News databases
Factiva is an international news database providing content from over 30,000 sources in 32 languages. Articles are from newspapers, newswires, industry publications and news websites. In addition to news, the Factiva Companies & Markets database provides five years of headline economic data. Factiva is maintained by Dow Jones. The Factiva Guide is at this link. Access the Factiva database via this catalogue record.
PressReader is an online portal providing digital same-day editions of more than 7,000 newspapers and magazines worldwide. Readers with devices connected to the EUI WiFi should access directly. PressReader is accessible up to seven days after leaving campus. Off campus readers can connect via the EUI Library PressReader catalogue record using EUI personal computing account authentication. For extra features, create an account or download the PressReader app.
Westlaw, published by Thomson Reuters, provides access to a selection of international news resources. The availability of titles is subject to change. Westlaw also provides full-text access to legal and regulatory information from international publishers including Sweet & Maxwell and Carswell & West. The digital collection includes case law, legislation, reviews, treaties and directories.
EURACTIV Intelligence is a gateway to European Union policy insights, with a dashboard providing real-time updates on trending policy news, documents, and upcoming events. "You can search through thousands of EURACTIV articles and policy documents; stay on top of social media trends; navigate through detailed profiles of policymakers using the Profile Explorer, including contacts, and connected stakeholders. And with Alerts, receive timely email and notifications."
MediaLibraryOnline (MLOL) provides access to the Italian dailies 'Il Sole 24 Ore', 'Corriere della Sera' and 'La Stampa'. To access MLOL, readers must be registered at a public library in Florence or Fiesole. Readers who are not registered at a public library can (1) request a library account via this link; click 'pre-iscrizione' and send an email to [email protected] with the subject 'Pre-iscrizione effettuata' and, in the body of the email, the requestor's name. (2) After sending the email (or for readers who are already members of a public library in Florence or Fiesole) complete the form at the foot of this page. Requestors will receive an activation link with username and password.
Newspapers and magazines
Newspaper archives
News quality control tools
- The Sage Information Literacy platform provides resources "for the digital age of mis-, dis-, and malinformation." The Sage Research Methods collection is introduced on this Library page.
- NewsGuard is a tool showing trust scores and ratings for more than 8,500 news and information websites responsible for approximately 95% of all the news and information consumed and shared online in Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, UK and the USA.
Page last updated on 01 October 2024