrics SsfPack 3.0 Timberlake © 2008 30001005097821 005.369
Siem Jan Koopman et al OxMetrics STAMP 8.2 Timberlake © 2009 30001005097698 005.369
Chris Albon Machine Learning with Python Cookbook O'Reilly © 2018 30001007408008 006.31
Mark J. Johnson A Concise Introduction to Programming in Python

CRC Press © 2018

30001007407460 005.133
Wes McKinney Python for Data Analysis

O'Reilly, 2nd ed. © 2018

30001007407540 005.133
Rob Miles Begin to Code with Python Microsoft Press © 2018 30001007407528 005.133
Sayan Mukhopadhyay Advanced Data Analytics Using Python Apress © 2018 30001007407991 005.133
Ajay Ohri Python for R Users: a data science approach Wiley © 2018 30001007407539 005.133
David Paper Data Science Fundamentals for Python and MongoDB Apress © 2018 30001007407970 005.133
James R. Parker Python 3 Pocket Primer Mercury © 2018 30001007407335 005.133
Zed A. Shaw Learn More Python 3 the Hard Way Pearson © 2018 30001007407448 005.133
Brett Slatkin Effective Python Addison-Wesley, 2nd ed. © 2020 30001007533195 005.133
Al Sweigart Automate the Boring Stuff with Python No Starch Press, 2nd ed. © 2020 30001007528559 005.133
Matthew Wilkes Advanced Python Development Apress © 2020 30001007529003 005.133
Henrik Hansen and Katarina Juselius CATS in RATS: cointegration analysis of time series Estima © 2002 30001004302909 005.369
Estima RATS Version 7: Getting started Estima © 2008 30001004915650 005.369
Estima RATS Version 7: Reference manual Estima © 2008 30001004915841 005.369
Estima RATS Version 7: User’s Guide Estima © 2008 30001004603843 005.369
Stata Corp. Stata 18 manuals Stata Press © 2023 e-only e-only
Alan C. Acock A Gentle Introduction to Stata Stata Press, 6th  ed. © 2018 30001007410160 005.369
Christopher F. Baum An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata Stata Press © 2006 30001004836302 005.369
Christopher F. Baum An Introduction to Stata Programming Stata Press, 2nd ed. © 2016 30001007021001 005.369
Sean Becketti Introduction to Time Series Using Stata Stata Press, rev. ed. © 2020 30001007531561 005.369
Felix Bittmann Stata: a really short introduction De Gruyter © 2019 30001007452635 005.369
Hans-Peter Blossfeld et al Event History Analysis with Stata Routledge, 2nd ed. © 2019 30001007529177 005.369
A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi Microeconometrics Using Stata Stata Press © 2009 30001004694792
Nicholas J. Cox and H. Joseph Newton (eds) One Hundred Nineteen Stata Tips Stata Press, 3rd ed. © 2014 30001007207808 005.369
Lisa Daniels and Nicholas Minot An Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis Using Stata Sage © 2020 30001007529623 005.369
Lawrence C. Hamilton Statistics with Stata Stata Press © 2013 30001006318887 005.369
James W. Hardin and Joseph M. Hilbe Generalized Linear Models and Extensions Stata Press, 4th ed. © 2018 30001007404977 005.369
Ulrich Kohler and Frauke Kreuter Data Analysis Using Stata Stata Press, 3rd ed. © 2012 30001007207394 005.369
Prasad Kothari Data Analysis with Stata Packt Publishing © 2015 30001007262969 005.369
Kyle C. Longest Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis Sage, 3rd ed. © 2019 30001007455627 005.369
Michael N. Mitchell A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics Stata Press, 3rd ed. © 2012 30001007080338 005.369
Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Vol I: continuous responses Stata Press, 4th ed. © 2022 30001007604723 005.369
Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Vol II: categorical responses, counts and survival Stata Press, 4th ed. © 2022 30001007604715 005.369
Tenko Raykov and George A. Marcoulides A Course in Item Response Theory and Modeling with Stata Stata Press © 2018 30001007412434 005.369
Sharon Lawner Weinberg and Sarah Knapp Abramowitz Statistics Using Stata: an integrative approach Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed. © 2020 30001007558051 005.369


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