Language Levels and Placement Tests
Language courses at the EUI adhere to the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). For each course the CEFR language level is given in the title and/or in the course description.
To register for a course you need to know your level in the respective language. As the procedures for placement tests and course registration may differ from language to language you should check the information given under Placement Tests.
Language Levels

Placement Tests

The EUI language courses are based on the proficiency levels of the Common European Framework of Reference. The CEFR organises language proficiency in six levels, A1 to C2, which can be regrouped into three broad levels: Basic User (A1-A2), Independent User (B1-B2) and Proficient User (C1-C2).

The CEFR is, as the title suggests, a framework of reference for languages.It was developed to standardize language qualifications gained in different learning contexts.
It helps learners to understand what knowledge and skills they should develop at each level and to measure their progress at each stage of learning.
The CEFR provides 'a transparent, coherent and comprehensive basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines, the design of teaching and learning materials, and the assessment of foreign language proficiency. It is used in Europe but also in other continents.' (COE website)
The internationally recognized certificates for European languages are based on the proficiency levels of the CEFR.
The CEFR offers self assessment grids for learners. However these self assessment grids do not replace the Centre for Academic Literacies and Languages (CALL)'s placement test.
You can gain an indication of language ability in any European language at the Council of Europe's CEFR Levels webpage. Here you can check the self assessment grids for the languages on permanent offer at the EUI.
English (pdf)
Español (pdf)
Français (pdf)
Deutsch (pdf)
Italiano (pdf)
Absolute beginners:
- 1st year researchers are assigned to A1-beginner courses
- Everyone else is kindly asked to fill in the pre-enrollment form.
Learners with previous knowledge
If you are not a beginner and have not participated in an EUI course before, you must sit a placement test. Please fill in the pre-enrollment form.
Continuing Learners
Learners who already participated in a course do not need to take a placement test. They can continue with the course indicated by the teacher.
Absolute beginners
Absolute beginners for French, German and Spanish do not need to sit a placement test. They can register directly for the respective A1 course. Please note that the courses for absolute beginners start in October.
Learners with previous knowledge
If you are not a beginner and have not participated in an EUI course before, you must sit a placement test. Please contact: French, German, Spanish
Continuing Learners
Learners who already participated in a course do not need to take a placement test. They can continue with the course indicated by the teacher.
Page last updated on 02 October 2024