'Art Brut' in the Library
In 2005 the EUI hosted an Art Brut exhibition 'Others Watching - Identity and Diversity' with works from the Atélier La Tinaia, Florence. In 2023, the EUI hosted another exhibition, by the same name to highlight Mental Health Month. A selection of works from both these exhibitions now have a permanent place in the Library.
The 'Atélier La Tinaia' was founded in 1965 as part of the Florence's San Salvi Psychiatric Hospital. Following the closure of the hospital, the 'Atélier La Tinaia' remained open and was gradually integrated into the network of mental health services, opening its doors to all patients from the Florence area who wanted to express their thoughts and emotions through art."
The term "Art Brut" was coined in around 1945 and is generally attributed to the French painter Jean Dubuffet who used the term to mean: "works executed by those immune to artistic culture in which imitation has no role; in which their creators take all (subjects, materials, transposition, rhythm, style etc.) from their own individuality and not from the base of classical art or stylish trends".
Photo reportage by Juri Ciani.

Guido Boni, Untitled, 1984, acrylic on canvas, 150 x 230 cm
Associazione “La Nuova Tinaia” - Onlus
Via di San Salvi 12I-50135 Firenze
Tel. +39 055 6263578
Fax +39 055 6263901
[email protected]
Page last updated on 21 January 2025