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Mission & Objectives


We make sense of the evolving relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Democracy.

While there is currently little knowledge about what a future technological environment based on robotisation, digitalisation and automation will look like, the Chair on Artificial Intelligence and Democracy rigorously studies the potential impact of these technologies on democratic politics.


  1. We develop a global forum for reflection and debate on AI and democracy, with an interdisciplinary approach and from the perspective of political philosophy.
  2. We build an ambitious, inter-disciplinary research agenda by leading research, transfer, and dissemination activities to raise awareness on matters related to artificial intelligence and democracy.
  3. We train and equip policymakers and other stakeholders with the knowledge and tools they will need to ensure that the benefits of AI are widely shared, and its risks mitigated.
  4. We create a global network of research institutions and think tanks to increase impact and incorporate new perspectives from across the globe.
  5. We connect with Latin America to understand the region’s approaches to the impact of AI on democratic systems and to foster the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices.

Page last updated on 01/03/2023

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