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Funding Committee

Provides advice and guidance on all matters pertaining to external funds

The EUI, as a public university, puts academic freedom and independence first; they are a core feature of ethical research in the social sciences and humanities. The acceptance of external funds is therefore to be assessed so as to guarantee that those principles are fully respected. 

To this aim, a Funding Committee has been established by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee, to provide advice and guidance on all matters pertaining to external funds, including donations, according to the EUI’s General Principles Concerning the Receipt of External Funds, Including Donations.

The Committee carries out assessments concerning funding, consistently with the General Principles, according to which there are two types of external funding:

  • public funding from EU Members States, States associated to the EUI, and EU funding, which is by default considered to be aligned with EUI’s core missions and above-mentioned principles;
  • funding from other sources (including funding from private entities such as corporations, foundations and individuals), which does instead require a preliminary assessment.

The Funding Committee reviews the available information and deliberates about acceptance or refusal of donations in alignment with the General Principles. External funding requires assessment when it does not come from:

  • Research Funding Organisations (or equivalent bodies) of EU Member States, or of States with an association agreement with the EUI
  • By analogy, National Public Bodies of EU Member States, or of States with an association agreement with the EUI (including academic institutions)
  • The European Union, its institutions, programmes, and agencies
  • Other International Organisations, i.e. intergovernmental organisation established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal personality
  • Academic Institutions with which a partnership is established.

Beyond advising on the opportunity of accepting or refusing engagement with a prospective donor, the Funding Committee may also advise on a series of measures which could guarantee both the preservation of the principles outlined above and the financial support of EUI initiatives.

The Funding Committee is composed by the following members:

An external member with expertise on ethics and funding issues, Judge Allan Rosas

Secretariat: Claudio Mazzetti, Coordinator for Development.

EUI's General Principles Concerning the Receipt of External Funds, Including Donations

Last update: January 2022

English (110 KB - pdf)

External funding assessment tool (for internal use only)

Last update: January 2024

English (52 KB - word)

Page last updated on 06/07/2024

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