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New trial to SAGE campus

EUI members will have the chance to try SAGE campus until 8 June 2021.

06 May 2021

STG student cropped

SAGE Campus is an online learning programme created for academics. It covers critical skills and research methods for all stages of academic study: navigating information, data literacy, research skills, data science skills, and getting published.

The online courses are self-paced and instructor-led, comprising an engaging mix of content, video, interactive and formative assessments. Users may browse all courses or select the category most relevant to them.

Interested users need to register to follow the courses. Register with your EUI email and a password of your choice, you can then enroll in any of the courses listed.

The trial will be available from 6 May until 8 June 2021.

Please give your feedback to [email protected]

Last update: 26 January 2022

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