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Access Bulletin Quotidien Europe 1953-1999 (French)
Access Europe Daily Bulletin 1979-1999 (English)
Bulletin Quotidien Europe is Agence Europe's daily newsletter covering all aspects of European integration with detailed daily news and insights into European politics and policies since 1953. It was originally published only in French. The English version, Europe Daily Bulletin, appeared in 1979 side by side to the French Bulletin Quotidien Europe.
The European University Institute and Agence Europe have undersigned an Agreement on 12/07/2018 that allowed the EUI Library to digitise and make accessible to all:
- the Bulletin CECA continued Bulletin Quotidien Europe from 1953 to 1999 (French)
- the Daily Bulletin from 1979 to 1999 (English)
and several separately numbered Supplements including:
- Economic interpenetration in Europe and the rest of the world: issued daily, covering international business, finance and economic transactions. An annual index with a list of names/acronyms of all firms covered in this supplement was also published (1978-1996).
- Atlantic News/Nouvelle Atlantiques: a biweekly bulletin started in November 1967 covering political, military, technological and industrial aspects of defence. Later continued by Europe Diplomacy & Defence for matters relating to Common security and defence policy (CSDP) and Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO).
- European Library: weekly insert on relevant publications on European matters.
- Europe Weekly Selected Statistic.
- Europe Brief Notes.
- Europe Documents, issued irregularly: a selection of relevant documents produced by the European institutions.
- European Special Elections: special issues assembling information and editorials concerning the electoral campaigns for the European Parliament elections of 1979, 1983-1984.
- Eurosynt (1976-1997) an annual comprehensive index listing all topics covered in Europe Daily Bulletin. This is a very useful search tool: a keyword search through the index brings up all issues of the Daily Bulletin in which a specific topic has been treated in a specific year.
Agence Europe’s Daily Bulletin database for the years 2000-to current issues is also available via the EUI library in English and in French only for EUI members.