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Loïc Azoulai

Full-time Professor

Department of Law

Chair in Law and Social Europe

Department of Law

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[+39] 055 4686 997

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Villa Salviati- Manica, SAMN234

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Giorgia Cacciotti

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French, English, Italian

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Loïc Azoulai

Full-time Professor

Chair in Law and Social Europe

Department of Law


Loïc Azoulai holds the Chair in Law and Social Europe at the European University Institute as of January 2024.

His work is devoted to Europe and its law, and to the ways different kinds of life people manage to live – or do not manage to live, given the laws of Europe. The Chair in Law and Social Europe is to be seen as a collaborative platform for attending the transformations of European societies and providing conceptual resources to reflect on them as well as to increase critical reflexivity within them.

His current research revolves around issues related to the interactions between European law and European societies. His matters of concern are migration, state domination and security, democracy and the rule of law, the ecological catastrophe, the digital transition and its reconfiguration of the social space, the place of religion in society, and issues related to work and social suffering. He claims that a change of methods is required in European law, situating law within the context of polarised European societies.

Loïc Azoulai is on leave from Sciences Po Paris. Before joining the EUI, he was Professor at Sciences Po Law School (2015-2024) and, previously, in Panthéon-Assas University (2006-2015) and University of Rouen (2003-2006). His area of expertise is European Union law, both institutional and substantive. From 2003 to 2006, he served as a Legal Secretary/Référendaire at the European Court of Justice, working with Advocate General Poiares Maduro.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Common Market Law Review.

From 2015 to 2018, he held a Excellence Chair of Sorbonne Paris Cité, running a project called FOLIE. Forms of Life and Legal Integration in Europe. He is currently running a research project, together with Armin von Bogdandy, on the concept of European society.

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Professor Loïc Azoulai begins his appointment as Chair in Law and Social Europe at the EUI Law Department as of January 2024.

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The EUI Law Department together with the Max Planck Institute have set up a new group to explore the potential of the concept of European society to understand, critique, and change the European situation and Europeans' condition.

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