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Evaluation report: Education programme for schools 2019-2020

Posted on 30 October 2020

Over the school year 2019-2020, more than 1,100 (registered)/850(actual numbers) pupils from the city of Florence and surrounding towns participated in the Archives’ school programme for Florentine schools. This article summarizes the results of the evaluation report of the HAEU education programme for the school year 2019-2020, accessible here.

Open for all school levels from kindergarten to upper secondary schools and promoted by the Municipality of Florence (Le Chiavi della Città) and by Città Metropolitana, this programme aims at improving the knowledge of the history of European integration and at promoting the understanding of European citizenship. The HAEU school programme is organised in collaboration with FMA, the Former Member Association of the European Parliament and involves former Members of European Parliament who meet with Florentine students and share their experiences in European politics and their views on the European Union.

Targeting kindergarten, primary, lower and upper secondary schools, this year’s school programme saw an increase in the number of schools and students registered; 1,141 students from 58 classes in 24 schools registered for 2019-2020, compared to around 960 students from 49 classes in 24 schools in 2018-2019. The actual number of schools and students participating turned out lower (respectively 21 and 867) due to the health emergency which led to the interruption of the in-presence activities. The large majority of students registered in the programme 2019-2020 were students from the upper secondary school (with 852 students out of 41 classes from 18 schools registered), while the year before, approximately half of them were students of the upper secondary level, and the other half of primary and lower secondary level.

While the 2018-2019 programme focused on the European Parliament’s elections of May 2019, the school programme 2019-2020 focused on topics related to the free movement of persons and to the dynamics and memories of mobility in the European Union. On average, students and teachers were very satisfied with the programme, and the feedback was similarly positive as in the previous year. The evaluation report points out to some elements to be improved: increasing the participatory involvement of teachers in planning and adapting the activities, as far as possible, to their students’ needs; and increasing further the clarity of the education proposal in response to expectations of teachers or students. While in 2018-2019, suggestions for the future included an even more interactive and participative didactical approach, this year, participants suggested an increase in time dedicated to the presentations and lectures.

One participant stated: “Reading and analysing the historical sources was interesting, we do not undertake this kind of activity at school, but learning how to extract the relevant information and how to judge what we read is fundamental”. (È stato interessante leggere le fonti e analizzarle, ormai a scuola questo tipo di attività non viene più svolto, ma è fondamentale imparare a estrapolare le informazioni fondamentali e giudicare ciò che leggiamo).

The most satisfactory components for students were the topics discussed, the material, the teaching methodology and approach, while the less satisfactory component was the group discussions. Most students stressed the importance of having more time to carry out the activities, while the lecturing helps increasing their knowledge of EU institutions, their functioning and history. According to the students, the most interesting elements were the visit to the archives, the meeting with the former MEPs, the class and group discussions, and the final activity about planning a permanence abroad:

A participant mentioned: “The discussion with the former MEP and the visit to the Archives – The opportunity of coming directly into contact with the EU history and with a [former] MEP” (Discussione con l’onorevole Michela Giuffrida - Visita degli archivi - La possibilità di entrare a contatto diretto con la storia dell’Unione europea e con membri del parlamento).

The evaluation by teachers of the 2019-2020 programme was very positive. The main elements concerned the relevance of the topics, the material used, and the opportunity to visit the Archives. According to the teachers, the lessons contributed to the transmission of European and democratic values, and to the promotion of positive attitudes towards the EU.

One teacher wrote: “The presentations with the use of authentic historical sources have been really effective; the group activities facilitated the students’ active participation”. (Le presentazioni supportate da materiali autentici sono state molto efficaci, le attività a gruppi proposte hanno permesso di partecipare attivamente).

Teachers thought that the time for single activities and for the whole programme was however probably not sufficient to promote the use and increase of practical skills and critical thinking.

Another teacher said: “The activities have promoted a positive attitude towards the EU, but they have also stimulated the students in pointing out their criticism, and that is necessary to develop doubts and questions”. (Il lavoro svolto ha proposto argomenti di adesione ma ha sollecitato la critica, che poi serve a porsi delle domande).

Suggestions for the future were diverse: some teachers would prefer an even more active and participatory approach, while others would prefer to give more space to lectures in order to provide students with a more complete explanation of the EU institutions and their functioning:

A teacher stated: “Explaining more easily the EU Institutions, explaining better the prerequisites to enter the EU (e.g.  (for example respecting right), explaining very briefly the history of the preceding economic organizations, maybe presenting a brief review of the pro-European movement, from Mazzini to Spinelli”. (Spiegare in modo più semplice gli organi dell'UE, spiegare meglio ciò che è prerequisito per entrare nella UE (es rispetto dei diritti), spiegare assai brevemente la storia delle organizzazioni economiche precedenti, magari fare una breve rassegna del pensiero europeista, da Mazzini a Spinelli).

The Historical Archives of the European Union offers tailored educational programmes for students of all ages, from kindergarten through university levels. The lessons focus on the original documents preserved at the Archives to introduce students to important themes around the history and current developments of European integration and EU institutions. The HAEU education project seeks to create social spaces for interactive reflection, discussion and learning about issues around Europe, democracy and citizenship.

The HAEU also proposes online training sessions for school teachers, which can be organized in English, French, Italian and Spanish languages, and adapted to subjects of specific interest of schools or school administrations.The calendar of upcoming sessions organized as part of the HAEU education project with Italian schools Europa in movimento: come evolve la libertà di circolazione is available here.

Read here the evaluation report of the 2019-2020 education programme for Florentine schools.

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