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Cadmus: Reuse and Disseminate Content

All metadata records in Cadmus, EUI Research Repository are free of reuse restrictions and are licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

Cadmus is the unique and central data provider for EUI related research output. It automatically feeds information into EUI web modules such as the People's pages and the Publications pages. It also is the unique source and data provider for EUI research output reporting.

The EUI Library encourages whomever uses metadata from the repository to provide attribution to Cadmus, EUI Research Repository as a source.


The reuse of any other types of metadata is regulated by the EUI Data Protection Policy.


Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)

Cadmus, EUI Research Repository, is OAI-PMH compliant and searchable worldwide. Therefore, its publications are searchable in, and harvested by, European and international networks and portals. Its content is also visible in Worldcat.

Metadata records in Cadmus can be harvested using the publicly available OAI-PMH interface.

Sample queries using the OAI-PMH protocol:

Identify the repository
List the repository identifiers
List all the records

Apache Solr

Cadmus provides an advanced query interface through Apache Solr that can be used to repurpose and disseminate content from Cadmus on other websites.

For EUI Academic Units

Content (metadata) from Cadmus automatically populates EUI departmental web pages and EUI project pages. When a new publication or dataset is submitted to Cadmus information will be also displayed on pages that are querying the Solr interface.

Examples of pages that directly query the Cadmus Solr interface:



For everyone

Anyone can query the Cadmus SOLR interface. The Library Open Science team suggests SOLR XML output with the type of query that you can see below.

Example of query to obtain the "ECO Articles" collection:  

The query above return the following result:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">3</int>
<lst name="params">
<str name="fl">search.resourceid</str>
<str name="q">search.resourcetype:3</str>
<arr name="fq">
<result name="response" numFound="1" start="0">
<int name="search.resourceid">16</int>

From the response, the <int name="search.resourceid">16</int> give us the collection id.

We then launch the following query:*:*&fq=location.coll:16&[2015-01-01T00:00:00Z TO 2016-12-31T23:59:59Z]&fl=title,author,dc.indentifier.citation,dc.relation.ispartofseries,abstract,identifier,dc.identifier.uri,handle,

The query above will return the first 10 items from the collection "16", between 2015-01-01 and 2016-12-31, sorted by date issued descendent. For the following 10 items we have to modify the parameter start "&start=10"

Here a brief explanation of the query parameters used above:

  • q=*.*   // query parameter. It’s all the items
  • fq=location.coll:16  // a filter to obtain only items from the collection id 16
  •[2015-01-01T00:00:00Z TO 2016-12-31T23:59:59Z] //a filter query to obtain only the items between the dates.
  • fl=title,author,dc.indentifier.citation,dc.relation.ispartofseries,abstract,identifier, // enumerated list of metadata to return at the resultset.

To see all possible values, you can launch a query without this param. It returns all default values.

"Handle" is mandatory to obtain the files and : Sorting configuration. Date issued descendentrows=10 : Number of rows to return. Used with the "start" param can make queries lighter.start=0 : Starting element.

The results can have a lot of elements that can be obtained repeating the same query.


  • Cadmus distinguishes EUI authors with ORCID iD and links to their ORCID profile
  • Authors who authorise Cadmus to deposit publications to their ORCID record obtains the automatic update of their ORCID record
  • EUI Guide to ORCID


EUI Publication Reports from Cadmus

  • The Cadmus team produces reports for the EUI as an institution (eg. the annual EUI Academic Publications and Data) and for EUI members. The reports can be already formatted rtf and pdf files by collection, author, sorted by type or year, etc
  • Reports can also be exported in csv.
  • You may request your reports to [email protected]



The EUI contributes with its economics literature and bibliographic references to RePEc, (Research Papers in Economics). RePEc provides access to working papers, pre-prints, articles and bibliographic data in economic sciences. The EUI Library supports this by maintaining a mirror service, replicating Cadmus metadata via an .rdf file in RePEc.

Page last updated on 12 July 2024

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