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Prizes and Awards

Prizes and awards conferred to members of the Department of History and Civilisation

Thor-Oona Swanhild Pignarre-Altermatt won the 2024 James Kaye Memorial Prize with her thesis: The House of the Virgin: visual culture, devotion, and society in the Low Countries, 15th-early 16th centuries


Glenda Sluga won the 2024 Inaugural Book Prize, Australasian Association for European History, with her book  "The Invention of International Order: Remaking Europe after Napoleon"

Marie Van Haaster won the Radboud Institute for Culture and History (RICH) Master’s thesis award and the Jan Brouwer Thesis prize 2023, form the Royal Dutch Society for the Sciences.

Giancarlo Casale
among the winners of The Mediterranean Seminar Book Prize 2022 with his first English edition of Osman of Timisoara's "Prisoner of the Infidels".


Elena Maria Rita Rizzi (HEC PhD 2016) and Bohdan Shumylovych (HEC PhD 2014) won the James Kaye Memorial Prize 20202 respectively with their thesis: Modern Art and the Making of a French Republican Imaginary, 1919-1940 and Mediating the Land, Landing the Media. Soviet Ukrainian Television and Popular Media Culture, 1957-1989


Asensio Robles López won the DC Watt Prize, awarded by the Transatlantic Studies Association, for the best paper presented by an early career scholar at their annual conference.


Déborah Sarah Dubald (HEC PhD 2019) and Catherine Gibson (HEC PhD 2019) won the James Kaye Memorial Prize 2020 respectively with their thesis: Capital Nature: A history of French municipal museums of natural history,1795-1870 and Nations on the drawing board: ethnographic map-making in the Russian Empire's Baltic provinces, 1840-1920


Maria Stella Chiaruttini (HEC PhD 2019) won the ASMI Postgraduate essay prize with her paper "An economic monument of that part of the common fatherland... most dear to me’: The Bank of Naples and the struggle for regional power in Risorgimento Italy"


Ola Innset (HEC PhD 2017) won the Joseph Dorfman Best Dissertation Prize 2019 with his thesis "Reinventing Liberalism: Early neo-liberalism in context, 1920-1947"


Aleksandra Komornicka won the Saki Ruth Duckrill Memorial Prize 2019 at the International Graduate Students Conference on the Cold War at the George Washington University with her paper "'The Unity of Europe is inevitable’: Poland and the European Economic Community in the 1970s".


UK PhD researcher Catherine Gibson won the 2019 BASEES Prize for the Best Scholarly Article offered by the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies with her article ‘Shading, lines, colors: mapping ethnographic taxonomies of “European Russia”’.


Anthony Molho received two honorary degrees on 17 October at the University of Crete and on 31 October at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens.


Cloe Cavero de Carondelet (HEC PhD 2016) won the James Kaye Memorial Prize 2018 with her thesis “Art, Piety and Conflict in Early Modern Spain: The Religious and Artistic Patronage of Cardinal Bernardo de Sandoval between Toledo and Rome (1599-1618)".


Matilda Louise Greig and Gaël Sánchez Cano won respectively the first and third prize of the first edition of the EUI Three-Minute Ph.D. Competition in the Social Sciences 2018.


Brice Cossart (HEC PhD 2016) won the ICOHTEC-Turriano Prize 2017 with his thesis "Les artilleurs et la Monarchie Catholique: Fondements technologiques et scientifiques d'un empire transocéanique".


Maximilian Graf (PanEur1970s Research Associate) was awarded the best publication award of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OAW) 2017 for his monograph “Österreich und die DDR 1949-1990. Politik und Wirtschaft im Schatten der deutschen Teilung“.


Romain Bonnet (HEC PhD 2014) won the Pier Paolo D'Attorre prize 2017 with his thesis “La terre et le plomb: violence politique, question agraire et crise du parlementarisme libéral dans l’Italie du premier après-guerre (1918-1922) et dans l’Espagne républicaine (1931-1936)".


Haakon Andreas Ikonomou (HEC PhD 2016) won the EUI award “Best thesis in EU integration 2015-2016 awarded on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome” with his thesis “Europeans - Norwegian Diplomats and the Enlargement of the European Community, 1960-1972”.


Moritz von Brescius (HEC PhD 2015) won the Martin-Behaim-Preis 2016 of the German Society for Extra-European History (Gesellschaft für Überseegeschichte) with his thesis "Empires of opportunity : German scholars between Asia and Europe in the 1850s".


Ángel Alcalde (HEC PhD 2015) won the Ivano Tognarini Prize in Contemporary History 2016 with his thesis "War Veterans and Transnational Fascism: from Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to Francoist Spain and Vichy France (1917-1940)".


Valentina Marcella (HEC PhD 2015) won the James Kaye Memorial prize 2016 with her thesis “Laughing Matters: Mainstream Political Cartoons under the Military Regime of the Early 1980s in Turkey”.


Verena Boos (HEC PhD 2005) won the Grimmelshausen-Förderpreis, the Debütpreis des Buddenbrookhauses and the Mara Cassens 2015 literary prizes with her debut novel "Blutorangen".


Jorge Flores won the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation - Portuguese Academy of History Prize for the best book published in 2015 on the History of the Portuguese Presence in the World: "Nas margens do Hindustão. O Estado da Índia e a Expansão Mogol, ca. 1570-1640".


Ilse Lazaroms (HEC PhD 2010) won the Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars 2015-2016 at the Center for Jewish History in New York City.


Philipp Ther won the 2015 non-fiction prize of the Leipzig bookfair with his book "Die neue Ordnung auf dem alten Kontinent. Eine Geschichte des neoliberalen Europa"(Suhrkamp 2014).


Karena Kalmbach (HEC PhD 2014) won the ICOHTEC-Turriano Prize 2015 with her thesis "Meanings of a disaster: the contested 'truth' about Chernobyl: British and French Chernobyl debates and the transnationality of arguments and actors".


Laurence Fontaine was appointed "Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur par le Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche" on 1 January 2015.


Nadia Matringe (HEC PhD 2013) won the EBHA Dissertation Prize 2014 with her thesis 'L’entreprise florentine et la place de Lyon: l’activité de la banque Salviati au milieu du XVIe siècle'.


Cristiano Zanetti (HEC PhD 2012) won the 7th edition of the García-Diego International Prize 2013 by the Fundación Juanelo Turriano with his paper "Educación y redes de Juanelo Turriano: historia social de un ingeniero renacentista".


Alessandra Becucci (HEC PhD 2012) won the James Kaye Memorial Prize 2014 for the best thesis in History and Visuality: "L'arte della politica e la politica dell'arte nello spazio europeo del Seicento. Ottavio Piccolomini: contatti, agenti e acquisizioni di arte nella Guerra dei Trent'anni".


Luisa Passerini received the ALLEA (All European Academies) Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values in 2014 by the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso.


Suzan Meryem Rosita Kalayci won the Raphael Lemkin Fellowship and was the first Turkish scholar to be resident at the Armenian Genocide Museum in April 2014.


Alexander Etkind won a Honorable Mention of the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures by the Modern Language Association of America with his book "Internal Colonization: Russia’s Imperial Experience" (Polity 2011).


Lucy Riall won the Special Prize in the category "Saggio in traduzione sul Mezzogiorno" by the Fondazione Premio Sila 2013 with her book "La rivolta. Bronte 1860" (Laterza 2012).


Regina Grafe won the Gyorgy Ranki Biennial Prize by the Economic History Association for the best book in European Economic History: "Distant Tyranny: Trade, Power and Backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800" (Princeton University Press, 2012).


Helle Strandgaard Jensen won the 'Best Paper Award' sponsored by the Young Consumers Journal at the Child and Teen Consumption conference 2012, with her paper "Consuming the Classic: The making of childohood history through consumption politics".


Rengenier Rittersma (HEC PhD 2006) won the Geisteswissenschaften International award 2012 with his thesis “‘Da Capo’. Das Nachleben des Grafen Lamoraal von Egmont (1522-1568) in der europaeischen Kulturgeschichte bis zur Weimarer Klassik: eine mythogenetische Studie".


Achilleas Hadjikyriacou (HEC PhD 2010) won the James Kaye Memorial Prize 2012 for the best thesis in History and Visuality: "Men in Crisis: Representations of Masculinity and Gender Relations in Greek Cinema".


Luca Molà was nominated member of the scientific committee of the Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica F. Datini.


Mariana Labarca Pinto won with the 2012 prize for best postgraduate paper at the Social History Society (SHS) Annual Conference (Brighton, 3-5 April 2012) with her paper "Lorenzo Baldinotti's Insanity and the Shaping of Mental Incapacity: Interdiction Procedures in 18th Century Tuscany".


Giovanni Federico was nominated President Elect of the European Historical Economics Society for 2013-2015.


Antonella Romano won with the "médaille de la ville de Tours" at the Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance with her work on Renaissance studies.


Pierre-Yves Lacour (HEC PhD 2010) won the 2011 Prize by the Société Française d’Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques (SFHST) for the best thesis "La République naturaliste. Les collections françaises d’histoire naturelle sous la Révolution. 1789-1804" .


Anthony Molho won the International 2010 Galileo Galilei Prize of the Italian Rotary Club for his work in the field of Italian Economic History.


Federico Romero won the SISSCO Sintesi 2010 prize by the Italian Association of Modern History for the best book of the year "Storia della guerra fredda. L'ultimo conflitto per l'Europa" (Einaudi, 2009).

Page last updated on 04/07/2024

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