The following workshops and information sessions are organised on a regular basis:
- Focus on higher education careers in Europe - The inside story
Updating your Curriculum Vitae for academic jobs
Crafting compelling cover letters for academic job
Managing your online profile
Effective email communication in English-language environments
What to expect in academic interviews
Creating winning presentations for academic job competitions
Mock interviews for academic positions can be organised on demand. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
EPSO (European Personnel Selection Office) Competition Preparation
The Academic Service offers financial support to PhD researchers who prepare EPSO competitions. Information may be found here [EUI Login required].
Academic and non-academic job portals
Please note that your department might offer a regular newsletter with job offers in your discipline. In case you do not receive this newsletter or would like to receive the newsletter of another department, please contact the administrative coordinator of the respective department.
You also might want to consider to subscribe to mailing lists or twitter accounts of disciplinary organisations (e.g. European Consortium for Political Research, American Historical Association).
Academic Job Portals
Non-Academic Job Portals
International Research Funding opportunities
A list of International Research Funding opportunities.
Academic Careers Observatory
The Academic Careers Observatory (ACO), run by the Max Weber Programme, is an online resource for Ph.D. candidates, post-doctoral fellows and early career scholars providing information on academic careers by country, discipline and theme, and links to research opportunities in Europe, job platforms and a list of funding opportunities (Applying for a Post-doc and Applying to the ERC Starting Grant).
The Observatory is not an academic career advice service but helps you clarify your ideas about different career options.
Information on Social Networks
You might want to consider to request membership of the LinkedIn group H2020 MARIE CURIE Actions" Fellowship & Research Grants, PhD Careers and R&D Jobs providing information on fellowships and research grants within the EU’s Horizon 2020 (you need to have a LinkedIn profile to join).