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Department of Economics

Doctoral Programme in Economics - Candidates affected by the war in Ukraine

Programme Start Date





Villa La Fonte

Applications are now closed. The deadline to apply was 27 April 2022 at midnight. It is no longer possible to apply.

Programme Description

The European University Institute (EUI) has opened a special call for applications from candidates of any nationality who are directly affected by the war in Ukraine. We consider applications from candidates who live in Ukraine, have been displaced or cannot return to Ukraine because of the war, or who are directly affected for other reasons that can be specified in the application.


PhD Programme in Economics

As a research-strong department, we offer focused supervision on your Ph.D., providing the support to explore your ideas and develop your intellectual autonomy. Our researchers work together, and with faculty, generating strong networks and connections that last throughout their time at the EUI and into their future career.

Yet our academic community is bigger than our faculty and our researchers – we welcome a huge number of world famous scholars to our Department each year. These visitors present and discuss their work, allowing you to build your knowledge and develop your ideas further. You can interact with these experts on an unprecedented level.

Meet the EUI ECO faculty and check their research fields.

The EUI is committed to providing equitable and inclusive conditions for all candidates and is keen to attract, encourage and retain a diverse and highly qualified community of scholars.

Candidates with disabilities or specific educational needs are encouraged to register their needs with the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies (Email: [email protected]) for the coordination of reasonable adjustments at the stage of application, selection, and admission to the programme.


Additional Information

  • EUI, Ph.D. Programme (Brochure)
  • January 2022
  • EN ( 32909 KB - pdf)
  • EUI, Ph.D. Programme, Department of Economics (Presentation-Slides)
  • January 2022
  • EN ( 13397 KB - pdf)
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