eduroam Network Configuration for GNU/Linux (Ubuntu)
The below guide has been tested on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) with Network Manager 0.8.1. Screenshots are taken from Ubuntu 10.10 thus may slightly differ from other versions and distros:
- Go to any area covered by the Institute's WiFi;
Make sure that the Wi-Fi port is on and that left-clicking on the Network Manager icon you see the eduroam network available:
Image 1: Opening Network Manager
Click on eduroam. A new window with an authentication request will pop up. Type your EUI username in the username field in the following format:
Username: [email protected] (e.g. [email protected])
In the Authentication options choose PEAP and leave all other fileds as per below image, then click on Connect:
Image 2: Authenticaton details
In the following warning window that will appear (no certificate chosen), click on Ignore:
Image 3: Certificate window
After a few seconds the Network Manager icon will show that the eduroam connection is active:
Image 4: Connection active
Page last updated on 20 August 2017