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EUI in the Press 2022

24 December - 31 December

Spotlight: Addio a Jean Blondel, per 15 anni professore all'Istituto universitario europeo di Fiesole

La Repubblica wrote an article on the late Jean Blondel, Emeritus Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.


 Photo credits: Centre for the Study of Political Change - CIRCaP

Addio a Jean Blondel, per 15 anni professore all'Istituto universitario europeo di Fiesole, an article featuring Jean Blondel, Emeritus Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, La Repubblica, 28 December 2022.

أزمة المحروقات.. خبراء: القادم أدهى - عنب بلدي, an article mentioning Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Enab Baladi, 25 December 2022.

Tyrkiske angrep og stor fattigdom driver syriske kurdere mot Europa, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Adresseavisen, 29 December 2022.

Domenico Cirillo e l’iscrizione all’Accademia fondata da Benjamin Franklin, an article mentioning Amedeo Arena, Archives Fellow at the Historical Archives of the European Union, Il Mattino, 30 December 2022.

Ex carcere di S.Stefano, Silvia Costa: il progetto va avanti, prosegua l'impegno del Governo, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Agenzia Cult, 31 December 2022.



17 December - 23 December

Spotlight: Economic pain, Turkish strikes drive Syrian Kurds to Europe

Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, was quoted by The Seattle Times on the growing number of Syrian Kurds seeking asylum in Europe making winding trips to avoid Turkish forces.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Economic pain, Turkish strikes drive Syrian Kurds to Europe, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The Seattle Times, 17 December 2022.

The cost of crises on human rights, a blogpost mentioning Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor at the Department of Law, OUPblog, 17 December 2022.

Reportage TPI – Fitoussi e i suoi amici (anti-liberisti): tutti a lezione alla Scuola di Parigi, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The Post Internazionale, 18 December 2022.

Douleur économique, les frappes turques poussent les Kurdes syriens vers l'Europe, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, News 24, 18 December 2022.

Comment les urgences de santé publique précédentes peuvent-elles nous aider à comprendre les restrictions de voyage liées au COVID-19?, an article co-written by Lorenzo PiccoliResearch Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studiesand Jelena Dzankic, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, DeFacto, 19 December 2022.

Funcas entrega los Premios Enrique Fuentes Quintana a las mejores tesis doctorales, an article mentioning David Jesús Andrés Cerezo, PhD Researcher at the Department of Economics, Funcas, 19 December 2022.

Karbontollen kommer: Fire utfordringer EU må håndtere, an article referencing Jos Delbeke, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Energi og Klima, 19 December 2022.

Romania e Bulgaria ancora fuori da Schengen. Cosa c'è dietro l'ultimo veto, an article mentioning Henriet Baas, Researcher at the Department of Law, East Journal, 19 December 2022.

الضربات التركية والاقتصاد المتدهور يدفعان أكراد سوريا نحو أوروبا | الحرة, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Alhurra, 19 December 2022.

Political action of anti-war Russian migrants facilitates possible democratization, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Mirage News, 20 December 2022.

Six things we learned at the Commission’s 2022 CCUS Forum, an article mentioning Christopher Jones, Part-time Professor at the Florence School of Regulation, Clean Air Task Force, 20 December 2022.

ISCTE lança primeira pós-graduação em 'fact-checking' em Portugal, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Diário de Notícias, 20 December 2022.

Kitől függetlenek Brüsszel „független tényellenőrei”?, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Magyar Nemzet, 20 December 2022.

Kurdos sirios huyen a Europa por crisis y ataques turcos, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 December 2022.

اتهامات للصين حول كورونا.. والصحة العالمية لم تتلقَ بيانات من بكين بشأن الحالات الجديدة, an article mentioning Adam Kamradt-Scott, Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Cairo 24, 22 December 2022.

Are all Afghan women and girls refugees? An analysis in light of the Refugee Convention, a blogpost co-written by Meltem Ineli Ciger, Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EJIL: Talk!, 22 December 2022.

How Not to Save Democracy, a blogpost written by Nicolas Guilhot, Full-time Professor at the Department of HistoryLondon Review of Books, 22 December 2022.

China hospital data absent from WHO's latest COVID reports, raising concern, an article quoting Adam Kamradt-Scott, Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Reuters, 23 December 2022.

中國連2週未向世衛通報染疫住院數 專家質疑隱匿, an article mentioning Adam Kamradt-Scott, Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, The Central News Agency, 23 December 2022.

Terapkan Nol Covid, Infeksi Virus Kembali Serang China, WHO: China Tidak Transparan, an article mentioning Adam Kamradt-Scott, Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Ruang Politik, 23 December 2022.

Electricity market reform: A fake Commission consultation?, an article mentioning the Florence School of Regulation, Euractiv, 23 December 2022.



10 December - 16 December

Spotlight: EU Signs Off on $19 Billion in Funding for Ukraine

Zselyke Csaky, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted by The Wall Street Journal on an article about the EU’s pledge to provide Ukraine with more than $19 billion in funding next year.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

EU Signs Off on $19 Billion in Funding for Ukraine, an article quoting Zselyke Csaky, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, The Wall Street Journal, 15 December 2022.

 コロナ禍&ウクライナ侵攻で「偽情報」深刻化 欧州にみるファクトチェックの協力関係, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), J-CAST, 10 December 2022.

The crypto project Algorand launches the Cometa protocol: goodbye to the liquidity problem, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The Cryptonomist, 11 December 2022.

Una regolazione partecipata per le blockchain, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Sole 24 Ore, 12 December 2022.

'A young girl has lost her life': Unproven claim about homeless death spreads from Facebook to the Dáil, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), The Journal, 12 December 2022.

Legge elettorale promossa: la maggior parte degli italiani vota a destra o sinistra, an article mentioning the European University Institute, ItaliaOggi, 13 December 2022.

La legge elettorale ha funzionato, an article mentioning the European University Institute, ItaliaOggi, 13 December 2022.

Syrian mobile operator linked to Iran’s IRGC, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Blitz, 13 December 2022.

Izquierda, derecha y territorio: presente y futuro de las alianzas parlamentarias, an article written by Manuel Alvariño Vázquez, Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, El País, 13 December 2022. „Died Suddenly”, nou documentar despre vaccinurile Covid-19, care promovează tot vechile minciuni, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), DW, 13 December 2022.

Press report: ​România fără lideri: De ce nu se bat Iohannis și Ciucă pentru țară? ​Blocuri ilegale, 80 de familii alungate din case. Dosarul banilor furați de la CEC și donați la săraci și biserici. Băluță comandă o garnitură de metrou să îi plimbe pe Grindeanu și Ciolacu, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Hot News, 13 December 2022.

European Journalism Now: Prague Conference Wrap-up, an article mentioning Elda Brogi, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The International Press Institute, 14 December 2022.

Pandemic changed everything for migrants. Now, it’s getting worse, an article mentioning the Migration Policy Centre, The Toronto Star, 14 December 2022.

Blockchain: al via dal Parlamento Europeo l'attività del centro di ricerca italiano ACE Brain, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Automazione Plus, 14 December 2022.

Democratic Values in the Digital Age – How can tech companies reinforce and strengthen European democracy?, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Euractiv, 14 December 2022.

Europäisches Netzwerk gegen Desinformation, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Die Bundesregierung, 14 December 2022.

Second mandate for the European Digital Media Observatory on disinformation in Europe, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, European Digital Media Observatory, 15 December 2022.

Fighting Misinformation Online, a video mentioning the European University Institute, Euractiv, 15 December 2022.

GALA DE HOMENAJE Y RECONOCIMENTO DE BILBAO A LOS NUEVOS ‘ILUSTRES’ DE LA VILLA, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Euskadi Noticias, 15 December 2022.

Digital Bridge: Dates for the diary — What to watch in 2023 — Whom to follow, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), POLITICO, 15 December 2022.

ECB extends liquidity lines with central banks, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The Paypers, 16 December 2022.

Electricity market reform is no silver bullet for Europe’s energy crisis, an op-ed written by Jean-Michel Glachant, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Euractiv, 16 December 2022.

Tech Brief: US draft data adequacy decision, Sweden’s (low) digital priorities, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory, Euractiv, 16 December 2022.

La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología presenta los resultados de la encuesta sobre la desinformación científica en España, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, 16 December 2022.

Cultura científica y alfabetización mediática para reconocer bulos. Supercam, ojos y oídos para estudiar Marte, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), EITB, 16 December 2022.

Riforma mercato elettrico, ecco le proposte di Bruxelles, an article mentioning Jean-Michel Glachant, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, ANSA, 16 December 2022.




3 December - 9 December

Spotlight: Kyiv and Baltics hit out at Emmanuel Macron’s stance on Russia

Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted by Financial Times on his response to French president Macron’s suggestion that Russia would need to be given security guarantees as part of future negotiations to end the war in Ukraine.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Kyiv and Baltics hit out at Emmanuel Macron’s stance on Russia, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Financial Times, 4 December 2022.

Haastatteluja Linnan juhlissa, an interview featuring Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Helsingin Sanomat, 3 December 2022.

Iran: Government leaning towards China, Russia amid challenge from youth, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, News Day Express, 3 December 2022.

So machen es die anderen: Wie man Bürger eines EU-Staates wird, an article quoting Rainer Bauböck, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Handelsblatt, 3 December 2022.

AFP se asocia con cinco plataformas europeas para luchar contra la desinformación,an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Metro Libre, 3 December 2022.

Iran: contested by youth, regime is turning more than ever to China and Russia, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Newsdrum, 3 December 2022.

Tips Kuliah di Negara Barat Tanpa Menjadi Kebarat-baratan, an article quoting Farhan Majiid, Master Student at the School of Transnational Governance,, 3 December 2022.

Désinformation : l'AFP partenaire de 5 plateformes européennes, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), CB News, 4 December 2022.

Viaceré štáty kritizujú Macrona za vyjadrenia o ústupkoch pre Rusko, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance,, 4 December 2022.

Kyjev, Fínsko a Pobaltie kritizujú Macrona za vyjadrenia o ústupkoch pre Rusko, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Denník Postoj, 4 December 2022.

Alexander Stubb tyrmää puheet Venäjän turvatakuista, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 4 December 2022.

Na Macrona se kvůli slovům o zárukách pro Rusko snesla kritika nejen z Kyjeva, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Seznam Zprávy, 4 December 2022.

Macroni avaldus tõi kriitikalaviini Balti riikidest, Soomest ja Ukrainast, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, ERR, 4 December 2022.

Macron-forslag om å gi Russland garantiar, får slakt, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, NRK, 5 December 2022.

Day 285 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Kyiv and the West react strongly against Macron’s statement on Russia, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Novinite, 5 December 2022.

La última pregunta, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Noticias de Gipuzkoa, 5 December 2022.

Macron enfurisma Ucraïna i els seus veïns després de recomanar «garanties de seguretat» per a Rússia, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, El Periódico, 5 December 2022

Yolanda Díaz se inspira en Monedero para buscar financiación para Sumar, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Moncloa, 5 December 2022.

Tổng thống Pháp hứng chỉ trích vì đề xuất đảm bảo an ninh cho Nga, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, VTC News, 5 December 2022.

Διεθνώς κορυφαίες προσωπικότητες της ενεργειακής ρύθμισης στο ετήσιο “Athens Conference on European Energy Law and Policy”, an article mentioning Leigh Hancher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced StudiesEnergy Press, 5 December 2022.

A Global Regulatory Policy Outlook, an article mentioning Claudio Radaelli,Full-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, The Regulatory Review, 5 December 2022.

Macron’s idea of ‘security guarantees’ to Russia faces backlash, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, EURACTIVE, 5 December 2022.

Parole chiave di una tragedia, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Questione Giustizia, 5 December 2022.

AFP joins five new hubs to fight disinformation in Europe, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Bizcommunity, 5 December 2022.

جامعة زايد تنظم أول مؤتمر لجمعية الإدارة المالية في الشرق الأوسط, an article mentioning Thorsten Beck,Full-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Sharjah24, 5 December 2022.

Visszaszóltak Macronnak Kijevből: Oroszországgal szemben van szükség biztonsági garanciákra, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Portfolio, 5 December 2022.

La tecnologia blockchain come pilastro della trasformazione digitale dell’UE. Al via dal Parlamento Europeo l’attività del centro di ricerca italiano ACE Brain, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Youmark, 6 December 2022.

Alexander Stubb, 54, juoksi Cooperin testin Topi Raitasen kirittämänä – tulos oli hurja, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Ilta-Sanomat, 6 December 2022.

Caos: el poder de los idiotas, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Diario del Norte, 6 December 2022.

Investice státních firem do reklamy v médiích mají být veřejné, an article mentioning a report from the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Mediaguru, 6 December 2022.

Vers une crise de l’humanisme?, an article quotingOlivier Roy,Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, La Liberté, 6 December 2022.

Histoire : comment la république d’Irlande a vu le jour, an article mentioning Brigid Laffan, Emerita Director at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Réforme, 6 December 2022.

Irlanda conmemora el centenario de su "Estado libre", an article mentioning Brigid Laffan, Emerita Director at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies,, 6 December 2022.

Ireland marks 100 years since founding of Irish Free State, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Emerita Director at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Macau News Agency, 6 December 2022.

ECB launches partnership with European University Institute to train banking supervisors, an article mentioning the Florence School of Banking and Finance and the European University Institute, European Central Bank, 6 December 2022.

Times of Malta to launch fact-checking service, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Times of Malta, 6 December 2022.

Countering Disinformation Wargame by Hybrid CoE and Friends of Europe, an article quoting Lauri Antero Tierala, Programme Director of European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Italian Digital Media Observatory (IDMO), 7 December 2022.

Quando i Nobel e la stampa erano contro la guerra, an article quoting Federico Romero, Visiting Fellow at the History Department, Patria Indipendente,7 December 2022.

Malta at risk of sliding down the Media Literacy Index, an article mentioning a report from the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, The Shift, 7 December 2022.

Crisis en Perú: Castillo de naipes, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Clarín, 7 December 2022.

ECB, European University Institute to train banking supervisors, an article mentioning the Florence School of Banking and Finance and the European University Institute, The Paypers, 7 December 2022.

Peruu Kongress valis uue presidendi peale Castillo riigipöördekatset, an article quoting Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, EER, 7 December 2022.

The end of competence, a podcast episode featuring Sony Kapoor, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, The David McWilliams Podcast, 8 December 2022.

Ευρωκοινοβούλιο: Στην ολομέλεια του Δεκεμβρίου η έκθεση της Κομισιόν για την κατάσταση των δημοσιογράφων και τις επιπτώσεις στο κράτος δικαίου, an article mentioning a report from the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Η ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ, 8 December 2022.

The spider of Khanasir and the rising star of Syria’s Hussam Luka, an article quoting Abdullah Al-Jabassini,Research Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Middle East Institute, 8 December 2022.

Peru plunges into political crisis as president ousted, an article quoting Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Financial Times, 8 December 2022.

China’s electricity market design should choose from successes in Europe, UK, Australia, USA, an article quoting Jean-Michel Glachant, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Energy Post, 8 December 2022.

Iran: contesté par la jeunesse, le régime se tourne plus que jamais vers la Chine et la Russie, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, RFI, 8 December 2022.

A crise que tememos e desejamos, a podcast featuring Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), TSF, 8 December 2022.

Ora l’Italia abbracci il Mes. Ignazio Angeloni spiega le ragioni del sì, an article interviewing Ignazio Angeloni,Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies,, 9 December 2022.

Syria’s Newest Mobile Operator Has A Hidden Link to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, 9 December 2022.

الصلات الخفية بين أحدث مشغل للهاتف المحمول في سوريا والحرس الثوري الإيراني, an article quoting Joseph Daher,Part-time Professor a the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Enab Baladi, 9 December 2022.

Op-ed: Tigray Interim Regional Administration: A case for government of national unity, an article mentioning Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Addis Standard, 9 December 2022.

The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post, an article mentioning Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Lawfare, 9 December 2022.

Changements de modèle, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, La Croix, 9 December 2022.

Irene Montero y la "hombría" de Vox, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, infoLibre, 9 December 2022.




26 November - 2 December

Spotlight: What are the main benefits of digital transformation?

Francesco Grillo, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, was quoted by Ruetir on a recent study which focused on the main benefits of the digital transition in various production sectors.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

What are the main benefits of digital transformation?, an article mentioning Francesco Grillo,Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Ruetir, 2 December 2022.

Comment établir une cartographie des ressources de fact-checking?, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), The Conversation, 27 November 2022.

Teorías de la conspiración y nueva complejidad, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Heraldo de México, 28 November 2022.

Crypto-assets and the relevance of international private law, an article co-written by Elisabeth Noble, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, International Banker, 28 November 2022.

Protesty policji w Brukseli. Na ulice wyszło 10 tys. Funkcjonariuszy, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Wszystko co najważniejsze, 28 November 2022.

The Ethiopia-Tigray Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and the Question of Accountability for International Crimes, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Just Security, 28 November 2022.

Suomen Nato-lähettilään mielestä liittymisestä ennen Ruotsia ei tarvitse puhua, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 29 November 2022.

Gli algoritmi sono dei pessimi boss, an article mentionin Tiago VieiraResearcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, La Svolta, 29 November 2022.

Google und YouTube wollen Nutzer gegen Desinformation schützen, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, heise online, 29 November 2022.

Yolanda Díaz inaugura la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, la más importante en el mundo de habla hispana, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Moncloa, 29 November 2022.

Google, YouTube pour millions into left-leaning nonprofit for new 'Global Fact Check Fund', an article mentioning the European University Institute, Fox News, 29 November 2022.

“Vivimos en plena crisis”, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Zona Docs, 29 November 2022.

Suomelta puuttuu nykyaikainen hyvinvointivaltiomalli, an article co-written by Annika Lehmus-Sun, Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Helsingin Sanomat, 30 November 2022.

A ministr@ por año: ¿Habrá que reflexionar?, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Redacción Médica, 30 November 2022.

Europa ante la desinformación: inteligencia artificial y alianzas, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Panorama Audiovisual, 30 November 2022.

Clima, la riapertura del dialogo tra Cina e Stati Uniti è un risultato importante, an article quoting Simone BorghesiDirector of the Florence School of Regulation, L’Eco di Bergamo, 30 november 2022.

Wie die Ampel Einbürgerung erleichtern will, an article mentioning Rainer Bauböck, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme of the RSC, t-online, 30 November 2022.

Daniel Innerarity, Iraia Iturregi, Adolfo Arejita y Susana Rodríguez, nombrados Ilustres de Bilbao 2022, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Europa Press, 30 November 2022.

¿Se imaginan a la Generalitat criticando el día de Sant Jordi?, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El País, 30 November 2022.

Poiares Maduro. Árbitra no Mundial é "positivo e poderoso", an article quoting Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Notícias ao Minuto, 30 November 2022.

Belg wordt directeur-generaal Klimaatactie bij Europese Commissie, an article mentioning Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, Het Nieuwsblad, 30 November 2022.

El péndulo de Feijóo, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Crónica Global, 30 November 2022.

Portugal: Press freedom remains robust even as media face resource strains, an article mentioning the Media Pluralism Monitor, International Press Institute, 1 December 2022.

Januártól kibővített formában működik tovább a Magyar Digitális Média Obszervatórium, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Kreatív, 1 December 2022.

New NATO memberships touch Putin’s nerves, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Newsfirst, 1 December 2022.

USPTO and WIPO to Pool Resources for Standards-Essential Patent Disputes, an article mentioning Igor Nikolic,Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Lexology, 1 December 2022.

Notre sélection des meilleurs essais pour s’embrouiller au dîner de Noël, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Ubesk & Rica, 1 December 2022.

« On découvre d’un seul coup qu’il n’y a plus d'abondance » : le futur du marché européen de l’électricité en débat au Sénat, an article quoting Jean-Michel Glachant, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Public Senat, 1 December 2022.

L’AFP partenaire de cinq nouvelles plateformes européennes de lutte contre la désinformation, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), AFP, 2 December 2022.

فرانس برس تقيم شراكة مع 5 منصات أوروبية لمكافحة التضليل الإعلامي, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Al-Ghad, 2 December 2022.

„Zentrale Medienaufsichtsbehörde“ als ‚Großer Bruder‘: So plant die EU die Pressefreiheit-Abschaffung, an article mentioning the Media Pluralism Monitor, Unser Mitteleuropa, 2 December 2022.

Tech Brief: Meta’s data protection woes, ETSI’s IPv6+ group closes, Chips Act general approach, article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), EURACTIVE, 2 December 2022.

Comissão Europeia preocupada com desinformação sobre a guerra, an article mentioning the European Media and Information Fund (EMIF), Diário de Notícias, 2 December 2022.

Gig platforms help immigrant care workers find jobs, but they are only a temporary solution, an article co-written by Anna Triandafyllidou, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Canadian Manufacturing, 2 December 2022.



19 November - 25 November

Spotlight: Once again, FIFA has sold its own rules and values for money

In an article co-written for POLITICO, Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), calls for sports reform during the most controversial football world cup ever.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Once again, FIFA has sold its own rules and values for money, an article co-written by Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), POLITICO, 23 November 2022.

El dilema de Musk, an article written by Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Vanguardia, 19 November 2022.

Hablemos de libros: Preguntas fundamentales de un filósofo, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Patria, 19 November 2022.

É mais fácil imaginar o fim do mundo do que o fim de Putin?, an article quoting Nicolas Guilhot, Professor of Intellectual History in the History Department, Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, 19 November 2022.

Ukraine brings EU and US under Biden closer but China still divides, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, The Irish Times, 19 November 2022.

A Module Playbook for Platform-to-Researcher Data Access, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Tech Policy Press, 20 November 2022.

Governantes "não deveriam ir". Ver Mundial no Catar é "dar cobertura às violações dos direitos humanos", an article mentioning Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), TSF, 20 November 2022.

O. Roy : « L’insistance sur l’identité, qui à la fin se ramène à la question de « mon » identité individuelle, casse la mobilisation collective », an interview featuring Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Chronik, 20 November 2022.

Media Freedom Act: Schafft Brüssel die Pressefreiheit ab?, an article mentioning the Media Pluralism Monitor, Europe.Table, 21 November 2022.

Críticas à representação do Estado no Catar aumentam: viagem do Presidente é votada esta segunda-feira, an article mentioning Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Expresso, 21 Novembre 2022.

Women Lives Matter. Começou o Mundial, a podcast featuring Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Expresso, 21 November 2022.

Imo: Govt will continue to create conducive business environment – Uzodinma aide, an article quoting Kenneth Amaeshi, Chair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, The Sun Nigeria, 21 November 2022.

Analiza stručnjaka: Neće EU graditi BiH od temelja, an article mentioning Jelena DzankicPart-time Professor in the Global Governance Programme, Director of Southestern Europe, Co-Director of GLOBALCIT, Oslobođenje, 21 November 2022.

Clima e inquinamento, l'Africa non è una vittima, an article quoting Keamou Soropogui, Fellow in Young African Leaders Programme at theSchool of Transnational Governance, La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, 22 November 2022.

Is the EU fiscal rules reform going in the right direction?, a podcast featuring Maria Demertzis, Adjunct Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Audioboom, 22 November 2022.

EDMO: Dezinformacja wojenna ponownie w natarciu, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Demagog, 22 November 2022.

Donata Bianchi (Presidente Commissione Pari opportunità, pace, diritti umani, relazioni internazionali, immigrazione): “La situazione dei profughi presenti sul territorio comunale”, an article mentioning Olena SnigyrJean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Cittá di Firenze, 23 November 2022. 

Европейският институт и Европейският фонд за медии и информация заедно в „Пилотни радио-проверки на факти за по-надеждна медийна среда”, an article mentioning the European Media and Information Fund (EMIF), БНР, 23 November 2022.

La protesta delle Ong contro il piano di Italia e Ue per regolare l’afflusso di migranti, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Linkiesta, 23 November 2022.

Richieste manifestazioni di interesse per ospitare Scuola regolamentazione, an article mentioning the Florence School of Regulation, Info Africa, 24 november 2022. 

Les livres politiques du mois de novembre 2022, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Émile Magazine, 24 November 2022.

Poiares Maduro admite interrupção da legislatura a confirmarem-se interferências de Costa, an article mentioning Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Diario de Noticias, 24 November 2022.

Portugal "não tem que ser cúmplice" de regimes autocráticos, diz Poiares Maduro, an interview featuring Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Público, 24 November 2022.

Catar: do Mundial da Vergonha ao Mundial da Mudança?, an article co-written by Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Tribuna Expresso, 24 November 2022.

Il piano europeo sui migranti che non piacerà al governo Meloni, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Fanpage, 25 November 2022.



12 November - 18 November

Spotlight: Africa should spend climate money wisely, not only ask for more

As the COP27 climate summit approahces its final day, Keamou Sotopogui, Young African Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, writes on La Repubblica that African leaders should go beyond asking for more cash and capitalise on funds received to mitigate and adapt to climate change.



Photo credits: Shutterstock

Africa should spend climate money wisely, not only ask for more, an article written by Keamou Soropogui,Young African Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, La Repubblica, 16 November 2022.
Also available in Italian: L'Africa dovrebbe spendere bene i soldi per il clima, non solo chiederne di più.

Caffè Europa del 12/11/2022, a podcast featuring Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentreRai Radio 1, 12 November 2022.

Olivier Roy : « On vit une époque où l’idéal pour un individu, c’est lui-même », an interview featuring Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Ouest-France, 12 November 2022.

Dalle Dolomiti un 'Manifesto' sul clima verso la Cop27, an article quoting Francesco Grillo, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, La Nuova Sardegna, 12 November 2022.

Torna la teoria dei “taxi del mare”: campagna denigratoria del governo contro le Ong che salvano vite, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Fanpage, 13 November 2022.

« L’islamophobie en Europe », thème d’un panel organisé à Paris, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Agence Anadolu, 13 November 2022.

Αγώνας δρόμου στην Ευρώπη για νέες ενεργειακές υποδομές, an article mentioning the Florence School of Regulation, The Power Game, 13 November 2022.

Alexander Stubb: Suomi on jo turvatakuiden piirissä, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 13 November 2022.

Panetta, politica monetaria non reagisca in eccesso, an article mentioning the European University Institute, ANSA, 14 November 2022.

Does Syria need luxury hotels as tourism declines?, an article mentioning  Joseph Daher, Part-time Professorat the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Enab Baladi, 14 November 2022.

Migrant Justice Groups Bring High Urgency, Low Expectations to COP 27, an article quoting Anna Triandafyllidou, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The energy Mix, 14 November 2022.

BCE, Panetta: inasprimento aggressivo non consigliabile dopo passi già fatti, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Borsa Italiana, 14 November 2022.

Wessen Stimme zählt?, an article mentioning Rainer Bauböck, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies , TIPS, 14 November 2022.

Giornate FAI per le scuole 2022: i luoghi da visitare, an article mentioning the European University Institute, FirenzeToday, 15 November 2022.

Niinistö ja Marin: Uutiset Puolasta huolestuttavia ja vakavia – "Sen jälkeen on johtopäätösten aika", an article mentioning  Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, MTV Uutiset, 15 November 2022.

Puolan presidentti: Kylään osuneen ohjuksen ampujasta ei varmuutta, an article quoting  Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, MTV Uutiset, 15 November 2022.

Italia, giornalismo e stato di diritto, an article mentioning a report from the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, 15 November 2022.

Can Switzerland Ever Become a 2,000-Watt Society?, an article quoting Troy Vettese, Max Weber Fellowat the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, The New Republic, 15 November 2022.

Syrians in Lebanon between two “hells”, an article mentioning  Joseph DaherPart-time Professorat the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Enab Baladi, 15 november 2022.

Sahel : de la Grande muraille verte au bandeau arboré, an article quoting Michele NoriPart-time Assistant Professorat the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Alternatives Economiques, 15 November 2022.

Il mistero del rapporto di Frontex sul «pull-factor» citato dal governo, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Manifesto, 15 November 2022.

Alp(en)traum Verlagerung, an article quoting Teodora Serafimova, Research Associateat the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung, 15 November 2022.

Comissões Técnicas. E todas o tempo levou, an article quoting Luís Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), PÚBLICO, 15 November 2022.

Indonesia Signs Deals to Accelerate Clean Energy Transition, an article quoting Sony Kapoor, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, The Diplomat, 16 November 2022.

Ofrece Doctor Matthias Finger conferencia "The City as a Complex Socio-technical System" en la UCC, an article mentioning Matthias Finger, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Imagen de Veracruz, 16 November 2022.

Wise leaders are usually CHEAP!, an article written by Kenneth Amaeshi, Chair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, Premium Times, 16 November 2022.

Il governo Meloni ha un problema con le fonti di informazione, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Domani, 17 November 2022.

Entre revendications identitaires et uniformisation du monde : quelle culture partager ?, an interview featuring Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Radio France, 17 November 2022.

Das Spektakel der Pressefreiheit in Zentraleuropa, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung17 november 2022.

Έναρξη υποβολής αιτήσεων για διδακτορικά προγράμματα Ευρωπαϊκού Πανεπιστημιακού Ινστιτούτου, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Dialogos, 17 November 2022.

A CERN Model for Studying the Information Environment, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 17 November 2022.

Fidel Cano Correa recibió el Premio a la Vida y Obra de un Periodista, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Espectador, 17 November 2022.

Professor klimaatbeleid Jos Delbeke : "Ik betwijfel of dit radicaal activisme het draagvlak voor het klimaat vergroot", a podcast featuring Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, Radio 1, 17 November 2022.

Świat zaczyna rozumieć. Były premier Finlandii: Kraje bałtyckie i Polska wiedziały, o co chodzi z Rosją, ostrzegały innych, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, wPolityce, 18 November 2022.

Referendum / Sprejem novele Zakona o RTV je v javnem interesu, an article mentioning a report from the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Mladina, 18 November 2022.

Miguel Poiares Maduro: "Líderes políticos não têm de ir ver jogos ao Qatar", an article quoting Luis Poiares Pessoa Maduro,Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Rádio Renascença, 18 November 2022.

Guerre en Ukraine : les leçons de l'ancien premier ministre Finlandais aux européens, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Challenges, 18 November 2022.

Cztery główne błędy Finlandii w stosunku do Rosji. "Powinniśmy być realistami, jak Polska", an article quoting  Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance,, 18 November 2022.




5 November - 11 November

Spotlight: Elon Musk is already turning Twitter into MySpace

In this op-ed published in EUobserver, Nicolas Petit, Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman Centre, commented on the risk of Musk’s Twitter becoming a space where political polarisation is the rule and consensus formation the exception.


Photo credits: Unspash


Elon Musk is already turning Twitter into MySpace, an op-ed written by Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreEUobserver, 8 November 2022.

La última pregunta de Iñaki Gabilondo se queda sin respuesta, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El País, 5 November 2022.

La crise identitaire est-elle inéluctable ? On en débat avec Olivier Roy et Julia de Funès, an interview featuring  Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Marianne, 5 November 2022.

L’Europa vara il Ministero della Verità a matrice atlantica: vi sveliamo la cellula italiana, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Matrice Digitale, 5 November 2022.

Fundo Europeu para os Media e Informação, an article mentioning the European Media and Information Fund (EMIF), Mais Algarve, 5 November 2022.

Imo formulates industrial policy to attract new investments, an article quoting Kenneth Amaeshi, Chair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, BusinessDay, 5 November 2022.

‘Brinkmanship’ cited for break in vital Ethiopia peace signature, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru Part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, The East African, 6 November 2022.

La posverdad electoral, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Zona Este, 6 November 2022.

Karlos Ordóñez Ferrer: “Se acabaron los palacios de invierno, es hora de valorar los pequeños gestos”,an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Noticias de Gipuzkoa, 6 November 2022.

Iñaki Gabilondo: "España es el país más fuerte del mundo porque lleva dos siglos queriendo matarse", an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Español, 6 November 2022.

Más de 4 millones de ucranianos se han acogido a la protección temporal de UE, an article quoting Meltem Ineli Ciger,Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, SWI, 7 November 2022.

La desinformación nos hace tontos, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Vanguardia, 7 November 2022.

Debatt: Så kan svenska företag hantera ny geoekonomisk spelplan, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Dagens industri, 7 November 2022.

La burbuja politológica, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Hora Digital, 7 November 2022.

Europoslance čeká schvalování zákona o svobodě médií. Novináři ho vítají, část vydavatelů je proti, an article quoting Elda Brogi, Member of the Executive Board and Coordinator Policy Analysis and Research of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Forum24, 7 November 2022.

Ist das fair? Algorithmen und Asylsuchende, an article mentioning the European University Institute, VolkswagenStiftung, 8 november 2022.

Workshop on court databases held in Florence, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Mirage News, 8 November 2022.

La storia e le 'trappole' dei divulgatori social: ora esce una 'guida semi-seria', an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Globalist, 8 November 2022.

Climate migration front and centre at COP27 in Egypt, an article quoting Anna Triandafyllidou, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, New Canadian Media, 8 November 2022.

Daniel Innerarity y Amagoia Paskual, «Gazte Role Model Saria 2022», an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Bilboko Elizbarrutia - Diócesis de Bilbao , 9 November 2022.

‘We zijn een rijk land met diepe zakken’, an interview with Anton Hemerijck,Full-time Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, De Groene Amsterdammer, 9 November 2022.

الجمعيات الخيرية في سوريا.. واجهة لرجال الأعمال؟, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Solution Net, 9 november 2022.

Yolanda Díaz says that Navarra "has to teach many things to the rest of the country", an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Diario de Navarra, 9 November 2022.

Do not mistake Kherson retreat for a crack in Putin’s armour, an article written by Alexander Baunov, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Financial Times, 10 November 2022.

Migranti, l’emergenza sulle spalle dell’Italia abbandonata dall’Europa? La verità in quattro grafici, e l’inutilità dello sbarco in Francia, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 10 November 2022.

Antonio Nicita, il prof democratico salito a bordo con i migranti, an article quoting Antonio Nicita, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Center for Media Freedom and Media Pluralism, la Repubblica, 10 November 2022.

Governare il climate change per assicurarsi il domani, an article mentioning Francesco Grillo, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Economy Magazine, 10 November 2022.

“Nel Segno della Libertà” all’Istituto Centrale per il Restauro di Roma, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European, 10 November 2022.

À la recherche de la bonne gouvernance, an article quoting Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Le Grand Continent, 10 November 2022.

Living with the Land: Rural and Agricultural Actors in Twentieth-Century Europe, an article mentioning Corinna Unger,Head of Department and Full-time Professor at the Department of History, Universiteit Utrecht, 10 November 2022.

« Le moralisme ne suffit pas à orienter une société », an interview with Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Usbek & Rica, 10 November 2022.

Dal 21 al 26 novembre le Giornate Fai per le scuole in Toscana, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Toscana Oggi, 11 November 2022.

Ο Χρ. Κέλλας στο Ίδρυμα Κρατικών Υποτροφιών, an article mentioning the European University Institute,, 11 November 2022.

"Lücken der Repräsentation werden größer", an article quoting Rainer Bauböck, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Wiener Zeitung, 11 November 2022.

Riita saamelaislaista repii Sanna Marinin hallitusta – tästä siinä on kyse, an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Law Department, Iltalehti, 11 November 2022.

Il fotovoltaico è donna: l’energia solare sul podio della diversità, an article quoting Ilaria ContiHead of the Gas Area at the Florence School of Regulation, Vita, 11 November 2022.



29 October - 4 November

Spotlight: Terence Corcoran: Get ready for the COP27 hurricane

Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted on Financial Post on what he thinks are Europe’s biggest challenges today: energy poverty and the risk of de-industrialisation.


Photo credits: Shutterstock


Terence Corcoran: Get ready for the COP27 hurricane, an article quoting Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, Financial Post, 2 November 2022.

Transition écologique : pour l'économiste Jean Pisani-Ferry missionné par Borne, "le compte n'y est pas", an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry,Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Challenges, 29 October 2022.

Sanctions coalitions: Stronger together, an article co-authored by Sonali Chowdhry, Max Weber Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, VOX EU, 30 October 2022.

La nostalgia intelectual que piensa que ahora todos somos tontos (y antes, muy listos), an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Confidencial, 30 October 2022.

Olivier Roy, Le regole uccidono l’identitá, an interview featuring Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Il Corriere della Sera, 30 October 2022.

Torna Caffè Europa: tre incontri divulgativi su ambiente e transizione, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Nove da Firenze, 31 October 20222.

Amerikkalaislehti uutisoi Suomesta ja ydinaseista – Aaltola ja Stubb ärähtivät: ”Humpuukia”, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Iltalehti, 31 October 2022.

Analyysi: Raja-aita on poliitikkojen suosikkihanke, mutta kenet sen pitäisi pysäyttää?, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Law Department, Apu, 31 October 2022.

CNBC’s financial news report for China’s CCTV, an article quoting Ignazio Angeloni, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, CNBC, 31 October 2022.

ERM's 1992 crisis offers lessons for today, an article mentioning the European University Institute, London Business School, 1 November 2022.

Dienstleister für Zensur und Boykott, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), 1 November 2022.

A Escola e a Dança dos Homens (2), an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Correntes, 1 November 2022.

Al-Shabaab bloodbath: Resurgence or fight for survival?, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The East African, 1 November 2022.

Plattform zur Bekämpfung von Desinformation in Deutschland startet, an article mentionign the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Newsroom, 1 November 2022.

Europe’s Looming Energy Disaster, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Project Syndicate, 1 November 2022.

Daniel Innerarity: «Il tempo dell'algoritmo chiede nuove democrazie», an interview featuring Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance,, 1 november 2022.

Olivier Roy. As regras matam a identidade, an article featuring Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, 2 November 2022.

المهاجر يطّور علاقة جديدة تماماً مع بلده الأم وبلد المهجر, an interview with Victoria Finn, Max Weber Fellow at the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, SWI, 2 November 2022.

El Palacio de la Aljafería acoge hoy el congreso sobre Inteligencia Artificial y democracia, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Aragón Noticias, 2 november 2022.

Terence Corcoran: Get ready for the COP27 hurricane, an article quoting Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceYahoo Finance, 2 November 2022.

Inteligencia política, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Vanguardia, 3 November 2022.

Neue Faktencheck-Kooperation „GADMO“ gestartet, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Die Bundesregierung, 3 November 2022.

Shifts in expectations may undermine debt sustainability, an article co-written by Giancarlo Corsetti, Joint Chair at the Department of Economics and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, VOX EU, 3 November 2022.

Uzodimma unveils master plan to boost businesses in Imo, an article quoting Kenneth Amaeshi, Chair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, PM News Nigeria, 3 November 2022.

Mps è salva. Ma resta un dubbio sull’operazione Siena, an article quoting Ignazio Angeloni, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies,, 4 November 2022.

La posverdad electoral, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Acento, 4 November 2022.

Europoslance čeká schvalování zákona o svobodě médií. Novináři ho vítají, část vydavatelů je proti, an article mentioning Elda Brogi, Member of the Executive Board and Coordinator Policy Analysis and Research of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Hlídací, 4 November 2022.

Svenska dagen: Dag Wallgren, Carl Haglund, Krista Siegfrids och Alexander Stubb får folktingspris, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, HBL, 4 November 2022.


22 October - 28 October

Spotlight: ‘A migrant is always both an immigrant and an emigrant’

In an interview with SWI, Victoria Finn, Max Weber Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, talked about her research on the voting behaviour of those who enjoy the unique position of being tied to two different countries at once: migrants. 


Photo credits: Shutterstock


‘A migrant is always both an immigrant and an emigrant’, an interview featuring Victoria Finn, Max Weber Fellow at the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, SWI, 23 October 2022.

Also available in German: Wer auswandert, erhält ganz neue Beziehungen. Zu zwei Staaten.
Also available in Spanish: Chile, pionero en el sufragio de los inmigrantes
Also available in Portuguese: Chile é pioneiro em sufrágios de imigrantes

Giorgia Meloni sworn in as Italian PM – but questions over her longevity begin, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The Telegraph, 22 October 2022.

Pourquoi faire diriger une entreprise par une IA est une terrible idée, an article mentioning Tiago Vieira, Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Presse-Citron, 22 October 2022.

La izquierda, el placer y la tentación moral de Innerarity, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Info Libre, 22 October 2022.

Pourquoi l’exécutif peine à intégrer le climat dans l’horizon politique, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry,Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Le Monde, 22 October 2022.

L.elettorale: nasce comitato promotore abolizione Rosatellum, an article mentioning Costanza Hermanin, Research Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Sardinia Post, 23 October 2022.
L’opposizione batte un colpo. Pizzarotti (L’Italia C’è), faremo opposizione civica e riformatrice, an article mentioning Costanza Hermanin, Research Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Lab Parlamento, 23 October 2022.

WHO head in Middle East ‘disturbed’ by abuse reported by AP, an article quoting Adam Kamradt-Scott,Full-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, The Seattle Times, 24 Otober 2022.

Derecho a soñar, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Correo, 24 October 2022.

Fintech, al via l’Academy per i supervisori dell’Ue, an article mentioning the Florence School of Banking and Finance, Corriere Comunicazioni, 24 October 2022.

Ambiente, le soluzioni per gestire la crisi, an article quoting Francesco Grillo, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Quotidiano Nazionale, 24 October 2022.

Cinema per la pace, il Montecatini festival dedicato a Ucraina e Iran, an article mentioning Andrii Pichyienko, Project Associate at the School of Transnational Governance, and Roeland Scholtalbers, Communications Specialist at the School of Transnational Governance, In Toscana, 24 October 2022.

POINT DE VUE. « Société : attention fragile ! », an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, La Roche sui Yon, 24 October 2022.

«Los algoritmos tienen sesgos»: Daniel Innerarity defiende la digitalización pero escogiendo para qué, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Radio Popular, 25 October 2022.

Mission Jean Pisani-Ferry – Évaluation des impacts macroéconomiques de la transition écologique, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry,Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies,France Stratégie, 25 October 2022.

EDMO: Πώς διαμορφώθηκαν οι τάσεις παραπληροφόρησης στην Ευρώπη τον μήνα Σεπτέμβριο, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Ellinika Hoaxes, 25 October 2022.

Olivier Roy über den Iran: “Es ist ein Todeskampf”, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Frankfurter Rundschau, 25 October 2022.

In Conversation 2022/2023 - S1E13: Alexander Stubb, Former Finnish Prime Minister, an interview featuring Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Channel New Asia, 26 October 2022.

“El futuro de la democracia depende de nuestra capacidad para superar los desafíos de la era digital”, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Eaj-Pnv, 26 October 2022.

Census reveals immigrants nearly a quarter of Canada’s population, and fanning outside of the Big 3 cities, an article quoting Anna Triandafyllidou, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The Peterborough Examiner, 26 October 2022.

Los consejos sociales reclaman al ministro Subirats reforzar su rol en la nueva ley universitaria, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Navarra Capital, 26 October 2022.

Piantedosi, il pull factor e la condanna a Strasburgo: perché le frasi del ministro dell’interno sui migranti sono fortemente opinabili, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Open, 26 October 2022.

Lượng khí thải của châu Âu tăng trở lại sau dịch COVID-19, an article quoting Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, VTV, 26 October 2022.

Talha Gunay speaks on EU’s responsibility for Frontex’s surveillance activities in Libyan context, an article mentioning the Migration Policy Centre, Mirage News, 26 October 2022.

Tackling the energy crisis: organised civil society calls for a realistic and pragmatic approach to energy transition, an article mentioning Leonardo Meeus, Loyola de Palacio Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre and Director of the Florence School of Regulation, The Paradise, 27 October 2022.

EU risks undermining climate goals with focus on energy prices, an article quoting Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational, Governance, Financial Times, 27 October 2022.

Charlotte Groppo : « L’approche par le genre doit être accompagnée, renforcée, soutenue », an article mentioning the European University Institute, 50/50 Magazine, 27 October 2022.

Jean Pisani-Ferry missionné par Élisabeth Borne sur l’impact macroéconomique de la transition climatique, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry,Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Aef Info, 27 October 2022.

La Presidenta Chivite agradece la labor de la Comisión formada por personas referentes de la sociedad durante la desescalada del COVID-19, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance,, 27 October 2022.

Onko Suomen tapa ilmoittaa koronakuolemat oikea?, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Law Department, Verkkouutiset, 27 October 2022.

Good leaders are usually wise!, an article written by Kenneth Amaeshi, Chair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, Premium Times, 27 October 2022.

Zelt-Quartiere für Asylwerber für Forscher "beschämend", an article mentioning Rainer Bauböck, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, APA-Science,  28 October 2022.

Cine sunt cei 150 de membri Bilderberg care au influențat și controlat răspunsul la COVID-19, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry,Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Active News, 28 October 2022.




15 October - 21 October

Spotlight: The Threat of Humanitarian Crisis Grows as Ethiopia Ramps Up Tigray War

Mehari Taddele Maru, part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and the Migration Policy Centre, was quoted by Foreign Policy on the ongoing war in Tigray and compared the current situation with the 1994 Rwanda genocide against Tutsis.


Photo credits: Shutterstock


The Threat of Humanitarian Crisis Grows as Ethiopia Ramps Up Tigray War, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and the Migration Policy Centre, Foreign Policy, 19 October 2022.

La batalla tecnológica global, an article written by Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Vanguardia, 15 October 2022.

Incomunicados, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Universal, 15 October 2022.

Em breve, o seu chefe poderá ser um algoritmo (ou já é), an article quoting Tiago VieiraResearcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, ZAP.aeiou, 16 October 2022.

Olivier Roy : « Nous vivons une forme de déculturation sans reculturation », an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Le Point, 16 October 2022.

Signo de los tiempos. El relato político y lo que va de la gesta a la parábola, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Nacion, 16 October 2022.

Contemporaneamente: Miltos Manetas e Elena Carletti su Artribune Podcast, a podcast featuring Elena Carletti, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Artribune, 17 October 2022.

«Dolomiti vulnerabili ma resilienti», a Bolzano e Trento la Conferenza sul clima, an article quoting Francesco GrilloVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Alto Adige, 17 October 2022.

Incomunicados, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Analitica, 17 October 2022.

Clima, Axa al fianco di Vision Think Tank per la 1a Dolomite conference, an article quoting Francesco GrilloVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Adnkronos, 17 October 2022.

Città smart e sicure. Nardella: "Attenti a criminali virtuali del web", an article mentioning the European University Institute, Met, 17 October 2022.

EDMO: Energetyczna dezinformacja wysuwa się na pierwszy plan, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Demagog, 18 October 2022.

Daniel Innerarity: «El riesgo real es que se estanque la democracia, no que haya un golpe fascista», an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Diario Vasco, 18 October 2022.

La batalla del estado de ánimo (1), an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Diario de Avisos, 18 October 2022

Al via Dolomite Conference, la prima in Italia su climate change e transizione energetica, an article quoting Francesco GrilloVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Forbes, 19 October 2022.

Экономическая "могилизация": куда и какими темпами катится путинская россия, an article mentioning the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Realist Online, 19 October 2022.

Webinar: Διαδικτυακό Ενημερωτικό Σεμινάριο για το Πρόγραμμα χορήγησης υποτροφιών Ι.Κ.Υ., an article mentioning the European University Institute, Youthspot, 19 October 2022.

L'inquiétante prolifération des normes : conversation avec Olivier Roy, a podcast featuring Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the School of Transnational Governance, Radio France, 19 October 2022.

Tiden som doktorand i Florens blev början på internationell karriär, an article mentioning Juho Härkönen,Dean of Postdoctoral Studies at the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies, Tidningen Curie, 19 October 2022.

Claves y polémicas de la Feria de Fráncfort, donde España es invitada de honor, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Vozpopuli, 19 October 2022.

Donne in redazione: poche, anche nel sud-est Europa, an article mentioning the Media Pluralism Monitor, Osservatorio Calcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, 19 October 2022.

La batalla del estado de ánimo (y 2), an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Diario de Avisos, 19 October 2022.

Connecting sciences: Daniel Innerarity and Arkaitz Carracedo tête à tête, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance,, 19 October 2022.

Chile, pionero en el sufragio de los inmigrantes, an interview featuring Victoria Finn, Max Weber Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies,,20 October 2022.

'Smart e sicure: come costruire le città connesse del futuro?', an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, Nove da Firenze, 20 October 2022.

“Olin väärässä” – Ex-pääministeri Stubb myöntää virheensä Venäjän suhteen, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Iltalehti, 20 October 2022.

Roma resta sotto la lente "Gli Usa si fidano di Meloni", an interview with Erik JonesDirector and professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Quotidiano Nazionale, 21 October 2022.

Former Finnish PM Stubb admits to making mistakes on Russia, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Helsinki Times, 21 October 2022.

'The big stuff' often starts when basic human needs go unmet, an article featuring Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Yahoo! Money, 21 October 2022.

The Suicide of Politics II, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Diaria, 21 October 2022.

No Women No Panel – Senza donne non se ne parla" al festival "Eredità delle Donne" di Firenze, an article quoting Costanza Hermanin, Research Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Rai, 21 October 2022.



8 October - 14 October

Spotlight: Horrible bosses: how algorithm managers are taking over the office

In this article written for The Conversation, Tiago Vieira, researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, and his co-author expand on the risks related to software algorithms that assume managerial functions.


Photo credits: Shutterstock


Horrible bosses: how algorithm managers are taking over the office, an article co-authored by Tiago Vieira, Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, The Conversation, 11 October 2022.

Los Premios Nacionales de Investigación reconocen el trabajo de 10 jóvenes científicos, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Tambor, 9 October 2022.

"Venäjä on eristämässä itsensä vuosikymmeniksi”, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 10 October 2022.

Italy’s Right Turn Is About Cultural Issues – BRINK – Conversations and Insights on Global Business, a podcast featuring Erik Jones, Director and professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Brink, 10 October 2022.

El Gobierno lanza la Red Iberoamericana para la Digitalización y la Inteligencia Artificial para estudiar su impacto en la democracia, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, DPL News, 10 October 2022.

¿Qué países ganan y cuáles pierden? La letra pequeña de la nueva solución europea de energía, an article quoting Alberto Pototschnig, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, El Economista, 10 October 2022.

Daniel Innerarity, en el área de humanidades, y Arkaitz Carracedo, en el área de biología, Premios Nacionales de Investigación, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Campusa, 10 October 2022.

Le plaisir d’admirer quelqu’un, an article mentioning Olivier Roy,Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and School of Transnational Governance, La Vie, 11 October 2022.

A ambos lados de la cadena, cocinar para el futuro, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity  AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Esglobal, 11 October 2022.

Leituras cruzadas sobre poesia, democracia e cidadania, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Journal de Ca’, 11 October 2022.

Un nuevo género, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Razón, 11 October 2022.

Venäjän entinen ihmisoikeuskomissaari Ukrainasta: Joko he valittavat?, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 11 October 2022.

Alexander Stubb syyttää joitakin Suomen poliitikkoja ja diplomaatteja Venäjän miellyttämisestä: ”Älyllisesti epä­rehellistä”, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Ilta Sanomat, 11 October 2022.

Così il Comune ha lasciato il FabLab di Marsala senza sede, an article quoting Martina Ferracane, Research Fellow the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Tp24, 11 October 2022.

Imo modern poultry revival will aid export, create jobs, says Amaeshi, an article mentioning Kenneth Amaeshi,Chair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, Business AM, 11 October 2022.

Daphne’s law: EU’s Media Freedom Act inspired by visit to Caruana Galizia memorial service, says Jourová, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, The Shift, 12 October 2022.

La izquierda y el placer, an article written by Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El País, 12 October 2022.

Resumen de Confidenciales nº 4021, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Capital Madrid, 12 October 2022.

La importancia de las TIC’s, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Noticias de Navarra, 12 October 2022.

Charles Jaigu: «La fin de l’implicite et de l’évident», an article quoting Olivier Roy,Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and School of Transnational Governance, Le Figaro, 12 October 2022.

Algorytmy coraz częściej zastępują ludzi. Jakie są tego wady?, an article quoting Tiago Vieira, Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Focus, 12 October 2022.

Το νέο W Costa Navarino φιλοξένησε το Democracy and Happiness Weekend, an article mentioning Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Chair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational Governance, Click At Life, 13 October 2022.

“Fins de Tarde no Teatro” colocam a cultura em diálogo com outras áreas da sociedade, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Regiao De Leiria, 13 October 2022.

Poliitikkojen Venäjä-suhteista leimahti kiivas keskustelu – konkari­poliitikko Seppo Kääriäiseltä tyhjentävä lausunto HAAPALA-TV, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Ilta Sanomat, 13 October 2022.

VN-resolutie Russische annexatie: wie onthield zich van stemming en waarom?, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Nos, 13 October 2022.

Tribunal de Contas português vai ser auditor externo do laboratório de partículas CERN, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Eco Sapo, 14 October 2022.

Wer auswandert, erhält ganz neue Beziehungen. Zu zwei Staaten, an interview with Victoria Finn, Max Weber Fellow at theRobert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Swissinfo, 14 October 2022.

«Les conditions d’accueil n’ont aucun impact sur le choix des migrants», an article quoting Federica Infantino, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Le Soir, 14 October 2022.

Ist Österreich ein Einwanderungsland?, an article quoting Rainer Bauböck, Part-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Salzburg24, 14 October 2022.

Prosigue el deterioro de la Atención Primaria y Comunitaria española, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Redacción Médica, 14 October 2022.

Jelena Džankić: Bez zdravih institucija nema članstva, ono na što bi trebala biti usmjerena sva politička energija kako bi BiH krenula naprijed je..., an interview featuring Jelena Dzankic, Part-time Professor in the Global Governance Programme, Director of Southestern Europe, Co-Director of GLOBALCIT, Oslobodjenje,  14 October 2022.

Pääkirjoitus: Rahakas peli Venäjän kanssa tahri Ahon ja Lipposen kunnian – valtiomiesten mahalasku on syytä muistaa jatkossa, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Iltha Sanomat, 14 October 2022.

«Les conditions d’accueil n’ont aucun impact sur le choix des migrants», an interview with Federica Infantino, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, Le Soir, 14 October 2022. 


1 October - 7 October

Spotlight: Recessions Can Be Like Hurricanes, and Vice Versa

Edouard Challe, Full-time Professor at the Department of Economics, was quoted in The New York Times on some of the amplification mechanisms that can be expected, and need to be understood, when a recession is triggered by a financial crisis.


Photo credits: Shutterstock


Recessions Can Be Like Hurricanes, and Vice Versa, an article quoting Edouard Challe, Full-time Professor at the Department of Economics, The New York Times, 3 October 2022.

Internazionale a Ferrara 2022 - I buoni e i cattivi. Invasione, resistenza, pacifismo e diritto internazionale, a debate featuring Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and School of Transnational Governance, Radio Radicale, 1 October 2022.

Finlandia: nasze władze latami nie dostrzegały w Nord Stream zagrożenia; były naiwne, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Gospodarkla Morska, 1 October 2022.

Uszkodzenie Nord Stream. "Mogło dojść o największej w historii pojedynczej emisji metanu", an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Interia Wydarzenia, 1 October 2022.

«Una izquierda que espera no es izquierda», an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Rebelion, 1 October 2022.

Visco: “rialzo tassi troppo veloce rischia creare recessione”. Critiche a Lagarde, an article mentioning the European Unicersity Institute, Firenze Post, 2 October 2022.

Independența Scoției : Acordul de la Edinburgh, an article quoting Simon Hix, Full-time Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Click Romania, 2 October 2022.

Były premier Finlandii: Wojna w Ukrainie przywróciła NATO sens istnienia, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Euractiv, 2 October 2022.

Alexander Stubb: Ennustan nykyisen Venäjän osittaista hajoamista, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 3 October 2022.

How to Build the European Political Community, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Project Syndicate, 3 October 2022.

Can Europe Sustain the Iranian-Saudi Rapprochement?, an article written by Mahmoud Javadi, Master Student at the School of Transnational Governance, Manara Magazine, 3 October 2022.

Migrants in Italy face uncertainty after far-right prime minister's win, an article quoting Andrew Geddes, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, ABC News, 3 October 2022.

Private sector should combat climate change – Stakeholders, an article quoting Kenneth Amaeshi Chair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational Governance, Business Day, 4 October 2022.

La democracia es compleja, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Fundacion Sistema, 5 October 2022.

Da TIM e IDMO un nuovo programma per le scuole per contrastare il fenomeno delle fake news, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Gruppo Tim, 5 October 2022.

Democracy is dying of success!!, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, The Statesman, 5 October 2022.

Kaasuputkivideo Eero Heinäluomasta leviää – näin hän kommentoi itse Helsingin Sanomille, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Iltalehti, 5 October 2022.

“Rauhanprojekti” – näin kansanedustajat puolustivat Nord Streamia vuonna 2009, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 5 October 2022.

Innovative Thinkers Gather at Costa Navarino for ‘Democracy and Happiness Weekend’, an article mentioning Kalypso Nicolaïdis, Chair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational Governance, Greek Travel Pages, 6 October 2022.

The winners and losers in the EU’s ‘patchy’ energy crisis fix, an article quoting Alberto Pototschnig, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, POLITICO, 6 October 2022.

النساء يتصدرن قيادة أوروبا في الحرب والأخطار, an article quoting Costanza Hermanin, Research Fellow art the School of Transnational Governance, Independent Arabia, 6 October 2022.

Comunità politica europea, cos'è?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, 6 October 2022.

Macron’s new political community opens Pandora’s box, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, POLITICO, 6 October 2022.

Political campaign for a world anti-corruption agency launched at the European Parliament, an article quoting Luis Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Play The Game, 7 October 2022.

Time-limited evictions ban has strong chance of withstanding legal challenge, expert believes, an article mentioning Hilary Hogan, PhD Researcher at the Department of Law, The Irish Times, 7 October 2022.

Θέλεις να πάρεις μέρος στο Erasmus+ ή ψάχνεις για υποτροφία; Όλα όσα πρέπει να ξέρεις για το Ίδρυμα Κρατικών Υποτροφιών, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Athens Voice, 7 October 2022.

El filósofo bilbaíno Daniel Innerarity, Premio Nacional de Humanidades, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Correo, 7 October 2022.

La chiesa italiana indulgente con la destra, an article written by Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and School of Transnational Governance, Internazionale, 7 October 2022.



24 September – 30 September

Spotlight: The coming fight over Russian asylum-seekers

Andrew Geddes, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, was quoted by POLITICO on the topic of Russian asylum seekers in the EU fleeting from Vladmir Putin’s military mobilisation.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


The coming fight over Russian asylum-seekers, an article quoting Andrew Geddes, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, POLITICO, 26 September 2022.

Italiens næste premierminister kan blive en kvinde, der har hyldet Mussolini, og som har set sig sur på Gurli Gris, an article quoting Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance, DR, 24 September 2022.

Alexander Stubb kommentoi Putinin keinoja: ”Sota on liian iso, jotta hän voisi epäonnistua”, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Iltalehti, 24 September 2022.

Expertocracia, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Elmostrado, 26 September 2022.

More than One La Rioja 26/09/2022, a podcast featuring Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Ondacero, 26 September 2022.

«Implicarse es muy importante y todos estamos fracasando a medias», an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Rioja, 26 September 2022.

Right-wing victory in Italy expected to bring swift changes to migration, an article quoting Andrew Geddes, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, The Washington Post, 26 September 2022.

Meloni erhebt Anspruch auf Regierungsbildung, PD-Chef tritt zurück, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Tiroler Tageszeitung, 26 September 2022.

Interview, EU Media Freedom Act: New Approach to Media Regulations?, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Freedom and Media Pluralism, Civil Georgia, 26 September 2022.

Itália? Mau resultado dos parceiros pode dar "estabilidade" a Meloni, an article quoting Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Notícias ao Minuto, 26 September 2022.

Românii din Italia, între extrema dreapta și simpatia pentru AUR. “E clar cine va câștiga alegerile din diaspora în 2024”, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Fanatik, 26 September 2022

Finland Turned to NATO Membership with Lightning Speed, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, ICDS, 26 September 2022.

Expert: Meloniová nie je Mussolini, ale z kultúry fašizmu vychádza, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Pravda, 26 September 2022.

俄羅斯動員引爆混亂:傳出縱火、槍擊與示威抗議,歐盟擔憂難民湧入, an article quoting Andrew Geddes, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, News Yahoo, 27 September 2022.

In Imo, our focus is on employment-led industrial policy, says Amaeshi, an interview with Kenneth Amaeshi, Full-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Business A.M., 27 September 2022.

JUST NU: – Gasläckan senaste vapnet i kriget, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Marcus Oscarsson, 27 September 2022.

O condomínio fechado dos partidos, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Diario De Noticias, 27 September 2022.

Zmiana klimatu najczęstszym tematem fake newsów, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO),Wirtualnemedia, 27 September 2022.

La catastrofe umanitaria in Tigray che il mondo ignora, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru
Part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Editoriale Domani, 27 September 2022.

“Lappu luukulle, paitsi jos hakee turvapaikkaa” – Professori kertoo, millä ehdoilla Venäjän kansalainen voisi jatkossa päästä Suomeen, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Law Department, Uusi Suomi, 27 September 2022.

Putin’s Dangerous Bet, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Cepa, 27 September 2022.

La enfermedad social de la ignorancia, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Notre de Castilla, 28 September 2022.

Meloni sia prudente sui conti e i mercati le crederanno. Parla Angeloni, an article quotingIgnazio Angeloni, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Formiche, 28 September 2022.

Eusko Ikaskuntza reconoce "el gran talento" y la "generosidad" de Teresa Catalán, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Noticias de Navarra, 28 September 2022.

Il futuro governo visto dagli studiosi americani. L’analisi di Jones e Driessen, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Formiche, 28 September 2022.

Nigerian joins EU sustainable finance advisory group, an article mentioning Kenneth Amaeshi, Full-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Punch, 28 September 2022.

NATO found ‘renewed purpose’ amid Ukraine war, says former Finnish PM, an interview with  Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Euractiv, 28 September 2022.

صعود اليمين للسلطة في إيطاليا .. مخاوف بين اللاجئين والمهاجرين؟, an article quoting Andrew Geddes, Director of the Migration Policy Centre, Info Migrants, 28 September 2022.

România sub anestezie generală. Banii de la PSD și PNL distrug accelerat libertatea de exprimare, an article mentioning the Media Pluralism Monitorof thethe Centre for Media Freedom and Media Pluralism, G4Media, 28 September 2022.

Inflacja gorsza dla Polaków niż wojna. Nie ma już złudzeń, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Telepolis, 28 September 2022.

Uma ideia diferente sobre “fake news”, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Publico, 28 September 2022.

Kaasuputkilla rikastunut Paavo Lipponen puolusti Nord Stream -hanketta vuosikausia – entiset pääministerit pitivät hanketta vain ”ympäristökysymyksenä”, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Iltalehti, 28 September 2022.

Finnischer Ex-Premier: NATO fand inmitten des Ukraine-Kriegs “Neuen Sinn„, an interview with Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Euractive, 28 September 2022.

While Ukrainian refugees accepted, new fears in Central Europe over Middle Eastern migrants, an article quoting Filip Kostelka, Full-time Professor Department of Political and Social Sciences, Euronews, 29 September 2022.

UK leaving EUI ‘a very sad loss’ for all, an article quoting Renaud Dehousse, President of the European University Institute, Research Professional News, 29 September 2022.

Oikeustieteilijä yllättyi siitä, että hallitus vetoaa kansain­välisten suhteiden turvaamiseen, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Law Department, Helsingin Sanomat,  29 September 2022.

How the EU got its mojo back, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Emeritus Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Financial Times, 29 September 2022.

3ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο “Europe in Discourse: Tracing Identity through Values, History and Borders”, an article mentioning Federico Romero, Visiting Fellow at the History Department, Protothema, 29 September 2022.

Thursday's papers: Finland reacts to Nord Stream 'sabotage', the pipeline's history, an ex-PM's Russian client, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, YLE, 29 September 2022.

Especialistas en el Sahel analizan en Casa África la geopolítica de la región, an article mentioning Siga Maguiraga, PhD Researcher at the Department of History, La Provincia, 29 September 2022.

He eivät nähneet Nord Streamissa mitään turvallisuus­poliittista ulottuvuutta, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Ilta Sanomat, 29 September 2022.

Visco, rialzo tassi troppo rapido aumenta rischi recessione, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Borsa Italiana, 30 september 2022.

Sui grandi temi la strada del prossimo governo è già tracciata, an article written by Ignazio Angeloni, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Il Sole 24 Ore, 30 September 2022.

Europe’s See-Saw Polarization, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Noema, 30 September 2022.

Financial Times: Cum și-a recăpătat UE vigoarea, an article quoting Brigid Laffan, Emerita Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Euractive, 30 September 2022.

Public Trust Is a Political Problem - Not Just an Epistemic One, an article quoting Nicolas Guilhot, Professor of Intellectual History in the HEC Department, Boston Review,30 September 2022.

L'Italia, i cattolici e le elezioni: dall'estero tre diversi sguardi, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and School of Transnational Governance, Avvenire, 30 September 2022.

Tech Brief: liability in the digital age, tailored general purpose AI, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Euractive, 30 September 2022.




17 September - 23 September

Spotlight: European companies forced to take a closer look at supply chains

Nikolai Badenhoop, Max Weber Fellow in the Law Department, was quoted by Financial Times on the necessity for European companies to assess supply-chain risk, what he describes as “a blind spot of the green finance debate.”

 Supply-chain-image-with-cargo and containers

Photo credit: Shutterstock

European companies forced to take a closer look at supply chains, an article quoting Nikolai BadenhoopMax Weber Fellow at the Law DepartmentFinancial Times,  20 September 2022.

Tech giants get ready for a digital reboot, an article mentioning Nicolas Petit, Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman Centre, Daily Business Magazine, 19 September 2022.

La curiosa historia del gran filósofo que murió de una hostia, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Cadena SER,19 September 2022.

I cattolici e la politica: la fede che «crea cultura», an article mentioning Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre and School of Transnational Governance, Il Corriere della Sera,19 september 2022.

Sobre a música “Bolsominions”, de Chico Cesar, an article quoting Daniel Innerarityl, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Os Divergentes, 19 September 2022.

Bevittnar vi början på ett sönderfall?, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Hbl, 20 September 2022.

Il giornalismo investigativo come arma contro le fake news, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Prima la Riviera, 20 September 2022.

'No one plays football anymore' - Deportation centre develops into hotbed of radicalisation, says researcher, an article mentioning the European University Institute, DR, 20 Septemebr 2022.

Críticas a la campaña de Cabify que expone cuántos viajes hacen "los políticos" con su servicio: "Es una especie de recordatorio de que estamos vigilados", an article quoting Lucia Velasco, Visiting Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Business Insider, 20 September 2022.

¿Cuál ha sido el papel de España en la historia del futuro? , an article quoting Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Nobbot, 21 September 2022

Tra gli scossoni di guerra ed elezioni, il legame transatlantico resta forte, an article mentioning Erik Jones, Director and Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Formiche, 21 September 2022.

Inflation et crise énergétique : comment surmonter l’épreuve?, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSC, Terra Nova, 21 September 2022.

Los desafíos electorales del Partido de la Gente: el conglomerado con más militantes en Antofagasta, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Timeline, 21 September 2022.

Síofra O’Leary alla presidenza della Corte Europea dei diritti umani, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Svolta, 21 September 2022.

"A quale partito sono più vicine le tue idee"? La risposta la dà il Navigatore online, attraverso trenta domande, an article mentioning the European University Institute, L’, 22 September 2022.

UK to stop participating in European University Institute, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Research Professional News, 22 September 2022.

Un piano d’azione per la Comunità Politica Europea, an article co-written by Jean Pisani-Ferry  , Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSC, Le Grand Continent, 22 September 2022.

Silná Meloniová by síce ohrozila taliansku demokraciu, NATO a USA by si však mohli vydýchnuť, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director and Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Trend, 22 September 2022.

Más soldados y amenazas no parecen la solución adecuada de Vladimir Putin para frenar la contraofensiva de Ucrania, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, La Nacion, 22 September 2022.

Non ci stancheremo, dicono i leader europei che non sottovalutano la minaccia russa, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Il Foglio, 22 September 2022.

Meglio una Meloni forte di una debole, scrive Foreign Affairs, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director and Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Formiche, 22 Septmeber 2022.

Los editores europeos manifiestan su inconformismo con la Ley de Libertad de Medios, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom,, 22 September 2022.

Acting Like A Cornered Bear, Putin Ups The Ante And Calls For A Partial Mobilisation, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, The Friday Times, 22 September 2022.

EU-dagarna i Lund – kindpussar, pumps och smoothies, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Lundagard, 22 september 2022.

L’Italia a destra? Effetto Meloni … e i suoi Fratelli, an article quotingErik Jones, Director and Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, L’Indro, 23 September 2022.

The United States joins the Partnership on Information and Democracy, an article mentioning Pier Luigi Parcu, Director of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Reporters without Borders, 23 September 2022.

Making Friends with a Murderer: Normalising with the Assad regime, a podcast featuring Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, The New Arab, 23 September 2022.

"Isto pode ser o princípio do fim de Putin", diz ex-primeiro-ministro finlandês, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, Diario de Noticias, 23 September 2022..i8

Νέο ράπισμα για την κατρακύλα του κράτους δικαίου, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom,, 23 September 2022.

O Observatório da Comunicação (OberCom) e o Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE) lançam inquérito ‘online’ sobre o impacto da desinformação nos media, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Direção-Geral da Educaçãok, 23 September 2022.



10 September – 16 September

Spotlight: Sweden’s far-right make gains in tightly contested election, results too close to call

Sony Kapoor, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, was quoted by NCBC on the rise of right-wing political parties in Sweden, and how preliminary electoral results suggest a tragedy in many acts might be approaching.



Photo credits: Unsplash

Sweden’s far-right make gains in tightly contested election, results too close to call, an article quoting Sony KapoorPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced StudiesCNBC, 12 September 2022.

Una nueva Extremadura, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Periodico Extremadura, 10 September 2022.

L’extrême droite progresse dans un vote très disputé, an article quoting Sony Kapoor, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, news24, 12 September 2022.

Decline of political Islam as a national ideology in Saudi Arabia has implications for the Islamic world, an article quoting Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the RSC and School of Transnational Governance, The Indian Express, 12 September 2022.

Giải bài toán năng lượng châu Âu và chuyện trừng phạt Nga, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair in European Economic and Monetary Integration at the RSC, 24h, 12 September 2022.

Parties without citizens, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Contra Replica, 13 September 2022.

Gulftimes : HBKU concludes international GDN workshop, an article mentioning Diane Lesley Stone, Full-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Gulf Time, 13 September 2022.

EU court largely confirms Commission’s record fine against Google in landmark case, an article quoting Nicolas Petit, Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman Centre,Euractive, 14 September 2022.

Google loses challenge against EU antitrust decision, other probes loom, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreReuters, 14 September 2022.

L'Università di Pisa vara il “Navigatore politico Italia 2022”, an article mentioning the European University Institute and the Robert Schuman Centre, La Nazione, 15 September 2022.

Paradoxo sobre final do conflito antevê duração longa da Guerra da Ucrânia, diz analista, an article  quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Folha de S.Paulo, 15 September 2022.

Le Grand-Duché menacé par un manque de pluralisme dans les médias, an article mentioningtheCentre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Le Quotidien, 15 September 2022.

Impact of the EU Media Freedom Act on Malta’s landscape, an article mentioning the Media Pluralism Monitor at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, The Shift, 15 September 2022.

European Commission – demand reduction and taxes to tackle energy costs, an article mentioning The State of the Union, Smart Energy internatioanl, 15 September 2022.

Инициатива отпуска грантове по 200 евро за статии за проверка на фактите, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO),Mediapool, 15 September 2022.

New EU media bill seeks to curtail government meddling, an article mentioning theCentre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Euobserver, 16 September 2022.

European Media Freedom Act: Commission proposes rules to protect media pluralism and independence in the EU, an article mentioning the Media Pluralism Monitor from the theCentre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, European Commission, 16 September 2022.

Now The Enemies Of Freedom Of Thought Call Themselves Progressives, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity, AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Ethic, 16 September 2022.



3 September - 9 September

Spotlight: The Draghi Government: a shooting star in the darkness of Italian politics.

Ramon Marimon, Professor of Macroeconomics and Pierre Werner Chair at the ECO Department, wrote an article for El País on how the Italian election campaign no longer speaks of the reforms that the country needs but, once again, of fascism and communism.


Photo credits: Shutterstock


El Gobierno de Draghi, una estrella fugaz en la oscuridad de la política italiana, an article written by  Ramon Marimon, Professor of Macroeconomics and Pierre Werner Chair at the ECO Department, El País, 5 September 2022.

L’Europe face à la guerre, a podcast episode feauturing a conversation with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Radio France, 3 September 2022.

Alexander Stubb: Kyyninen päätös kaasuputkesta ei yllättänyt,an article quotingAlexander Stubb, Director of theSchool of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 3 September 2022.

Datos y relatos en la sociedad del desconocimiento, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Nacion, 3 September 2022.

Les vacances de l’Histoire, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Journal de Montreal, 4 September 2022.

Rapporto Enel-Ambrosetti: decarbonizzazione fondamentale per indipendenza energetica, an article mentioning Andris Piebalgs, Part-time Professor at the Florence School of Regulation, Industria Italiana, 5 september 2022.

Industries can prosper in conflict-affected Lake Chad Basin, an article co-written by Teniola Tayo, Young African Leaders Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Institute for Security Studies, 5 September 2022.

Filosofía para tiempos inciertos, an article quoting  Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El Espanol, 5 September 2022.

Wat betekent de energiecrisis voor ons klimaat? "Eerst door zure appel heen bijten, daarna profiteren van huidige inhaalmanoeuvre", an article quoting Jos Delbeke, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, VRT,6 September 2022.

هل تفوز روسيا أو الغرب في الحرب الاقتصادية والمالية؟, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Annabaa, 6 September 2022.

Jak zapobiec Gaz-armagedonowi?, an article mentioning  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Biznes, 6 September 2022.

Los conservadores… ¡ya no conservan!, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Elespectador,6 September 2022.

Alexander Stubb: Olimmeko ”lomalla historiasta” 1989–2022?, an article quoting Alexander Stubb, Director of theSchool of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 6 September 2022.

Comment la Belgique pourrait agir sur les prix de l'énergie, an article quoting Jan Cornillie, Research Associate at the School of Transnational Governance, L’Echo, 7 September 2022.

Digital Bridge: Android antitrust — ITU’s Game of Thrones — Adieu, digital tax man, an article quoting Nicolas Petit, Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman Centre, Politico, 8 September 2022.

La compatibilité de la croissance avec la transition énergétique est probablement la plus grande inconnue, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Monde, 8 September 2022.

El Petroceno III: reforma política, an article mentioning Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La linea del medio, 8 September 2022.

Saisiko tämä virkamieshallitus pysäytettyä Suomen velkaantumis­kierteen? Katso nimilista, an article mentioning Alexander Stubb, Director of theSchool of Transnational Governance, Aamulehti, 8 September 2022.

Rutte draait naar steun voor prijsplafond energie, an article mentioning  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Bnr, 9 September 2022.

Una grande storia: l’assedio di torino del 1706, an article mentioning Lucy Riall, Professor at the History Department, IMGpress,9 September 2022.

FabLab Western Sicily, la rete di innovazione digitale lanciata da una ragazza che è tornata nella “sua” Sicilia, an article mentioning Martina Ferracane, Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Italia che cambia, 9 September 2022.




29 August - 2 September

Spotlight: Will Russia or the West Win the Economic and Financial Battle?

In an op-ed for Project Syndicate, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, considers how, after six months of unprecedented western sanctions,  Russia’s economic situation, though bad, is arguably better than most observers expected.


Photo credits: Shutterstock


Will Russia or the West Win the Economic and Financial Battle?, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 1 September 2022.

Resignation Is the Right and Honourable Thing for President Obasanjo to Do, an article written by Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, The Elephant, 29 August 2022.

SEAE, al via l’Accademia diplomatica europea: 42 giovani selezionati an article mentioning the Europen University Institute, Sardegnagol,29 August 2022.

Conservadores y progresistas, una nota, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, La Jornada, 29 August 2022.

A un paso de la adultez política: una buena señal, an article quoting Daniel Innerarity , AI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Elmostrador, 30 August 2022.

L’europeismo di necessità domina i programmi elettorali, written by Nicoletta Pirozzi, Associate at the European Governance and Politics Programme, Editoriale Domani, 31 August 2022.

Nord Stream 1 stoi i nie wiadomo czy ruszy, a Gazprom zarabia biliony, an article quoting Jean-Michel Glachant, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Biznes Alert, 31 September 2022.

Professorilta rajua kritiikkiä Eroon koronasta -ryhmälle: pitää tajuta ”mitä ei osaa”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Law Department, Iltalehti, 31 August 2022.

What's the most important action Congress could take on tech this session?, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Protocol, 1 September 2022.

Guerre en Ukraine : qui va gagner la bataille des sanctions économiques et financières ?, an article written by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Terra Nova, 2 September 2022.

'Gasmagedón': la crisis energética amenaza con disparar las facturas de gas un 200%, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Bolsamania, 2 September 2022.

COMMENT: The EU ETS is starting its own battle to survive the winter, an article mentioning Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, Carbon Pulse, 2 September 2022.



25 June - 1 July

Spotlight: Expert: "Sweden and Finland should never have agreed to this"

In an interview for Dagens Nyheter, Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law Department, shares his take on the significance of the agreement recently reached with Turkey that will allow Finland and Sweden to begin their application process to NATO.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Expert: ”Det här borde Sverige och Finland aldrig gått med på”, an article featuring an interview with Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Dagens Nyheter, 1 July 2022.

Barbero, come comunicare la storia con successo mentre il dibattito storico è marginalizzato, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreGlobalist, 25 June 2022.

What are Prague's priorities during its six-month EU presidency?, an article quoting Filip KostelkaChair in Political and Social Change at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Euronews, 26 June 2022.

Como a OTAN ficará se a Finlândia e a Suécia se tornarem membros, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDefesa Aérea & naval, 26 June 2022.

Pensar es muy caro, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Día, 26 July 2022.

« Réduire le nombre de scrutins pour lutter contre l’abstention », an op-ed co-written by Filip KostelkaChair in Political and Social Change at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, La Croix, 27 June 2022.

«Avec la Finlande et la Suède, l’Otan va encore plus s’européaniser», an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceL’Opinion, 27 June 2022.

Czy rosnące ceny zabiją praworządność?, an article quoting Jarosław Gwizdak, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Kultura Liberalna, 28 June 2022.

Forward Thinking on war in Ukraine, inflation, and cooperation in a fractured world with Jean Pisani-Ferry, a podcast episode featuring an interview with Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Forward Thinking, 28 June 2022.

Grandstanding Johnson’s crass belligerence on Ukraine, an article mentioning the European University Institute, TCW, 28 June 2022.

How NATO Will Change If Finland and Sweden Become Members, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCouncil on Foreign Relations, 29 June 2022.

« Le sondage ne fait pas le citoyen », par Olivier Roy, an op-ed written by Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreL'Obs, 29 June 2022.

Professori: Tämä on ongelmallinen kohta Turkki-sopimuksessa, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Verkkouutiset, 29 June 2022.

Vremurile, ambițiile neo-imperiale ale Rusiei, guvernele și noi, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceHotNews, 29 June.

Konsekwencje makroekonomiczne embarga na rosyjski gaz, an article quoting Ramon MarimonPart-time Professor and Pierre Werner Chair at the ECO DepartmentObserwator, 29 June 2022.

Incumbents in France are reelected less often when all candidates can be repaid for personal outlays, an article co-written by Nikolaj Broberg, Research Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre, UCLA Anderson Review, 29 June 2022.

Let Siri or Alexa vote for us?, an article written by Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Repubblica, 29 June 2022.

Future of Europe: quotes from the day, an article quoting Brigid LaffanEmerita director of the Robert Schuman Centre, Irish Farmers Journal, 29 June 2022.

CAP budget needs a strong defence, an article quoting Brigid LaffanEmerita director of the Robert Schuman Centre, Irish Farmers Journal, 29 June 2022.

Factchecks in 2022: van corona naar Oekraïne en terug, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), VRT, 29 June 2022.

Rectorul Remus Pricopie a reprezentat SNSPA la reuniunea alianței universitare europene CIVICA, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Newsweek, 29 June 2022.

NATO: Perjalanan Swedia dan Finlandia dari negara netral menjadi anggota pakta pertahanan, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBBC, 30 June 2022.
Also available in Chinese: 北约东扩:瑞典和芬兰放弃中立走向北约的前前后后
Also available in Swahili: Ukraine na Urusi: Finland na Sweden zinakabiliwa na hatari gani iwapo zitajiunga na NATO?
Also available in Japanese: 北約東擴:瑞典和芬蘭放棄中立走向北約的前前後後

Putin hakutarajia haya yatafanyika alipoivamia Ukraine, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBBC Swahili, 30 June 2022.

Największa geopolityczna zmiana od lat. Finlandia i Szwecja pokrzyżują plany Putina, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceWydarzenia, 30 June.

A scandal is necessary to force CAS reform, an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Play the game, 30 June 2022.

Tupido velo, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceNoticias de Gipuzkoa, 30 June 2022.

„Kérjük az Európai Bizottságot…” – újabb jelentés a magyar médiapiac kormányzati dominálásáról, an article featuring a report from the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Szabad Európa, 30 June 2022.

Джон Миршаймер: США убаюкивают Украину, ведя её к катастрофе, an article mentioning the European University Institute, e-vesti, 30 June 2022.

L’accordo con Erdogan fa impazzire Stoccolma, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, La, 1 July 2022.

Professor: Finland ser ut att åta sig att ändra lagar, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Schibsted, 1 July 2022.

Suomelle onkin tulossa lisäkeino sulkea raja? Tästä on kyse, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusisuomi, 1 July 2022.

L’accord avec Erdogan fait grincer des dents à Stockholm, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, La Libre, 1 July 2022.

Professor: Finland ser ut att åta sig att ändra lagar, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, MSN, 1 July 2022.

What is NATO and what happened at the NATO summit?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceWorld Economic Forum, 1 July 2022.

¿Qué gana la OTAN con la entrada de los nórdicos?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Confidencial, 1 July 2022.

L’Europa interviene per contenere lo spread nella libertà dei media, an article featuring the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom and mentioning its Director, Pier Luigi Parcu, Domani, 1 July 2022.

Journal de 22h, a podcast episode featuring Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Radio France, 1 July 2022.

ΜΜΕ: Σκεπτικισμός για την πολυφωνία και την ελευθεροτυπία στην Ελλάδα – Νέα ανησυχητικά ευρήματα ευρωπαϊκής έρευνας, an article featuring a report from the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, To Pontiki, 1 July 2022.

«La autoridad ha perdido prestigio y hay una banalización de la libertad», an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl correo, 1 July 2022.



18 June - 24 June 

Spotlight: Experts react: India hosts Shanghai Cooperation Organisation border security meeting

Shubha Kamala Prasad, Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, has contributed to this article for Atlantic Council, in which various experts provide their opinion on the pivotal meeting of the SCO hosted by India, and its implications for regional security.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Experts react: India hosts Shanghai Cooperation Organisation border security meeting, an article co-written by Shubha Prasad, Max Weber Fellow, Atlantic Council, 21 June 2022.

Bangladesh has been too cautious with its ‘Special Drawing Rights’ from the IMF, an article written by Tobias Pforr, Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreI, WhiteBoard Magazine, 18 June 2022.

Jordi Sevilla: «Si queremos mejorar los salarios necesitamos pymes más grandes», an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational, 18 June 2022.

Università, Roma deve recuperare la sua vocazione internazionale, an article mentioning Andrea Ichinofull-time Professor and Head of the ECO DepartmentCorriere della Sera, 19 June 2022.

Nunca es tarde para el juego limpio, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Colombiano, 19 June 2022.

A análise das principais notícias da semana, a news broadcast featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTP, 19 June 2022.

Economia. Cultura, una politica di welfare, an article written by Alessandra VenturiniAssociate at the Migration Policy CentreLa Piazza Rimini, 20 June 2022.

France’s Constitution Will Be Tested, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 21 June 2022.

Pas d’adhésion (rapide) de la Suède et la Finlande à l’Otan, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Revue Internationale, 21 June 2022.

Pedro Silvestre é o vencedor da 18.ª edição do prémio Primus Inter Pares, an article mentioning  Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Expresso, 21 June 2022.

¿Época de cambios o cambio de época?, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceNoticias de Navarra, 21 June 2022.

Newcomers to Canada are supportive of Indigenous Peoples and reconciliation, an article co-written by Anna TriandafyllidouVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreNational Post, 21 June 2022.

It's a man's world: media zijn strenger voor succesvolle vrouwen, an interview with Arnout van de RijtProfessor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences,, 21 June 2022.

Meer stroom uit steenkool in Europa is minder dramatisch voor het klimaat dan het lijkt, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceDe Standaard, 22 June 2022.

UE disunita alla prova della nuova Europa, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceL’Indro, 22 June 2022.

G7 Media Ministers Meeting Communiqué, a statement mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Newswires, 22 June 2022.

EDMO: dezinformacja na temat wojny w Ukrainie powoli wyhamowuje, an article featuring a report by the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Demagog, 22 June 2022.

L’étrange plaidoirie de l’avocat de Sofien Ayari, la chronique judiciaire de Michel Zerbib, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreRadio J, 23 June 2022.

How NATO Will Change If Finland and Sweden Become Members, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCouncil on Foreign Relations, 23 June 2022.

Blijft Erdogan NAVO-lidmaatschap Finland en Zweden dwarsbomen?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEW, 23 June 2022.

El rol de la inteligencia artificial en el Estado, eje de un debate internacional, an article mentioning Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceTélam, 23 June 2022.

Britannia suunnittelee uudistavansa ihmisoikeuslakiaan – taustalla kiista Ruandaan lennätettävistä turvapaikanhakijoista, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, YLE, 23 June 2022.

Professori ryöpyttää rajalausuntoa – Myös Li Andersson jyrähtää ”liikatulkinnoista”, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Uusisuomi, 23 June 2022.

Coal Production in 2022: Boom or Bust?, an article mentioning a study by the School of Transnational GovernanceEnergy Industry Review, 23 June 2022.

The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis, an article featuring an event hosted at the European University Institute, National Interest, 23 June 2022.

Resi­li­ente digi­tale Demo­kra­tie nach der Pan­de­mie, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Universität Innsbruck, 23 June 2022.

Are you being served – Graham Bencini, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomTimes of Malta, 23 June 2022.

In brief: media law and regulation in European Union, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomLexology, 23 June 2022.

En Finlande, une longue histoire traumatique avec la Russie, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLe Monde, 24 June 2022.

Finlandia zrywa z finlandyzacją. Witajcie na skraju Zachodu, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceWyborcza, 24 June 2022.

Finland’s NATO Application, Western Policy in Ukraine and the War’s Global Fallout, a podcast episode featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceInternational Crisis Group, 24 June 2022.

Législatives 2022 : de la Suède à la Belgique, quel est le secret de ces pays de l'Union européenne qui parviennent à limiter l'abstention ?, an article featuring an interview with Filip KostelkaChair in Political and Social Change at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, France TV info, 24 June 2022.

Can a Sexual Revolutionary Save the West?, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreRicochet, 24 June 2022.

Spada liczba fake newsów na temat Ukrainy, an article featuring a report by the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO),, 24 June 2022.

The EU’s 44 Commitments On Tackling Online Disinformation Sharpen Self-Regulation Approach, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Medianama, 24 June 2022.




11 June – 17 June

Spotlight: EU court dismisses Commission €1 billion antitrust fine against Qualcomm

Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman Centre, Nicolas Petit was quoted by Euractiv commenting on how the recent ruling of the EU General Court poinrs to a structural problem in how the EU Commission operates.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

EU court dismisses Commission’s €1 billion antitrust fine against Qualcomm, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreEuractiv, 15 June 2022.
Also available in French : Concurrence : le tribunal de l’UE rejette l’amende d’un milliard d’euros infligée par la Commission à Qualcomm.
Also available in German: EU-Gericht weist Kartellstrafe der Kommission gegen Qualcomm ab.

Egypt Calls for Increasing Response to Food Security Challenges in Developing Countries, an article featuring an event co-organised by the School of Transnational GovernanceAsharq Al-awsat, 11 June 2022.

L’Égypte appelle à une réponse accrue aux défis de la sécurité alimentaire dans les pays en développement, an article featuring an event co-organised by the School of Transnational GovernanceAlgerie Monde Infos, 11 June 2022.

Dar suministro a precio asequible es el gran reto de la transición energética, an article quoting Jean-Michel GlachantChair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Director of the Florence School of RegulationEl Día, 11 June 2022.

Crença de que a violência pode salvar o mundo caracteriza a modernidade, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreJornal Opção, 12 June 2022.

Stubb: "Das ist Putins Erweiterung", an interview with  Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceZDF Heute, 12 June 2022.

Joint EIB and European University Institute Conference, an article featuring an event hosted by the School of Transnational GovernanceThe OGM, 13 June 2022.

En Égypte, de faux espoirs pour les droits de l’homme?, an interview with Farah Ramzy, Max Weber Fellow, Vatican News, 13 June 2022.

¿Vive la France?, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceContra Réplica, 14 June 2022.

Tras la Covid, la democracia es más frágil, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational, 14 June 2022.

De la eliminarea festivităților de premiere în școli, până la lupta pentru note. „În România, diplomele au devenit o țintă, singura țintă”, an article quoting Marius GhinceaPhD Researcher in the SPS DepartmentFanatik, 14 June 2022.

Platforms prepare for new anti-disinformation commitments in revamped code of practice, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Euractiv, 15 June 2022.

Adding Ambition to Europe’s Unity, an article co-written by Brigid LaffanEmerita director of the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 15 June 2022.

Tarik Abou-Chadi et Stefanie Stantcheva lauréats du premier prix Enderlein, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLes Echos, 15 June 2022

UN finds Finland violated political rights of indigenous Sámi people, an article mentionin Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentEuronews, 15 June 2022.

Guerre, sécheresse, pauvreté…l’Ethiopie en souffrance, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy, 15 June 2021.

RTL to deliver public broadcasting services until 2030, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomDelano, 15 June 2022.

UK's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, an interview with Luigi Achilli, Part-time Assistant Professor at the Migration Policy Centre, CNN, 16 June 2022.

DATABASE del 16/06/2022 - CYBER SICUREZZA, a podcast episode featuring an interview with Andrea CalderaroVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreRadio Rai, 16 June 2022.

Ruşen Çakır’ın izleyicilerle ortak yayını: Türkiye’de siyasal İslam’ın geleceği, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreMedyascope, 16 June 2022.

The troubled paradox of U.S. democracy, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Washington Post, 17 June 2022.

Dlaczego Finlandia i Szwecja rezygnują z neutralności?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceTygodnik, 17 June 2022. 



4 June – 10 June

Spotlight: European solidarity: silver linings through dark clouds

In an article written for Social Europe, Anton Hemerjick, Chair at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Luís Russo Dos Santos, PhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, and Philipp Genschel, Joint Chair at the Department of Political and Social Sciences and at the Robert Schuman Centre, argue that while European solidarity has always been in high demand, today, at long last, it is also in fairly strong supply.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

European solidarity: silver linings through dark clouds, an article co-written by Anton HemerijckChair in Political Science and Sociology at the SPS Department, Luís Russo Dos SantosPhD Researcher at the SPS Department, and Philipp GenschelJoint Chair at the SPS Department and the Robert Schuman Centre ChairSocial Europe, 6 June 2022.

Predecir el pasado, an article written by Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Vanguardia, 4 June 2022.

Finance Experts Urge FIRS To Be More Transparent In Management Of Tax Revenue, an article quoting Kenneth AmaeshiChair of Sustainable Finance and Governance at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Whistler, 4 June 2022.

100 Hari Perang Rusia-Ukraina: Menilik Kerugian Perang di Kedua Sisi, an article quoting Georgios PapakonstantinouChair at the School of Transnational Governance, 4 June 2022.

Africa Matters: DRC - The Forgotten Crisis, an interview with Umar Kabanda, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, TRT World, 4 June 2022.

Ali Hakan Altınay yazdı: Gezi’ye dair sıradışı bir muhabbet, an article mentioning Kalypso NicolaïdisChair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational GovernanceMedyascope, 4 June 2022.

Österreichs unerwünschte Bürger, an article quoting Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDer Standard, 5 June 2022.

Will ‘war fatigue’ undermine the West’s support for Ukraine?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceYahoo News, 6 June 2022.

Face à l'inflation, la question salariale devient de plus en plus pressante, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLes Echos, 7 June 2022.

No hauríem d’aclucar els ulls, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceBondia, 7 June 2022.

L’Occidente egocentrico, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceInfosec News, 7 June 2022.

El Escorial, ADIPROPE y patrimonio inmaterial de España, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Diario Critico, 7 June 2022.

Einbürgerungen: Fast so strikt wie die Saudis, an article co-written by Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDer Standard, 8 June 2022.

Stemming over historische Europese klimaatwetten draait uit op fiasco: belangrijkste voorstel afgekeurd, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceVRT, 8 June 2022.

Leituras e Leitores, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceDiário de Notícias, 8 June 2022.

Main objective of COP27 is turning pledges into reality: Al-Mashat, an article featuring an event co-organised by the School of Transnational GovernanceDaily News Egypt, 8 June 2022.

Alexander Stubb: «Nous devons aller vers une grande Europe géostratégique», an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLe Figaro, 9 June 2022.

Puigdemont a Grenlàndia, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Vanguardia, 9 June 2022.

Davos: (casi) nada nuevo bajo el sol, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEn El Nacional , 9 June 2022.

‘Narcissistic’ UK politics putting EU relations at risk, says former British envoy, an article mentioning an event hosted by the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Guardian, 9 June 2022.

Britain’s economic troubles force its politicians to think the previously unthinkable, an article mentioning an event hosted by the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Irish Times, 9 June 2022.

Inteligência artificial: direitos fundamentais não podem ser violados, alertam especialistas, an article quoting Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Senado Federal, 9 June 2022.

Autorregulação não é suficiente para controlar danos da IA, an article quoting Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Covergencia Digital, 9 June 2022.

President Obama to Close the 2022 Copenhagen Democracy Summit on “Democratic Organizing in the Digital Age”, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, The Obama Foundation, 9 June 2022.

How Should Antitrust Deal With Facebook? A Stigler Center Panel Investigates, an article mentioning Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentrePromarket, 10 June 2022.

Finlandia preppersem Europy. W cyberprzestrzeni zbroi się przed Rosją, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSpider’s Web, 10 June 2022.




28 May – 3 June

Spotlight: Deliver on Europe’s climate targets, keep the EU ETS system simple

Peter Vis, Research Associates at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, co-wrote an article for Euractiv arguing that the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) should not be needlessly complicated, given its proven record as a successful instrument to ensure a pre-determined quantity of greenhouse gas emissions reductions cost-effectively. 


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Deliver on Europe’s climate targets, keep the EU ETS system simple, an article co-written by Peter Vis, Senior Research Associate at the School of Transnational GovernanceEuractiv, 2 June 2022

Eta Beta del 28/05/2022, a podcast featuring an interview with Martina FerracaneMax Weber FellowRai Radio 1, 28 May 2022.

Berlusconi's bad break-up with Putin reveals Italy-Russia ties, an article quoting Roberta Maria Carlini, Research Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, France24, 28 May 2022.

Alexander Stubb Turkista, Suomesta ja Ruotsista TE:lle: ”Kaikki tietävät, että tilanne laukeaa”, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceUusisoumi, 28 May 2022.

"Coop ’spurie’, gli operai sfruttati saranno parte civile al processo. Passo cruciale", an article quoting Michele Gigli, PhD Researcher at the LAW Department, Quotidiano Nazionale, 28 May 2022.

Berlusconi’s bad break-up with Putin reveals strained Italy-Russia ties, an article quoting Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomThe Local, 28 May 2022.

Berlusconi-Putin, una amistad emblemática de las relaciones ítalo-rusas, an article quoting Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomRFI, 28 May 2022.

Buya Syafii Maarif dalam Kenangan, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreRMOL Jakarta, 28 May 2022.

Som en sjokkterapi, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Borsen, 29 May 2022.

Skal avgjøre om tysk selskap har skylda når peruansk by utslettes av smeltevann, an article featuring an interview with Sony KapoorPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreNRK, 29 May 2022.

Juan Carlos I, el voceras y el pensador, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceHeraldo, 29 May 2022.

Gelderblum è un giovane assessore a Heerlen per conto della Piccola Sinistra | 1 Limburgo, an article featuring Casper Gelderblom, PhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Tgcomnews24, 29 May 2022.

How the Ukraine crisis could be an opportunity for African countries, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNBC Africa, 30 May 2022.

Europeisk samarbeid i en ny tid, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceFaedrelandsvennen, 30 May 2022.

How women have come to hold the top post in 13 out of 45 countries in Europe, an article quoting Costanza HermaninPolicy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Print 30 May 2022.

The Eurozone’s Unusual Policy Playbook, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 30 May 2022.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : ​« Si l'inflation s'installe, il sera douloureux de sortir de cette spirale », an interview with Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLes Echos, 30 May 2022.

Chèque alimentaire : l'histoire (secrète) d'une promesse d'Emmanuel Macron, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Express, 30 May 2022.

NUPES: Siegt das neue Linksbündnis bei der Parlamentswahl in Frankreich?, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman, 30 May 2022.

Impatto ambientaleLa guerra in Ucraina complica i piani del Green Deal, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceLinkiesta, 30 May 2022.

Berlusconi sliter med å skaffe seg et post-Putin-image, an article quoting Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomVårt Land, 30 May 2022.

Columna de Gabriel Zaliasnik: El último vagón, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Diario, 30 May 2022.

The Case for Taxing the Rich Gets an Unexpected Boost, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreCounter Punch, 31 May 2022.

Réforme de l'Etat : Terra Nova appelle à sortir des logiques purement budgétaires, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLes Echos, 31 May 2022.

Comment lutter contre l’inflation galopante ?, an interview with Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreFrance TV, 31 May 2022.

Finlândia, de estado-tampão a parceiro próximo da NATO: eis “a longa história com a Rússia”, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Expresso, 31 May 2022.

EU Splits Force Partial Embargo of Russian Oil Imports, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceteleSUR, 31 May 2022.

Warum die Kritik an der ÖVP-Haltung zur Staatsbürgerschaft nicht abreißt, an article quoting Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitProfil, 31 May 2022.

Speciale Tg1, an interview with Fabrizio TassinariDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Rai 1, 1 June 2022.

O "silêncio envergonhado" do Governo na polémica da descentralização, an interview with Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF, 1 June 2022.

Casper Gelderblom (27) exchanges Florence for Heerlen to become an alderman: 'I will be the first to cycle to Heerlerheide', an article featuring Casper Gelderblom, PhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, De Limburger, 1 June 2022.

Roma è inclusiva ma non è connessa con il resto del mondo, an article quoting Andrea Ichinofull-time Professor and Head of the ECO DepartmentCorriere della Sera, 2 June 2022.

Kanzler im Check: Sind Einbürgerungen wirklich so leicht möglich?, an article quoting Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitProfil, 2 June 2022.

Today’s dichotomy between religious identity and faith, an article mentioning Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreMint, 2 June 2022.

Claire Keegan and Martina Evans win Listowel Writers Week novel and poetry prizes, an article mentioning an event hosted by the Robert Schuman Centre, The Irish Times, 2 June 2022.

Russia ‘losing’ the war in Ukraine and uniting the West: Analysts, an article quoting Georgios PapakonstantinouChair at the School of Transnational GovernanceAlJazeera, 3 June 2022.

L’écologie, une terre de conflits, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Express, 3 June 2022.

De achilleshiel van Europa, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, De Standaard, 3 June 2022.

Europas Enttäuschung über die zaudernden Deutschen, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Spiegel, 3 June 2022.
Also available in Polish: "Der Spiegel": Niezdecydowanie rządu ws. broni dla Ukrainy zaszkodziło reputacji Niemiec.




21 May – 27 May

Spotlight: Is inequality widening in Poland? 

Nina Lopez-Uroz, PhD researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, talked to DW about Poland's widening inequality gap, explaning how it is connected to the country's transitional growth model which relies on keeping labor costs low despite an increase in productivity.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Is inequality widening in Poland?, an article quoting Nina Lopez-Uroz, PhD researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, DW, 25 May 2022.

Ireland will have to decide how far to stretch neutrality – Former Finnish prime minister, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Irish Times, 21 May 2022.

Der Feind im Büro, an article featuring Sule AlanProfessor at the Economics Department,  Frankfurter Allgemeine, 21 May 2022.

Miguel Poiares Maduro. Populistas, autocratas e soluções para reformar a democracia, a podcast episode featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Público, 21 May 2022.

Russia confirms end of gas supplies to Finland, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceNews Talk, 21 May 2022.

"Das Veto Erdoğans hat andere Gründe", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governancet-online, 21 May 2022.

Royal Irish Academy marks election of 29 new members, an article mentioning Brigid LaffanEmerita director of the Robert Schuman Centre, The Irish Times, 21 May 2022.

Nardella: «Ai turisti faremo pagare il Wi-Fi più veloce» - Video, an article and video interview mentioning the European University Institute, Il Tirreno, 21 May 2022.

Grapevine May 22, 2022: Back to roots, an article mentioning the European University Institute,  The Jerusalem Post, 21 May 2022.

A análise dos temas que marcaram a semana, a video interview featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), RTP Notícias, 22 May 2022.

Alexander Stubb Davosin talous­foorumissa: "Toivottavasti Venäjän johto vaihtuu”, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceHS, 23 May 2022.

Will regime change in Russia provide any hope?, a video recording of a panel discussion featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBusiness Today.In, 23 May 2022.

Eric Monnet, Prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2022, an article mentioning the European University Institute, 21 May 2022.

Europa e sviluppo sostenibile, il futuro è qui, an article mentioning Jelena DzankicPart-time Professor in the Global Governance Programme, Director of Southestern Europe, Co-Director of GLOBALCIT, and Kalypso NicolaïdisChair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Nazione, 22 May 2022.

I dubbi sugli aiuti dell'Europa per lottare contro l'immigrazione dall'Africa, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreANSA, 23 May 2022.

Europa, más cerca, an article quoting Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Diario, 23 May 2022.

EU Carbon Architect Defends $21.4 Billion Russian Phase-Out Plan, an article featuring Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance, Bloomberg, 24 May 2022.

Surveillance: Davos, Day 2, a podcast quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 24 May 2022.

El Economista, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Economista, 24 May 2022.

Ukraine : Zelensky interpelle patrons et ministres rassemblés à Davos, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Le Figaro, 24 May 2022.

Preoccupazioni per la sicurezza della Turchia dovrebbero essere prese in considerazione, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, TRT, 24 May 2022.

Global economic consequences of Russia-Ukraine war will be felt for years to come, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Bol News, 24 May 2022.

Russia-Ukraine War Will Continue To Impact Global Economy For Years, Opine WEF Experts, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Republic World, 24 May 2022.

Eski Finlandiya Başbakanı Stubb: Türkiye'nin güvenlik endişeleri dikkate alınmalı, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance,, 24 May 2022.

“El 80% de los finlandeses están de acuerdo con entrar a la OTAN”: Alexander Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, W Radio, 24 May 2022.

L'economista dei due mondi, an article written by  Andrea Ichinofull-time Professor and Head of the ECO Department, Via Sarafatti 25, 24 May 2022.

Pouvoir d’achat: des mesures anti-inflation… inflationnistes?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Opinion, 24 May 2022.

Europeiske diplomater ble overvåket, trakassert og anholdt i Kina, an article quoting Martin ScheininPart-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, Aftenposten, 24 May 2022.

Effects of an embargo on Russian gas, an article quoting Ramon MarimonProfessor of Macroeconomics in the ECO Department,, 24 May 2022.

Somalia, de nuevo, ocupada por el ejército de Estados Unidos, an article quoting a study from the Middle East Directions Programme,, 24 May 2022.

Firenze. Ex ospedale militare San Gallo, ok del Consiglio comunale al piano unitario convenzionato con apertura ai cittadini e funzioni pubbliche e private, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, MET Firenze, 24 May 2022.

As NATO looks to expand, many may still wonder: how does it work?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceWorld Economic Forum, 25 May 2022.

RIP Davos Man, long live globalization, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePOLITICO, 25 May 2022.

"Kompromisse mit Wladimir Putin sind unmöglich", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceZeit Online, 25 May 2022.

Top global thought leaders at Davos on a world after the Ukraine war, a video recording of a panel discussion featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBusiness Today.In, 25 May 2022.

Hitler, gli storici e la crisi del 1939, an article written by Tommaso Milani, Max Weber Fellow, Treccani, 25 May 2022.

Canada needs to be as welcoming to Afghan refugees as it is to Ukrainians, an article quoting Anna TriandafyllidouVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreThe Conversation, 25 May 2022.

El lehendakari exige gobernanza y agilidad en el reparto de los fondos europeos, an article quoting, Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Economista, 25 May 2022.

Transitions énergétiques : un éclairage historique, an article mentioning Jean-Michel GlachantChair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Director of the Florence School of Regulation, Le Club de Mediapart, 25 May 2022.

„Wen kümmert es, wenn Miami unter Wasser steht?“, an article quoting  Sony KapoorPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreNovo, 27 May 2022.

After long trek to Davos, Ukrainians await more Western aid, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceFrance24, 26 May 2022.

Davos Playbook: Final day blues — Scholz on stage —Party roundup, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePOLITICO, 26 May 2022.

Após viagem a Davos, ucranianos esperam mais ajuda occidental, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEM, 26 May 2022.

Οι «χρησμοί» του Νταβός: Αλλάζει το αφήγημα και η εικόνα της παγκοσμιοποίησης, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceNewmoney, 26 May 2022.

In the Shadow of Davos, Central Bankers Go Rogue — and Rational, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman, 26 May 2022.

Rosyjskojęzyczna dezinformacja szerzy się w krajach bałtyckich i Bułgarii, an article featuring a report by the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Demagog, 26 May 2022.

Olivier Blanchard: ‘There’s a tendency for markets to focus on the present and extrapolate it forever’, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreFinancial Times, 26 May 2022.
Also available in Spanish: “Los mercados tienden a enfocarse en el presente y extrapolarlo para siempre”,

Marking Operation Anthropoid’s place in Czech history, 80 years on, an article quoting Filip KostelkaChair in Political and Social Change at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Euronews, 27 May 2022.
Also available in Spanish: El asesinato de un líder nazi que dividió a la República Checa.

Slecht én goed nieuws: dit betekent de oorlog in Oekraïne voor het klimaat, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceVRT, 27 May 2022.

Ausgestoßene der Woche: Klima-skeptische Bank-Manager, an article quoting Sony KapoorPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman, 27 May 2022.

‘Hypocrisy,’ ‘naivety’ and ‘greed’: Europe chided for failing to stop Putin’s war, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNBC, 27 May 2022.

À Davos, la Terre n'est plus plate, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceL’Echo, 27 May 2022.

"Creemos que esta crisis es Rusia contra mucho más amplio que eso", an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Capital Bolsa, 27 May 2022.

De balans van Davos: de wereld is niet langer plat, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, DeTijid, 27 May 2022.

Op de hoogmis van het kapitalisme in Davos staat ineens de heilige vrijhandel ter discussie, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, de Volkskrant, 27 May 2022.

Η Ιστορία τρόμαξε τις παγκόσμιες ελίτ στο Νταβός, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational, 27 May 2022.

Caporalato a Ferrara. Il pm Maggioni: “Non sarà un processo semplice”, an article quoting Michele Gigli, PhD Researcher at the LAW Department, Estense, 27 May 2022.

“Los mercados tienden a enfocarse en el presente y extrapolarlo para siempre”, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreMilenio, 27 May 2022.

Firenze intitola una strada a Sassoli, an article mentioning theEuropean University Institute, ANSA, 27 May 2022.

Recuperato il ciclo di affreschi di Palazzo Buontalenti a Firenze, an article mentioning the School of Transnational GovernanceArtribune, 27 May 2022.




14 May – 20 May

Spotlight: Ukraine war causes free speech headache in Italy

Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), and Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director if the School of Transnational Governance, have co-written an article for POLITICO exposing how the Italian media is confusing pluralism with equal treatment of all opinions in the debate on the Ukraine war.


Photo credits: Shutterstock


Ukraine war causes free speech headache in Italy, an article co-written by Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) and Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational GovernancePOLITICO, 19 May 2022.

Restauri: a Firenze recuperati affreschi Palazzo Buontalenti, an article quoting Marco Del PantaSecretary-General of the EUI and mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, ANSA, 14 May 2022.

Firenze, Palazzo Buontalenti apre al pubblico: presentati i lavori di restauro, an article quoting Marco Del PantaSecretary-General of the EUI and mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, 055Firenze, 14 May 2022.

Finland frontier feels the chill Russia winds that led to an embrace of Nato, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe National News, 14 May 2022.

Lo que necesitas saber sobre Finlandia, Suecia y la OTAN, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN Español, 14 May 2022.

Egy 17 hektáros kopár szikláért dúl a harc az ukrajnai háborúban, an article quoting Marius GhinceaPhD Researcher in the SPS Department, HVG, 14 May 2022.

World Press Freedom Index: Greek government spokesman responds to poor ranking with counterfactual claims, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomReporters Without Borders, 14 May 2022.

UAE saw surge in progress in these six areas during Sheikh Khalifa's years in office, an article quoting Philippe FarguesVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre and Founding Director of the Migration Policy CentreThe National News, 14 May 2022.

LE GUERRE DEL GAS: DALL’ASIA ALL’EUROPA DALL’AFRICA AL NORD-AMERICA, an article mentioning the State of The Union 2022, Difesa Online, 14 May 2022.

The great paradox of the attention economy, an article mentioning Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Washington Post, 15 May 2022.

Do vice-reitor ao governador. Onde estão os ex-ministros de António Costa, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Observador, 15 May 2022.

Finland announces plans to apply for NATO membership, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCBC, 15 May 2022.

Finland confirms it will apply to join Nato as Sweden set to follow, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Local, 15 May 2022.

From neutral to NATO: Why Finland joining the alliance matters, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIndian Express, 15 May 2022.

"Una vergüenza para todo el país": el circo-show ruso en TV saca los colores a Italia, an article quoting Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational GovernanceIl El Confidencial, 16 May 2022. 

Intervista all'ex primo ministro finlandese Alexander Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Quarta Repubblica, 16 May 2022. 

Chi è Nathalie Tocci, direttrice Istituto Affari Internazionali di Roma, an article mentioning the Robert Schuman Centre, News Mondo, 15 May 2022.

How a single company ‘silently’ took over the world of visa processing in an age of record migration, an article quoting Federica InfantinoMarie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Global News, 16 May 2022.

Budget : le début de quinquennat compliqué d’Emmanuel Macron, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 16 May 2022.

„Der andere Le Pen“ greift nach der Macht,, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreWelt, 16 May 2022.

Weder Angebotspolitiker noch Keynesianer haben ein Rezept gegen die Stagflation, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreHandelsblatt, 16 May 2022.

Sweden joins Finland in announcing it wants to become a member of NATO, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuronews, 16 May 2022.

Nato, così Putin sta rilanciando un’alleanza in crisi d’identità, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Sole 24 Ore, 16 May 2022.

5 Fakta Finlandia Resmi Ajukan Diri Jadi Anggota NATO, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN Indonesia, 16 May 2022.

INTERVIU Alina Bârgăoanu – de la știri false și dezordine informațională, la soluții împotriva dezinformării, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Playtech, 16 May 2022.

Musk's town square will be chaos, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)IAI, 16 May 2022.

Russian info war matches its land war: Loud, but unsophisticated, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)The Christian Science Monitor, 16 May 2022.

Дайджест розвалу РФ за тиждень: здорожчання рубля та втрати бюджету від ембарго енергоносіїв, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Liga, 16 May 2022.

Alexander Stubb: «Preparavo la Finlandia alla Nato da anni. Ora serve un trattato per la nuova Confederazione europea», an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDomani, 17 May 2022. 

Candidatures de la Finlande et la Suède à l'Otan : "Nous n'arrivons pas les mains vides", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceChallenge, 17 May 2022. 

Ada 4 Wabah Penyakit Selain Covid-19 yang Dituding Konspirasi, Padahal Nyata Adanyav, an article quoting Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC Department, GridHealth, 17 May 2022.

La Nupes, ce n’est pas les Soviets !, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreWelt, 16 May 2022.

Verso una gender flat tax: si fa largo una tassazione agevolata per le donne vittime di violenza, an article mentioning Andrea Ichinofull-time professor and head of the ECO Department, Informazione Fiscale, 17 May 2022.

Daniel Innerarity: “Não podemos deixar que as plataformas digitais privatizem o nosso espaço público”, an interview with Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Público, 17 May 2022.

«Les democràcies han de tenir por de la intel·ligència artificial?», an article featuring Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, Diari de Girona, 17 May 2022.

Migranti, nuovi sbarchi: l'hotspot di Lampedusa è già al collasso, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Today, 17 May 2022.

Antiamericanismul crește la umbra războiului lui Putin, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Revista22, 17 May 2022.

EDMO: wciąż jesteśmy zalewani fake newsami na temat wojny Ukrainie, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Demagog, 17 May 2022.

« La réponse au choc inflationniste est aujourd’hui prioritaire », an op-ed written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 18 May 2022.

Turkey will eventually relent on Finland and Sweden joining NATO, says former Finnish PM, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNBC, 18 May 2022. 

Alexander Stubb, exprimer ministro de Finlandia: “La reacción de Rusia ante nuestra entrada en la OTAN ha sido bastante moderada”, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Diario, 18 May 2022. 

Alexander Stubb: "Alla fine Mosca resterà isolata",an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceAGI, 18 May 2022.

Entre la guerra y el equilibrio: las claves de la relación histórica entre Finlandia y Rusia, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN Español, 18 May 2022.

Finlandiya’nın eski başbakanı Türkiye ile yaşanan NATO krizi ile ilgili konuştu, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSozcu, 18 May 2022.

La guerre du gaz: De l’Asie à l’UE, de l’Afrique à l’Amérique, an article mentioning the State of The Union 2022, Marocco Mail, 18 May 2022.

‘Secrecy over Tory MP accused of rape is damaging to democracy’, an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) and Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Week, 19 May 2022.

Firenze. La Commissione urbanistica al complesso del Palazzo Buontalenti, an article quoting Marco Del PantaSecretary-General of the EUI, and mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, MET, 19 May 2022.

Tel Aviv University launches International graduate School of Social Sciences, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The Jerusalem Post, 19 May 2022.

Der Feind im Büro, an article featuring Sule Alan, Professor at the Economics Department, Frankfurter Allgemeine, 20 May 2022.

Économie de guerre et planification écologique, an article mentioning Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Grand Continent, 20 May 2022.

Finns and Swedes could no longer remain neutral, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governancenrc, 20 May 2022.

How Putin's War In Ukraine Backfired And Fueled NATO's Nordic Expansion, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEmea tribune, 20 May 2022.

Leiden scholar wins first prize at insolvency law research workshop, an article mentioning Theodora Kostoula, PhD Researcher at the Law Department,, 20 May 2022.

How is the Ukraine conflict compounding Africa’s food crisis?, an interview with Umar KabandaPolicy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, TRT World Now, 20 May 2022.



7 May – 13 May

Spotlight: Nato entry for Finland and Sweden will enhance European security

In an op-ed for Financial Times, Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, explains why Finaland and Sweden are applying to join NATO and what it means for European security, adding that security is not a zero-sum game.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Nato entry for Finland and Sweden will enhance European security, an op-ed written by Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceFinancial Times, 11 May 2022.

Lage der Union: „Gemeinsam sind wir stärker” , an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Euronews, 7 May 2022.
Also available in French: La 12e édition de “L’état de l’Union” se poursuit à Florence
Also available in Spanish: La pandemia y la guerra en Ucrania llevan al límite los fundamentos de la unidad europea
Also available in Portuguese: Estará a União Europeia apta para a nova geração?

VIDEO : Lage der Union: „Gemeinsam sind wir stärker”, a video of the State of the Union 2022, Euronews, 7 May 2022.

Caffè Europa | 9 maggio-Festa dell’Europa: dalle celebrazioni della pace allo spettro della guerra, a radio broadcast featuring the State of the Union 2022, Rai Radio 1, 7 May 2022.

Firenze capitale del dibattito sull’Unione, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, La Nazione, 7 May 2022.

Firenze sul palcoscenico d’Europa La guerra, l’economia, la ripartenza, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, La Nazione, 7 May 2022.

Firenze capitale del dibattito sull’Unione, an op-ed written by Marco Del PantaSecretary-General of the EUILa Nazione, 7 May 2022.

Heil Hitleriä huutava Astrid Lindgren ja natsimielisen Mannerheimin henkilökultti – voitonpäivän varjossa Venäjän satuilu suomalaisesta ja ruotsalaisesta fasismista lisääntyy, an article featuring an interview with Lauri Antero Tierala, Programme Director of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO),, 7 May 2022.

Vene väärinfo NATO riikides võib Soome liitumisprotsessi raskendada, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Maailm, 7 May 2022.

Venäjän satuilu suo­ma­lai­ses­ta ja ruot­sa­lai­ses­ta fa­sis­mis­ta li­sään­tyy voi­ton­päi­vän alla – osansa ovat saaneet muun muassa jat­ko­so­ta ja Astrid Lind­gren, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Lapin Kansa, 7 May 2022.

Daniel Innerarity: "Quien utiliza un misil, utilizará, nos guste o no, las armas de la desinformación", an interview with Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational, 7 May 2022.

Miguel Poiares Maduro: "Muito mudou na democracia" com o digital, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Noticias ao minute, 8 May 2022.

Contamination of the editorial processes of the media by the logic of social networks is a risk, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Dinheiro vivo, 8 May 2022.

Cuándo mueren las democracias, an article mentioning and Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, El nuovo dia, 8 May 2022.

EDMO: «Δίκτυο bots ενισχύει τη φιλορωσική προπαγάνδα και παραπληροφόρηση στην Ευρώπη για τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία», an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Ellinika Hoaxes, 8 May 2022.

Questions over Europe’s aid policy to combat African immigration, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreVox Europ, 9 May 2022.
Also available in German: Europa gibt Milliarden Euro für die Bekämpfung der Zuwanderung aus. Mit welchem Ergebnis?
Also available in Italian: L'Ue ha speso (abbastanza male) miliardi di euro per fermare la migrazione dall'Africa

Olivier Roy’s book on global appeal of ISIS published in Persian, an article featuring Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreTheran Times, 9 May 2022.

EUROPA RELIGIOSA, EUROPA POLITICA, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Il Mulino, 9 May 2022.

“Pianificazione” la parola d’ordine del Macron statalista, an article quiting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLa Repubblica, 9 May 2022. 

E se Putin decidesse di toglierci il gas?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreCorriere della Sera, 9 May 2022. 

Economie : la Nupes, ce n’est pas les Soviets !,  an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreAlternatives Economiques, 9 May 2022.

Idea y futuro de Europa, an article mentioning Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceNoticias de Navarra, 9 May 2022.

Finns stand out in survey in terms of readiness to blame Russia for war in Ukraine, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Uuso Suomi, 9 May 2022.

Prieskum ukázal, že Slovensko stojí na opačnej strane barikády, ako zvyšok EÚ. Odborníci reagujú, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Noviny plus, 9 May 2022.

The Rise of Sino-Russian Biotech Cooperation, an article written by Svitlana Lebedenko, PhD Researcher at the law Department, Foreign Policy Research Institute, 9 May 2022.

Primera copia del Manifiesto de Ventotene regresa a la isla donde se escribió, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU),S Swissinfo, 9 May 2022.

Hugo Morán (Environment): «We must consume less, recycle and reuse», an article mentioning the Florence School of Regulation, Merca2, 9 May 2022.

Průzkum: Počet dezinformací podle tří čtvrtin Čechů stoupá, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)ČTK, 9 May 2022.

Dezinformací v České republice přibývá, soudí tři čtvrtiny Čechů, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), IPSOS, 9 May 2022.

The EU may have reached its ‘whatever it takes’ moment, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Euronews, 10 May 2022.

“This is one person’s war” and “We are not fighting against Russia” says EU’s top diplomat Borrell an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Euronews, 9 May 2022.
Also available in Italian: Borrell a Euronews: “Questa guerra ci ha fatto capire che l’Europa è in pericolo”
Also available in French: Josep Borrell : “On défend l’Ukraine pour éviter la loi du plus fort”
Also available in Spanish: Josep Borrell para Euronews: “Sin esta guerra no éramos conscientes de que Europa está en peligro” 
Also available in German: Josep Borrell: “Wir kämpfen nicht gegen Russland, wir verteidigen die Ukraine”
Also available in Hungarian: Borrell: a háború felnyitotta a szemünket, hogy Európa veszélyben van
Also available in Turkish: AB Dışişleri Yüksek Temsilcisi Borrell: ‘Rusya’ya karşı savaşmıyoruz, Ukrayna’yı savunuyoruz’

O estado da União, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Jornal de Notícias, 9 May 2022.

Jones (Schuman Centre): “Senza visione comune, rischio che l’Ue non esista più dopo la guerra”, an interview with Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreNovaNews, 10 May 2022.

Il direttore dello Schuman Centre: “Dopo la guerra l’Ue rischia di non esistere più”, an article featuring Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreIl Primato Nazionale, 10 May 2022.

I dubbi sugli aiuti europei usati per fermare l’immigrazione dall’Africa, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceInternazionale, 10 May 2022.

Finland builds momentum toward Nato bid, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuobserver, 10 May 2022.

Análise: Finlândia prestes a aderir à Otan é uma má notícia para Putin, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN Brasil, 10 May 2022.

The role of changing dietary habits in mitigating global warming, an article mentioning Silvia Pianta, Max Weber Fellow,, 10 May 2022.

Coronaepidemin: "Många kan dö i sommar om ingenting görs", an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentHBL, 10 May 2022.

Le città europee pronte ad aiutare la ricostruzione dell’Ucraina, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Huffington Post – Italy, 10 May 2022.

Zelensky praised the Slovaks over the telegram, some deputies left the hall to protest against him, an article mentioning the European University Institute, 10 may 2022.

Volt miniszterelnök: 99 százalék, hogy Finnország NATO-tag less, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance168, 11 May 2022.

”Putins blunder avgörande för Finland och Sverige”, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceMSN, 11 May 2022.

Incontro Draghi-Biden, l'esperto: "La Ue chiede agli Usa di evitare l’escalation", an interview with Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreQuotidiano Nazionale, 11 May 2022.

Εμπάργκο: Λάθος η στρατηγική από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentrePagenews, 11 May 2022.

Democracia na Era Digital: Como pode a tecnologia ajudar a sociedade a aproximar-se da política?, article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor and Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational Governance, SAPO, 11 May 2022.

Finland's former PM: 'Our NATO membership was decided on the 24th of February", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN, 12 May 2022.

Finland's NATO accession bid 'better late than never:' former PM Alexander Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDW, 12 May 2022.

Putin’s war backfires as Finland aims to join NATO, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePOLITICO, 12 May 2022.

Alexander Stubb, ex-Premier ministre finlandais : "Poutine a provoqué notre adhésion à l'Otan", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceL’Express, 12 May 2022.

Früherer finnischer Regierungschef zur Nato: „Wir sind bereit, morgen beizutreten“, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceHandelsblatt, 12 May 2022.

Stubb: - Umulig å drive forretning med Russland i lang tid, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, NHO, 12 May 2022.

La Finlandia vuole entrare nella Nato "senza esitazioni". Mosca: una minaccia per la Russia, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governancela Repubblica, 12 May 2022.

Alexander Stubb: - Norway must decide, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceABC Nyheter, 12 May 2022.

Johnson’s case for the defence, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuractiv, 12 May 2022.

Ukraine aktuell: G7 will russische Hafenblockade in der Ukraine brechen, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDW, 12 May 2022.

Finland en Zweden staan op het punt om lid te worden van de NAVO: dit moet je weten, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBusiness Insider Nederland, 12 May 2022.

The win-win in joining NATO, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Christian Science Monitor, 12 May 2022.

Finlàndia, camí de l’OTAN, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Vanguardia, 12 May 2022.

This is how Finnish politicians comment on Niinistö's and Marin's NATO announcement - Alexander Stubb: "I have been waiting for this day for 30 years", an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIltalehti, 12 May 2022.

Stubb (ex primo ministro Finlandia) a Tgcom24: "Adesione Nato passo naturale", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceTgcom24, 12 May 2022.

Finlandia, l'ex premier: "L'invasione dell'Ucraina ha cambiato tutto, ora l'80% della gente vuole la Nato", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceGlobalist, 12 May 2022.

Russian blockade of Ukraine's ports puts global food supply at risk, an article quoting Sony KapoorPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreFrance24, 12 May 2022.

El bloqueo ruso de los puertos de Ucrania pone en riesgo el suministro mundial de alimentos, an article quoting Sony KapoorPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Noticias del mundo, 12 May 2022.

L’Europe au rendez-vous du 9 mai, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Témoignage Chretien, 12 May 2022.

RASKOL U EVROPSKOJ UNIJI Pogledajte grafiku šta Evropljani misle ko je odgovoran za rat u Ukrajini!, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Kurir, 12 May 2022.

Yhdysvaltalaismedia vääristeli suomalaisten suhtautumista Venäjään – Alexander Stubb älähti, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceItltalehti, 13 May 2022.

ANÁLISIS | Qué puede pasar si Finlandia se une a la OTAN, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN Español, 13 May 2022.

Il paradosso: la Nato si allarga grazie allo zar, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceQuotidiano Nazionale, 13 May 2022.

Igualdad algorítmica, an article written by Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl País, 13 May 2022.

Cuándo nacen las dictaduras, an article mentioning Daniel InnerarityAI&DEM Chair at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl País, 13 May 2022.

Academic: We are probably entering a long period of high gas prices, an interview with Ilaria ContiHead of the Gas Area at the Florence School of RegulationEuractiv, 13 May 2022.

Firenze, Palazzo Buontalenti riapre al pubblico dopo i lavori di restauro, an article mentioning Marco Del PantaSecretary-General of the EUI, and the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Nazione, 13 May 2022.

Europa religiosa, Europa politica. Una intervista a Olivier Roy proposta dalla newsletter de “Il Mulino”, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreIl Domani d’Italia, 13 May 2022.

"O nosso sistema de propinas é regressivo", diz Poiares Maduro, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance, Noticias ao minute, 13 May 2022.

Poland and Hungary versus the rule of law and EU funds with Gabor Halmai, a podcast episode featuring Gábor HalmaiProfessor and Chair of Comparative Constitutional Law at the Law DepartmentEuropean Liberal Forum, 13 May 2022.

Olivier Blanchard in Jean Pisani Ferry definirata monetarne in fiskalne rešitve za EU ob vojni v Ukrajini, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman, 13 May 2022.

Con la decontribuzione più donne al lavoro, ma salari fermi, an article mentioning Andrea Ichinofull-time professor and head of the ECO Department,, 13 May 2022.

Courage Seemed to Be Dead. Then Came Zelensky, an article mentioning the European University Institute, The New York Times, 13 May 2022.

WEEK END 14-15 MAGGIO A FIRENZE E IN TOSCANA: NOTTE DEI MUSEI, SPETTACOLI, EVENTI, MOSTRE, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Firenze Post, 13 May 2022.



30 April – 6 May

Spotlight: The State of the Union, the Festival of Europe in Florence

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola calls for European unity and leadership against authoritarian threats in her opening speech at the second day of The State of the Union Conference 2022 organised by the European University Institute, as reported by ANSA.


Photo credits: European University Institute


The State of the Union, il Festival d’Europa a Firenze, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, ANSA, 6 May 2022.

How Putin’s brutal war in Ukraine pushed Finland toward NATO, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Washington Post, 30 April 2022.

Mystiske branner: - Søkt teori, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDagbladet, 30 April 2022.

From Ukraine to Rwanda: Race, Asylum and Externalization in Europe-Africa Relations, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreElephant, 30 April 2022.

The State of  the Union a Firenze, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Corriere di Puglia e Lucania, 30 April 2022.

Saksan pakotevenkoilun uusin käänne on pelkkää hämäystä – EU:n viimeinen tilaisuus on maanantaina, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreUusi Suomi, 30 April 2022.

La agresión rusa empuja a Finlandia y Suecia hacia la OTAN,an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Vanguardia, 1 May 2022.

Finlàndia i Suècia miren a l’OTAN, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Vanguardia, 1 May 2022.

War Russia – Ukraine today: Last minute, live, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)The Saxon, 1 May 2022.

The Week Ahead – 1 May, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Financial Times, 1 May 2022.

Finland has walked a political tightrope between Moscow and the West for decades. But that could be about to end, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNBC, 2 May 2022.

Finnland tritt der NATO bei, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSalzburger Nachrichten, 2 May 2022.

Finland gives up its swing policy, chooses West over Russians, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceVG, 2 May 2022.

REPowerEU: Local and regional authorities must be taken into account to ensure a rapid transition towards secured, affordable and sustainable energy, an article quoting Andris PiebalgsPart-time Professors at the Florence School of RegulationComitato europeo delle regioni, 2 May 2022.

Torna il Ventotene Europa Festival, giovani cittadini europei per la pace, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), Eunews, 2 May 2022.

The State of The Union 2022: “Un’Europa per le prossime generazioni?”, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, StampToscana, 2 May 2022.

Euroagenda: avvenimenti dal 2 all’8 maggio, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, ANSA, 2 May 2022.

The war on misinformation: What counts as a win?, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), 2 May 2022.

Metsola, l’Italia deve essere leader in Europa, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, ANSA, 3 May 2022.

Russia’s war tests Europe’s moral mettle as much as its economy, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Financial Times, 3 May 2022.

En Afghanistan, l’exclusion des filles de l’école signe la victoire de l’aile dure des talibans, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 3 May 2022.

Santos Silva sugere “revisão pragmática” da lei eleitoral já nesta legislatura,an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Expresso, 3 May 2022.

Poiares Maduro adverte que reforma do sistema eleitoral não resolve problemas de confiança no sistema político, an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTP, 3 May 2022.

Putin joga Suécia e Finlândia nos braços da Otan - Por Milton Blay, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceRevista Forum, 3 May 2022.

State to spend €100m on RTL programming, an article, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Delano, 3 May 2022.

Guerra testa a economia da Europa, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreValor, 4 May 2022.

Poner el cuerpo en la guerra, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreEthic, 4 May 2022.

How Europe spent billions to keep migrants in Africa, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreVox Europ, 4 May 2022.
Also available in German: Wie die EU Milliarden ausgibt, um Migration aus Afrika aufzuhalten

A világ legboldogabb társadalmát hozták létre Oroszország árnyékában, de meg is kell azt védeniük, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational, 4 May 2022.

Protocolli di crisi e sanzioni a big tech, la risposta Ue alle fake news di Putin, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Domani¸4 May 2022.

Respuestas europeas a la desinformación: más cooperación, normativa y alfabetización mediática, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTVE¸4 May 2022.

Jean Pisani-Ferry: "We must create a tax on the holding of capital", an interview with Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Point, 5 May 2022.

Vu de l’étranger, le paradoxe des passions tristes françaises, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 5 May 2022.

Pourquoi la transition écologique reste une urgence absolue ?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Journal Des Flottes, 5 May 2022.

La douzième édition de “L’état de l’Union” se penche sur le rôle et l’avenir de l’UE, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Euronews, 5 May 2022.
Also available in Spanish: La apuesta por una mayor unidad europea centra la conferencia ‘El Estado de la Unión’,
Also available in Portuguese: Futuro da União Europeia debatido em Itália
Also available in German: “State of the Union”: Ist Europa bereit für die nächste Generation?

Amendola, la priorità è lavorare per la pace , an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, ANSA, 5 May 2022.

The State of the Union, Firenze capitale d’Europa. “Difendere l’Ucraina da Putin”, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, La Nazione, 5 May 2022.

A Firenze Borrell, Metsola e 100 leader discutono dello stato dell’Unione Europea, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, La Nazione, 5 May 2022.

Al festival d’Europa il sindaco di Bucha: a Firenze sette giorni di eventi e spettacoli, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, La Repubblica, 5 May 2022.

Suica, ora serve dare seguito a proposte dei cittadini su futuro dell’Ue, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, ANSA, 5 May 2022.

Amendola, rinunciare al diritto di veto e riformare i Trattati per l’Europa ‘attore globale’, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Eunews, 5 May 2022.

'Bloomberg Surveillance: Early Edition' Full (05/05/22), an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 5 May 2022.

Alexander Stubb kyseen­alaistaa yleisen käsityksen Putinista: ”Kaikki on mennyt strategisesti pieleen”, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIS, 5 May 2022.

Finlandia e Svezia nella NATO: a che punto siamo e quali possibili conseguenze, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceValigia blu, 5 May 2022.

Rettet die Demokratie!, an article quoting Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitUnsere Zeitung, 5 May 2022.

Ribera y Borrell dialogan sobre el futuro de Europa en Florencia, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Swiss Info, 5 May 2022. 

Torna a casa il Manifesto di Ventotene, è festival, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), ANSA, 5 May 2022.

Una settimana dedicata all’Europa Cinquanta eventi per l’Unione, an article mentioning the Euoropean University Institute, La Nazione, 5 May 2022.

Νέα έκθεση από το εξωτερικό κρούει τον κώδωνα του κινδύνου για την ελευθερία του Τύπου στην Ελλάδα, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, TVXS, 5 May 2022.

Minister: Those who bombed Serbia cannot ask it to join Russia sanctions, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Euractiv, 6 May 2022. 
Also available in French: L’UE n’a pas le « droit moral » d’exiger des sanctions contre la Russie de la part de la Serbie

La UE cambia el plan sobre el embargo al petróleo ruso para convencer a los países reticentes, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Huffington Post, 6 May 2022. 

EU’s Borrell to call meeting next week if Russia oil embargo deal not forthcoming an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Reuters, 6 May 2022. 

Metsola: „Die EU war noch nie so stark“, an article mentioning The State of the Union 2022, Frankfurter Allgemeine, 6 May 2022.

Defesa da liberdade tem um custo e políticos devem explicá-lo, adverte Borrell , an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Observador, 6 May 2022.

Metsola, Ue è nelle strade di Bucha e nei tunnel di Mariupol, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, ANSAmed, 6 May 2022.
Also available in English EU is on streets of Bucha, in tunnels of Mariupol  

Ue, Metsola: “L’Ucraina vincerà. Stop a petrolio e gas russi”, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Rai News, 6 May 2022.

Dai Trattati alle carte di Spinelli e De Gasperi: le fondamenta dell’Europa in un sotterraneo di Firenze, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, La Repubblica, 6 May 2022.

Metsola: “È ora di un’unione dell’energia in Europa. L’Italia può essere leader”, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Il Foglio, 6 May 2022.

Ucraina ultime notizie. Nyt: l’Ucraina lancia un’offensiva nel Nordest. Zelensky apre a pace con i russi senza restituzione Crimea, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Il Sole 24 Ore, 6 May 2022.

Metsola: “Putin sbaglia se pensa che Ue sia debole. È il nostro whatever-it-takes”, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Sky Tg24, 6 May 2022.

Brussels Playbook: Working weekend — Renaissance man Macron — ECB still dovish, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Politico, 6 May 2022.

Wie Finnland im Eiltempo in die Nato strebt, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSpiegel Ausland, 6 May 2022.

Dai Trattati alle carte di Spinelli e De Gasperi: le fondamenta dell'Europa in un sotterraneo di Firenze, an article featuring the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), La Repubblica, 6 May 2022.

8 maggio 2022 giornata internazionale della croce rossa nel mondo. Le celebrazioni nel Comune di Fiesole, an article mentioning the European University Institute, MET, 6 May 2022.

Κύρτσος: Ευρωπαϊκά αδιανόητη η συνέχιση της δικαστικής δίωξης Βαξεβάνη, an article mentioning a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Documento, 6 May 2022.



23 April – 29 April

Spotlight: French elections, Macron's paradox: 'He won by losing'. Analysis by Olivier Roy

Olivier Roy, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, talks to Repubblica about the recent presidential results and points out that Macron’s re-election is due not to his popularity, but because the alternative was considered unacceptable.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

Elezioni Francia, il paradosso di Macron: "Ha vinto perdendo". L'analisi di Olivier Roy, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLa Repubblica, 25 April 2022.

Były premier Finlandii: Będziemy członkiem NATO jeszcze przed końcem roku, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuractiv, 23 April 2022.

B. premier Finlandii: Polska stała się bohaterką Unii Europejskiej, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance,, 23 April 2022.

Andris Piebalgs: "El conflicto en Ucrania durará años, entramos en una etapa de altos precios de la energía", an article quoting Andris PiebalgsPart-time Professor at the Florence School of RegulationInvertia, 23 April 2022.

Finlandia, la "conta" dei deputati sulla Nato Il ministro: "Non dobbiamo ritardare l'adesione", an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIl, 24 April 2022.

Nato-Kriegsschiffe erreichen finnischen Hafen, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBerliner Verlag, 24 April 2022

Election présidentielle 2022 : Emmanuel Macron réélu face à Marine Le Pen, l’Europe soulagée, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreToute l’Europe, 25 April 2022.

Présidentielle : Emmanuel Macron, un social-libéral devenu promoteur de la planification, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Les Echos, 25 April 2022.

Brände und angeblich bombardierte Dörfer – die Vorfälle auf russischem Boden häufen sich, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceWatson, 25 April 2022.

En la frontera finlandesa con Rusia: “La guerra de Ucrania lo cambió todo, ya no hay vuelta atrás”, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Diario AR, 25 April 2022.

The volatility of the electricity market: a roller coaster when the wind blows or the price of gas rises, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Invertia, 25 April 2022.

Macron’s Post-Election Dilemma, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Project Syndicate,  26 April 2022.
Also available in French: Le dilemme post-électoral de Macron
Also available in Spanish: El dilema de Macron después de las elecciones
Also available in German: Macrons Dilemma nach der Wahl
Also available in Arabic: معضلة ماكرون بعد الانتخابات

Les politiques en faveur de l’emploi ont coûté 185 milliards d’euros en 2020, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, L’Opinion, 26 April 2022.

Syria, Lebanon agree new crossing to control border chaos, an article quoting Joseph Daher, Part-time Professor at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeEnab Baladi, 26 April 2022.

Były premier Finlandii: Wkrótce wejdziemy do NATO. Rosja będzie grozić, ale musimy zachować spokój [ROZMOWA], an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceWyborcza, 26 April 2022.

Premi Erc, i ricercatori italiani esperti sono terzi in Europa: il miglior risultato degli ultimi dieci anni, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 26 April 2022.

State of the Union 2022: Odg Toscana partner dell’evento europeo, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Ordine dei Giornalisti, 26 April 2022.

L'UE dépense des milliards pour stopper la migration en provenance d'Afrique, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreDW, 27 April 2022.

La guerre en Ukraine vue d’Helsinki par un intellectuel de gauche finlandais, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Le Club de Mediapart, 27 April 2022.

Perché i vertici del calcio non riescono a cambiare, an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Secondo Tempo, 27 April 2022.

Alla canna del gas: perché è in arrivo una nuova ondata populista, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLa voce di New York, 27 April 2022.

Russia will threaten Finland after NATO application: ex-PM Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceAl Jazeera, 28 April 2022.
Also available in German: Russland droht Finnland wegen NATO-Bewerbung: Ex-PM NATO-Nachrichten
Also available in Spanish”: Ex primer ministro Stabe: Rusia amenazará a Finlandia tras unirse a la OTAN
Also available in Indonesian: Mantan Perdana Menteri Stabe: Rusia akan mengancam Finlandia setelah bergabung dengan NATO

Finland and Sweden ‘will be members of Nato’, says former Finnish PM, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceChannel4, 28 April 2022.

'Putin might be many things but he's not suicidal,' says ex-Finnish PM amid nuke threats, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLBC, 28 April 2022.

Bivši premijer Finske: Spremni smo na ruske prijetnje nakon ulaska u NATO, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational, 28 April 2022.

Guerra na Ucrânia leva países europeus a reverem neutralidade, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDinheiro, 28 April 2022.

Une politique économique de guerre, an article co-written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Grand Continent,  28 April 2022.

Belgische lessen uit de Franse verkiezingen, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreDe Standaard, 28 April 2022.

‘There is no technology riding to the rescue while capitalism is the dominant political philosophy’, an article featuring Troy VetteseMax Weber fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreCamden New Journal, 28 April 2022.

Etat de droit : l'Union européenne déclenche le mécanisme de conditionnalité contre la Hongrie, an article quoting Gábor HalmaiProfessor and Chair of Comparative Constitutional Law at the Law DepartmentToute l’Europe, 28 April 2022.

Digital Market Act : tout savoir sur la nouvelle loi de l’UE sur le numérique, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman, 28 April 2022.

The Iranian revolution that could not be, an article written by Alejandro Salamanca Rodríguez, PhD Researcher at the Department of History, Descubrir la Historia, 28 April 2022.

Joanna Krawczyk z "Gazety Wyborczej" w zarządzie Europejskiego Funduszu Mediów i Informacji, an article mentioning the European University Institute,, 28 April 2022.

Ukraine war: 'Forget a ceasefire anytime soon', a podcast episode featuring an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBBC - Newsday, 29 April 2022.

Europa: Das Ende der Neutralität?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDW, 29 April 2022.
Also available in Polish: Zmierzch neutralności w Europie.

Greenwashing Spurs Call to Give EU Bondholders Legal Protection, an article quoting Nikolai Badenhoop, Max Weber Fellow, Bloomberg, 29 April 2022.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : «La transition écologique a un coût qu’il ne faut pas se cacher», an interview with Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Opinion, 29 April 2022.

Macron's Victory, Corruption Rocks World Cup 2022, an interview with Paolo ChiocchettiResearch Associate at the Robert Schuman CentreChannels Television, 29 April 2022.

Le dimore aprono i cancelli, an article mentioning the Robert Schuman CentreLa Nazione, 29 April 2022.

Lunedì 2 maggio un webinar sui Fablab nelle piccole scuole, an article mentioning Martina FerracaneMax Weber Fellow, Indire, 29 April 2022.

"É óbvio que temos austeridade: os salários reais sofrem cortes", an article quoting Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Notícias ao Minuto, 29 April 2022.





16 April – 22 April

Spotlight: ‘Economic blockade’: Syrian city punished for anti-government protests

Joseph Daher, Part-time professor at the Middle East Directions Programme, spoke to Al Jazeera on the worsening living conditions in the Druze-majority city of Sweida, Syria.


Photo credits: Shutterstock

‘Economic blockade’: Syrian city punished for anti-govt protests, an article quoting Joseph DaherPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme, Al Jazeera, 21 April 2022.

A Warning for Europe?, a radio interview with Brigid LaffanEmerita director of the Robert Schuman Centre, RTÉ Radio 1, 16 April 2022.

TOMAR – Miguel Poiares Maduro em entrevista à Hertz. Antigo Ministro admite que ser presidente de uma Câmara do Interior é mais difícil do que ter responsabilidades em grandes centros urbanos, an interview with Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Rádio Hertz, 16 April 2022.

Finnlands Ex-Premier glaubt, Russland könnte sich an seinem Land rächen, sollte es der Nato beitreten – doch die Finnen seien darauf vorbereitet, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBusiness Insider 16 April 2022.

Putin’s Missile To NATO May Be A Boomerang, Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Asean Post, 16 April 2022.

Il Terzo Novecento, an article featuring an interview with Federico RomeroProfessor of History of Post-War European Cooperation and Integration at the HEC Department, Director of the ERC project PanEur1970sIl Corriere della Sera – La Lettura, 17 April 2022.

Drew Pendergrass and Troy Vettese on Half Earth Socialism, a podcast featuring an interview with Troy Vettese, Max Weber fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Future Histories, 17 April 2022.

»Wer Schwäche zeigt, wird überfallen«, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSpiegel Ausland, 18 April 2022.

Nardella, città europee pronte aiutare ricostruzione Ucraina, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, ANSA, 18 April 2022.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Il faut resserrer le nœud coulant des sanctions sur la Russie », an op ed written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 19 April 2022.

Les chantiers industriels à saisir d’urgence par l'Elysée, an article quoting by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Usine Nouvelle, 19 April 2022.

Ehemaliger Premier: „Finnland wird ein hundertprozentiges Mitglied der Nato“, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBerliner Zeitung, 19 April 2022.

Los expertos afirman que la UE se enfrenta unida al gran reto de sustituir el suministro de gas ruso, an article mentioning Christopher Wingfield Jones and Andris Piebalgs, Part-time Professors at the Florence School of Regulation, El Economista,19 April 2022.

„Dok 1“-Doppel mit Hanno Settele am 20. April: Auftakt mit „Wie wehrt sich Österreich?“, an article quoting Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitAPA-OTS, 19 April 2022.

Natomedlemskap hotar skapa maktkamp, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law Department, HBL, 19 April 2022.

Ukrainan sota, päivä 55: Venäjän Wagner-ryhmä toi jopa 20 000 palkkasotilasta Itä-Ukrainaan, ISW ei usko Venäjän mahdollisuuksiin, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIltalehti, 19 April 2022.

In French Vote, Pocketbook Issues Overshadow Nationalism vs. Globalism, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreThe Wall Street Journal, 20 April 2022.

UN: Ukraine refugee crisis is Europe’s biggest since WWII, an article written by Julian Vierlinger, PhD researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Atlantic Council, 20 April 2022.

Firenze, a The State of the Union un panel farà il punto sulla Conferenza sul futuro dell'Europa, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Tgcom24, 20 April 2022.

Las ‘banlieues’, el laboratorio de la modernización de Francia, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLa Vanguardia, 20 April 2022.

La clave islamista en las elecciones francesas, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLa Vanguardia, 20 April 2022.

Café Duplo: Judicial Year. "There is a management problem" in Justice in Portugal, a podcast episode with Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF Rádio Notícias, 20 April 2022.

"Finland's membership in NATO is almost certain," Putin said again, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEconomic Thermometer, 20 April 2022.

'Rusland moet, even, het nieuwe Noord-Korea worden', an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Knack, 20 April 2022.

Vestea serii din Rusia! Vladimir Putin, undă de șoc în Europa. Aceste state nu vor scăpa, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Capital, 20 April 2022.

Russland startet im Ukraine-Krieg Großoffensive: Die Angst der Deutschen vor Putin, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceMerkur, 20 April 2022.

Drohen ist eine gute russische Tradition, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceZeit Online, 20 April 2022.

EDMO: L’Europa e l’ondata di disinformazione sulla guerra in Ucraina (report marzo 2022), an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Fact, 20 April 2022.

Ukraine’s Refugee Crisis and the (B)ordering of Europe, an article quoting Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentreHindustrian Times, 21 April 2022.

‘Economic blockade’: Syrian city punished for anti-govt protests, an article quoting Joseph DaherPart-time Professor at the Middle East Directions Programme, Al Jazeera, 21 April 2022.

Dubai population passes 3.5 million mark as new arrivals flood in, an article quoting Philippe Fargues, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre and Founding Director of the Migration Policy Centre, The National News, 21 April 2022.

The State of the Union a Firenze con Borrell e Metsola, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, ANSA, 21 April 2022.

New era, new alliance: NATO, Sweden, and Finland, a podcast featuring an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuropean Council on Foreign Relations 21 April 2022.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Il n’y aura de transition écologique réussie que si les citoyens se reconnaissent dans un projet collectif », an op ed written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 22 April 2022.

“L’Ue non è alternativa Nato. Sulla Russia abbiamo una colpa ”, an interview with Renaud DehoussePresident of the European University InstituteIl Corriere Fiorentino, 22 April 2022.

Gentiloni, Metsola, Borrell a Firenze per The State of the Union, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Il Corriere Fiorentino, 22 April 2022.

FIRENZE: THE STATE OF THE UNION, CONFERENZA UE DAL 5 AL 7 MAGGIO, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Firenze Post, 22 April 2022.

Finlands tidligere statsminister: - Europa splittet i to, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDagbladet, 22 April 2022.

Katharina Pistor: “Hay que vigilar el proceso de creación de leyes, donde grupos privados suelen involucrarse”, an article quoting Martijn Hesslink,Professor of Transnational Law and Theory Professor at the Department of Law,, 22 April 2022.

Były premier Finlandii: Będziemy członkiem NATO jeszcze przed końcem roku, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuractiv, 23 April 2022.

Elezioni Francia, il paradosso di Macron: "Ha vinto perdendo". L'analisi di Olivier Roy, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLa Repubblica, 25 April 2022.

State of the Union 2022: Odg Toscana partner dell’evento europeo, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Ordine dei Giornalisti, 26 April 2022.




9 April - 15 April

Spotlight: War Requires Rethink of EU Carbon Reform, Market Architect Says.

EIB Climate Chair at the School of Transnational Governance Jos Delbeke shares that the deepest overhaul of the European Union’s carbon market should be adapted to the drastically changed energy landscape caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in an interviw featured in this Bloomberg article.



Credits: Shutterstock


War Requires Rethink of EU Carbon Reform, Market Architect Says, an article featuring an interview with Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceBloomberg, 11 April 2022.

Ukraine's route to peace - Former Prime Minister of Finland, Alexander Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCGTN, 9 April 2022.

Motivadas pela guerra na Ucrânia, Finlândia e Suécia podem se juntar à Otan em breve, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN Brasil, 9 April 2022.

Warum konservative Frauen so erfolgreich sind, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Der Bund, 9 April 2022.

Finland poised to request NATO membership as early as May, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceFox News, 10 April 2022.

La Finlande dans l’Otan ? Le pays se prépare à une décision historique, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceL’Obs, 10 April 2022.

Alexander Stubb arvioi: Suomi jättää Nato-hakemuksen toukokuussa ja siihen on hyvät syyt – "Mitä pystyisikään meille tekemään?", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceItalehti, 10 April 2022.

Finska se sprema za historijsku odluku o pristupanju NATO-u, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceAl Jazeera, 10 April 2022.

Finlandia se prepara para una histórica decisión sobre su entrada en la OTAN, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSwissinfo, 10 April 2022.

Worauf warten wir?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreBlick, 10 April 2022.

Can The Russian Economy Withstand The Sanctions?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreBlick, 10 April 2022.

Double standards stir racist-Australia comments, an article quoting Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentreIndependent Australia, 10 April 2022.

Firenze, di quale identità parliamo, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, Corriere della sera, 10 April 2022.

Sweden and Finland make moves to join Nato, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Guardian, 11 April 2022.

Russia warns against Finland and Sweden Nato bid, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuobserver, 11 April 2022.

Stubb: “La Finlandia entri nella Nato, Putin ci fa paura", an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Repubblica, 11 April 2022.

Peskov, İsveç ve Finlandiya'yı NATO üyeliği konusunda bir kez daha uyardı, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuronews, 11 April 2022.

Monday's papers: Niinistö on Nato, maternal burnout, too few interpreters, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceYLE, 11 April 2022.

Finland and Sweden set to join NATO as soon as summer, report says, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Japan Times, 11 April 2022.

Migrationsforscher Bauböck: "Die Neiddebatte kann schnell angefeuert werden", an interview with Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDerStandard, 11 April 2022.

Hotbed of fakes! Desperate Putin does full-scale 'hatchet job' on 'Russophobic' Wikipedia, an article quoting Christiern Santos Santos Rasmussen, PhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Express, 11 April 2022.

Committee of Experts on Increasing Resilience of the Media (MSI-RES) held its first meeting, an article mentioning Elda BrogiMember of the Executive Board and Coordinator Policy Analysis and Research of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Council of Europe Portal, 11 April 2022.

Draghi, la Finlandia e il whatever it takes a Putin. Parla Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational, 12 April 2022.

La Finlandia di Sanna Marin è pronta a entrare nella Nato,an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceRai News, 12 April 2022.

EU nutzt Entwicklungshilfe in Afrika als Druckmittel gegen Migration, an article quoting Mehari Taddele MaruPart-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceDW, 13 April 2022.

Sofia Nerbrand: (S)verige måste hoppa på Natotåget tillsammans med Finland, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Kristianstadsbladet, 13 April 2022.

Suecia y Finlandia flirtean con la idea de ingresar a la OTAN, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, La Vanguardia, 13 April 2022.

Suecia y Finlandia aceleran el proceso para pedir la entrada en la OTAN en verano, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, DW, 13 April 2022.

"A giugno faremo la richiesta". Perché la Svezia può scatenare l'inferno dello Zar, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Il Giornale, 13 April 2022.

Lainoppineet: Korkeimman oikeuden päätös Tenon vesistön kalastusasiassa vahvistaa saamelaisten oikeuksia – johtanee lakimuutoksiin, in article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law Department, YLE, 14 April 2022.

"Historische mijlpaal": beloften van klimaattop Glasgow kunnen klimaatopwarming onder 2 graden houden, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceNWS, 14 April 2022.

Finland's former prime minister says Russia could retaliate against his country for joining NATO, but it's well prepared, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceRai News, 14 April 2022.

Paula Gori: "Come combattere le fake news? Ecco alcuni consigli", an interview with Paula GoriSecretary-General of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Salvalingua, 14 April 2022.

Cold War Liberalism Is Back, an op-ed written by Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the History DepartmentJacobin, 14 April 2022.

Ukraine: Phần Lan tuyên bố sẽ đưa ra quyết định về gia nhập Nato trong vài tuần tới, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBBC News, 14 April 2022.

Lawyer flies Kenyan flag in EU governance school, an interview with Mwathi Kitonga, Young African Leaders Programme’s Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, The Star, 15 April 2022.

Addio all’economista Jean-Paul Fitoussi, an article mentioning the European University Institute, 15 April 2022.

2022 French Presidential Election, an interview with Paolo Chiocchetti, Research Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre, Channels Television, 15 April 2022.

Former Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb: 'Russia must become the new North Korea',an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceKnack, 15 April 2022.

Alexander Stubb: „Finnland wird vor Jahresende Nato-Mitglied“, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDie Presse, 15 April 2022.

Stubb desvaloriza ameaça russa e dá como certa adesão da Finlândia à NATO: “Foi decidida a 24 de Fevereiro”, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePÚBLICO, 15 April 2022.






2 April - 8 April

Spotlight: What impact does the EU's rule-of-law mechanism have?

Gábor Halmai, Professor and Chair of Comparative Constitutional Law at the Law Department, was quoted by DW on the EU Commission's intention to trigger the bloc's rule-of-law mechanism for the first time against Hungary over law violations.



Credits: Shutterstock


What impact does the EU's rule-of-law mechanism have?, an article quoting Gábor HalmaiProfessor and Chair of Comparative Constitutional Law at the Law Department, DW, 5 April 2022.

Off The Cuff with Alexander Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Print, 2 April 2022.

Perché la guerra è già nelle nostre vite, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLa Nazione, 2 April 2022.

Poker player Putin plays shadowy game with rubles, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreRuetir, 2 April 2022.

Invasione dell’Ucraina, lo storico Romero: “Non si tratta di una nuova Guerra fredda, oggi è un conflitto tra potenze con ideali sfumati”, an interview with Federico RomeroProfessor of History of Post-War European Cooperation and Integration at the HEC Department, Director of the ERC project PanEur1970s, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 3 April 2022.

Guerre en Ukraine : « Pourquoi a-t-on si peur de Poutine, au lieu de faire peur à cet homme qui ne respecte rien d’autre que les rapports de force ? », an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreDecode The News Podcast, 3 April 2022.

Vetäytyvien venäläisten jäljiltä paljastuu yhä karmeampia raakuuksia: Butšassa palaneita ruumiita kaduilla ja siviilien joukkohauta, Ukrainan presidentti kutsuu joukko­tuhonnaksi,an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceHelsingin Sanomat, 3 April 2022.

Repost: Ukraine and Moldova’s synchronisation with the Continental European Electricity Grid, an article originally posted by the Robert Schuman Centre featuring an interview with Alberto Pototschnig, Executive Deputy Director of the Florence School of Regulation, Energy Transition, 4 April 2022.

La crisis de la Iglesia: llamas, cenizas, escombros y reconstrucciones, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman, 4 April 2022.

”Finland väntas gå med i Nato – Sverige väljer samma väg”, an article quotingAlexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceAftonbladet, 4 April 2022.

Tuesday's papers: Presidential approval, 2024 chances, and climate issues in the budget, an article mentioning Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governanceyle, 5 April 2022.

Ce efecte, pe termen lung, va avea asupra economiilor țărilor europene războiul din Ucraina, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreMoney New, 5 April 2022.

Um grande passo para a FDUL, um gigante passo para o meio académico, an article quoting Miguel Mota Delgado, PhD researcher at the Law Department, Sapo24, 5 April 2022.

Le mécanisme de formation des prix de l'électricité sous pression, an article quoting Jan CornillieResearch Associate at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceL’Echo, 5 April 2022.

Ucraina e Russia tra guerra di religione e scontro di civiltà tra cristiani occidentali e orientali, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreIl Mattino, 5 April 2022.

Presidenttipeli voi yllättää, an article Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceKauppalehti, 5 April 2022.

Finland: Sverige är på god väg att gå med i Nato, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBladet, 5 April 2022.

De l’Afghanistan à l’Ukraine, souvenirs des guerres russes, an article written by Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreOrientXXI, 6 April 2022.

Ukraine: l’armée russe va-t-elle réussir sa «bascule» vers le Donbass?, an article quoting  Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Opinion, 6 April 2022.

Are we winning the fight against misinformation?, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)The Journal, 6 April 2022.

Russia’s unintended effect on Europe, an article quoting Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreProspect, 7 April 2022.

Le moment aronien de L’Europe, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreTerra Nova, 7 April 2022.

Le nouvel âge de la Formation professionnelle, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreTerra Nova, 7 April 2022.

Russia-Ukraine conflict exposes West’s double standards on humanitarianism, an article quoting Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentrePeople’s Daily, 7 April 2022.

The Forgotten Climate Crisis?, a collection of articles ones quoting and written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 7 April 2022.

Washington's role in Russia-Ukraine conflict jeopardizes world stability, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreXinhua, 7 April 2022.

Kann es sich die Schweiz wirtschaftlich leisten, Wladimir Putin sein Gas und Erdöl per sofort nicht mehr abzukaufen?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLuzerner Zeitung, 7 April 2022.

Çelësi i fjalëve të Kishës: Ukraina dhe përplasja e qytetërimeve, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreVatican News, 7 April 2022.

Los retos de la libertad de expresión en el contexto de los crímenes de odio e incitación al terrorismo: “Normalización de discurso de odio” o represión de todo discurso “desagradable”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law Department, Campusa, 8 April 2022.

President Le Pen?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePOLITICO, 8 April 2022.

Verkkohyökkäys ministeriöiden sivuille poiki vahvan reaktion: ”Vahvistaa entisestään päättäväisyyttämme”, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIlta Sanomat, 8 April 2022.

Finlandiya'nın NATO üyeliğine başvurmaya hazırlandığı iddia edildi, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceAA, 8 April 2022.

Finlandia e Svezia, la corsa veloce per entrare nella Nato, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational, 8 April 2022.

Finlandia sotto attacco hacker e spazio aereo violato da Il-96-300 russo dopo l'annuncio: «Presto richiesta ingresso nella Nato», an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Mattino, 8 April 2022.

Finlândia deve candidatar-se à NATO “no final de maio”, depois será a Suécia: invasão da Ucrânia disparou apoio na opinião pública, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceExpresso, 8 April 2022.

Putin che uomo è? La descrizione di chi lo conosce veramente, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceTrend Online, 8 April 2022.

Finland will apply for NATO membership 'within weeks' after Russian lawmaker warned they would be asking for 'the destruction of their country', an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDaily Mail, 8 April 2022.

Finnország hamarosan benyújthatja a NATO-csatlakozási kérelmét, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBlikk, 8 April 2022.

Finska će podnijeti zahtjev za članstvo u NATO-u ‘u roku od nekoliko tjedana‘, Rusi im prijete da time riskiraju ‘uništenje svoje zemlje‘. Što će učiniti Švedska?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSlobodna Dalmacija, 8 April 2022.





26 March - 1 April

Spotlight: The EU's Digital Markets Act: What is it and what will the new law mean for you and Big Tech?

Nicolas Petit, Joint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman Centre, was quoted by Euronews on the potential of the EU's Digital market Act to spur more innovation and even boost some companies' business models.


The EU's Digital Markets Act: What is it and what will the new law mean for you and Big Tech?, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreEuronews, 28 March 2022.
Also available in Italian: Digital Markets Act dell'UE: che cos'è e cosa significherà la nuova legge per voi e per Big Tech?
Also available in Spanish: ¿Qué impacto tendrá la Ley de Mercados Digitales en las tecnológicas y los consumidores?
Also available in French: Que va changer la législation européenne sur les marchés numériques, appelée DMA?
Also available in Portuguese: Implicações da nova Lei dos Mercados Digitais.
Also available in German: Das Gesetz über digitale Märkte in der EU - was bedeutet es für die Bürger? 

Sanzioni: è venuto il momento di un nuovo giro di vite contro la Russia, an opinion piece by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreCorriere della Sera, 26 March 2022.

Explained: Neutrality as a possible option for Ukraine, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceFrontline, 26 March 2022.

Venezuela provides Putin with an ace card to outwit the West by following Maduro’s gold masterplan, an article quoting Jan LepeuPhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social SciencesLe Temps, 26 March 2022.

Observatório Europeu EDMO cria 'taskforce' sobre desinformação em tempo de guerra, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), CM.TV, 26 March 2022.

Alexander Stubb: Tämän vuoksi länsimaissa ei ymmärretä Vladimir Putinin toimintaa, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceVerkkouutiset, 27 March 2022.

Helena Carreiras. Esquerda, volver, em defesa das mulheres na Defesa, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Nascer do Sol, 27 March 2022.

Új korszak kezdődhet Európában a digitális óriáscégek szabályozásában, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreEuronews, 28 March 2022.

"Dal presidente Usa offese allo zar E Mosca ha la scusa per non trattare", an interview with Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreQuotidiano Nazionale, 28 March 2022.

Observatório EDMO cria 'taskforce' sobre desinformação sobre a guerra, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Notícias ao Minuto, 28 March 2022.

Natomedlemskap är en företagarfråga, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDagens Industri, 28 March 2022.

Crunch Time for Europe's Economic Sanctions, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 29 March 2022.

From Postal to E-Voting: MEPs Discuss Voting Rights of EU Citizens Living Abroad, an article quoting Maarten Vink, Chair in Citizenship Studies at the RSC and Co-Director of the Globalcit, Lovin Malta, 29 March 2022.

NATO's actions belie its words in accepting Ukrainian refugees, causing more chaos and humanitarian disasters, an article quoting Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentreGlobal Times, 29 March 2022.

Europa, Mediterraneo e le missioni Search-and-Rescue, an article mentioning a policy brief co-written by Eugenio Cusumano, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Focus on Africa, 29 March 2022.

Ataque com mísseis atinge depósito de petróleo no oeste da Ucrânia. Companhia de telecomunicações Ukrtelecom alvo de ciberataque, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Diário de Notícias, 29 March 2022.

”Epidemia on karannut käsistä, ja THL jatkaa linjallaan”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law Department, Verkkouutiset, 29 March 2022.

Džankić: Evropski pogled na Balkan neće se promijeniti zbog Ukrajine, an interview with Jelena DzankicPart-time Professor in the Global Governance Programme and Co-Director of the GLOBALCIT, Al Jazeera, 29 march 2022.

Yes, There Is a Clash of Civilizations, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreThe New York Times, 30 March 2022.

Näin Päivi Räsäsen vapauttaminen syytteistä otettiin vastaan – Seta toivoo, että päätös viedään vielä korkeampiin oikeusasteisiin, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law Department, Verkkouutiset, 30 March 2022.

Alexander Stubb: Eurooppalainen yhteistyö on ennennäkemätöntä, mutta sillä on myös hintansa – "Sota tarkoittaa meidän elintasomme laskua", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceMTV Uutiset, 30 March 2022.

Sota pukee Suomea - olemme nyt kuumaa kamaa kansainvälisessä mediassa, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceTelouselama, 30 March 2022.

Stubb halusi Rehnin syrjään kiky-neuvotteluista – ”Vaatimusta oli vaikea pitää luottamusta lisäävänä toimena”, an article featuring Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIS, 31 March 2022.

Čovjek koji je 4 godine bio Putinov premijer: ‘Pregovori s Ukrajinom su kamuflaža, on nije spreman za ustupke‘, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Jutarnji, 31 March 2022.

Quels objectifs pour les sanctions contre la Russie ?, an article written by Jan LepeuPhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social SciencesLe Temps, 31 March 2022.

Anna Triandafyllidou, experta en migración: “Si la guerra termina, la UE no debe apresurarse a mandar a millones de personas de vuelta a Ucrania”, an interview with Anna TriandafyllidouVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman, 31 March.

The Uphill Battle to Oust Orbán, Trump’s Role Model and Putin’s Ally, an article quoting a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomWhoWhatWhen, 31 March 2022.

Liveblog Oekraïne: verspreiders van desinformatie over Covid-19, verspreiden nu vooral pro-Russische desinformatie over Oekraïne, an article featuring the the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Villamedia, 31 March 2022.

Will wooing the Hungarian diaspora tip the election in Orban's favour?, an article quoting Gábor HalmaiProfessor and Chair of Comparative Constitutional Law at the Law DepartmentEuronews, 1 April 2022.

Firenze, dal 5 al 7 maggio la 12esima edizione di "The State of the Union", an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, TGcom.24, 1 April 2022.

Democrazia Futura. Dalla “Cortina di ferro” alle “Cortine di silicio”: sarà l’internet globale la principale vittima del conflitto russo – ucraino? Giacomo Mazzone, an article written by Member of the Advisory Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Key 4 biz, 1 April 2022.

Five fact-checking tips from disinformation experts, an article quoting Paula Gori, Secretary-General of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Horizon, 1 April 2022.

Ucrânia: Observatório EDMO alerta para amplificação da desinformação russa e "russofobia", an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Rádio Renascença, 1 April 2022.

Sanzioni sul gas. Quanto siamo disposti a pagare per fermare Putin?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreCorriere della Sera, 1 April 2022.

Gaz russe : le bras de fer Europe/Poutine entre dans une nouvelle phase aux rudes impacts économiques, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreNovethic essentiel, 1 April 2022.

Intervista a due voci Prof.ssa Avv. Elda Brogi e Prof. Avv. Francesco Di Giorgi, in vista del Convegno dell’8 aprile 2022 “La regolazione dell’audiovisivo nell’ecosistema digitale: nuovi soggetti, obblighi e tutele”, an interview with Elda BrogiMember of the Executive Board and Coordinator Policy Analysis and Research of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Dimt, 1 April 2022. 





19 March - 25 March

Spotlight: What is the impact of the war in Ukraine on Europe’s climate and energy policy?

In this article for Euronews, EIB Climate Chair at the School of Transnational Governance Jos Delbeke, together with Jan Cornillie and Peter Vis, Research Associates at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational Governance, identify five key elements of how the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the economic sanctions imposed by the EU will impact on Europe’s energy transition.



Credits: Shutterstock


What is the impact of the war in Ukraine on Europe’s climate and energy policy?, an article co-authored by Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational Governance,  Jan Cornillie and Peter Vis, Research Associates at the Climate Cluster of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuronews, 24 March 2022.

Podcast: Why Putin will fail: former Finnish PM Alexander Stubb, a podcast interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceGZERO, 19 March 2022.

"Vladimir Poutine a commencé à se rendre compte qu’il était en train de perdre la face et il n’y a rien de pire", an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, La Libre, 19 March 2022.

Finlandia huye del miedo y se acerca a la OTAN, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, El Correo, 20 March 2022.

Russian IP Animus Fuels Risk, Uncertainty as Firms Recalibrate, an article quoting Svitlana Lebedenko, PhD Researcher at the Department of Law, Bloomberg Law, 21 March 2022.

Measuring methane emissions is crucial to cutting them, an article quoting Maria Olczak, Research Associate at the Florence School of Regulation Gas Area, Chemistry World, 21 March 2022.

China’s version of mediation for the Horn of Africa, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceForeign Policy, 21 March 2022.

Only in ‘Brexit La La land’ is Johnson leading opposition to Putin, ex-Finnish prime minister says, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Independent, 21 March 2022.

Alexander Stubb julkaisi paljon­puhuvan listan Putinin ”saavutuksista” kolmessa viikossa, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIS, 21 March 2022.

"Putin atacou a Ucrânia porque pretende conquistá-la", diz ex-primeiro ministro finlandês Alexander Stubb, an article featuring an interview between Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, and Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Observador, 21 March 2022.

Putin atacou a Ucrânia porque pretende conquistá-la, diz Stubb, an article featuring an interview between Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, and Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Jornal de negocios, 21 March 2022.

Observatório Europeu verifica centenas de informações que circulam sobre a Guerra, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), RTP Notícias, 21 March 2022.

"Il progetto dell’unione europea non è stato ancora compiuto", an article mentioning Renaud DehoussePresident of the European University InstituteLa Nazione, 22 March 2022.

Russia's invasion changing views on European security, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN, 22 March 2022.

Stripping citizenship is a power best left to history books, an article co-written by Maarten VinkChair in Citizenship Studies at the RSC and Co-Director of the GlobalcitEuobserver, 22 March 2021.

Alexander Stubb: Vladimir Putin haluaa paikkansa Josif Stalinin rinnalla, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Verkkouutiset, 22 March 2022.

It’s time to reverse our hypocrisy on oligarchs, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Reaction, 22 March 2022.

How the Ukraine Refugee Crisis Shows a Double Standard, an article quoting Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentreBorgen Magazine, 22 March 2022. 

Lavoro, l'esperto: "Formazione continua per combattere lo skill mismatch", an article featuring an interview with Anton HemerijckChair in Political Science and SociologyVita, 22 March 2022.

L’Unione Europea (e il resto del Mondo) offrono posti di lavoro ai ricercatori ucraini, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Stampa, 22 March 2022.

European University Institute: Dynamic research and excellent facilities for Economics students, an interview with Alice Dominici, PhD Researcher at the Economics Department, featuring the European University Institute, Study International, 22 March 2022.

Informal Civil Society: A Booster for European Democracy?, an article co-written by Kalypso NicolaïdisChair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational GovernanceCarnegie Europe, 23 March 2022.

Ciencias sociales y humanidades: ¿cómo valorar a la academia?, an article written by Pep TornDirector of the Library at the European University InstituteLa Vanguardia, 23 March 2022.

Who is a refugee? Understanding Europe’s diverse responses to the 2015 and the 2022 refugee arrivals, an article co-written by Leila Hadj AbdouPart-time Professor at the Migration Policy CentreEURAC Research, 23 March 2022.

Finland’s NATO membership hopes, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceGZERO, 23 March 2022.

芬蘭前總理獨家專訪 公開俄羅斯威脅生存術, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Business Weekly Taiwan, 23 March 2022.

GRÖSSTE FLUCHTBEWEGUNG EUROPAS SEIT DEM 2. WELTKRIEG, an interview with Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitÖAW, 23 March 2022.

Giornate di primavera del FAI: appuntamento da non perdere, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance, TGCOM24, 23 March 2022.

Giornate del Fai, trenta tesori di arte nascosti aprono le porte, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 23 March 2022.

The End of Neutrality, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernancePOLITICO, 24 March 2022.

How Putin’s war is reshaping Europe’s alliances, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Financial Times, 24 March 2022.

'Finland will join NATO' - former Finnish PM Alexander Stubb, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDW, 24 March 2022.

Alexander Stubb, Direttore della School of Transnational Governance dell'Istituto Universitario Europeo, sulla neutralità dell'Ucraina, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceRai Radio 1, 24 March 2022.

Flüchtlingskrise: "Es wurde ein Präzedenzfall geschaffen", an interview with Rainer BauböckPart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme and co-director of GlobalcitDie Presse, 24 March 2022.

Venezuela hands Putin ace card to outsmart West by following Maduro's gold masterplan, an article quoting Jan LepeuPhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social SciencesExpress, 24 March 2022.

Joint gas purchasing could be a breakthough, an article co-written by Christian EgenhoferSenior Research Associate at the School of Transnational GovernanceEuractiv, 25 March 2022.

“The language of international law is no longer being used to build peace, but war”, an interview with Nikolas Rajkovic, Fernand Braudel Fellow at the Law Department, Tilburg University Magazine, 25 March 2022.

Analysis: New EU rules regulating U.S. tech giants likely to set global standard, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreReuters, 25 March 2022.

New EU rules regulating U.S. tech giants likely to set global standard, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreJapan Times, 25 March 2022.

Europa aprueba la DMA y marca una nueva era de regulación para poner coto a los abusos de las 'big tech', an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreCinco Días, 25 March 2022.

Ukraine: Could neutrality really be an option?, an article quoting an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDW, 25 March 2022.
Also available in Spanish: ¿Es la neutralidad una opción para Ucrania?
Also available in Portuguese: A neutralidade é uma opção para a Ucrânia?
Also available in Croatian: Je li moguća ukrajinska neutralnost?
Also available in German: Ukraine: Könnte Neutralität eine Option sein?
Also available in Chinese: 分析:中立国地位对乌克兰是一个选项吗?

Alexander Stubb saksalais­medialle: ”Ennustan, että Suomi jättää Nato-hakemuksen”, an article featuring an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIS, 25 March 2022.

La UE aprueba la Ley de Mercados Digitales para frenar el poder de las GAFAM, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentreComputerworld, 25 March 2022.

Porte aperte ai tesori: Giornate Fai, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance and the European University Institute, La Nazione, 25 March 2022.





12 March - 18 March

Spotlight: Cities coming together are a new factor, a Track 2 for democracy.

After witnessing peace demonstrations in mayor cities around Europe, Fabrizio Tassinari, Executive Director of the School of Transnatioal Governance, shared his view on how cities and mayors are becoming “Track 2” diplomats in an interview with Corriere Fiorentino.

Peace demonstrations


Credits: Shutterstock


«Le città unite sono un fattore nuovo, un binario due per la diplomazia», an article written by Fabrizio TassinariExecutive Director of the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Corriere Fiorentino, 16 March 2022.

Guerra Ucraina: intervista integrale a Alexander Stubb, ex premier finlandese, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLa7, 13 March 2022.

Stubb: Finlands Nato-ansökan ”en fråga om månader”, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDagens Industri, 13 March 2022.

"È il ritorno dei blocchi. Ma ora c'è più Europa", an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreIl Giornale, 13 March 2022.

João Soares e Miguel Poiares Maduro comentam a atualidade, an interview with Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)RTP, 13 March 2022.

Η φωνομιμία στα χρόνια των σόσιαλ μίντια, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Ekathimerin, 13 March 2022. 

¿Por qué apuestas si no vas a ganar?, a podcast episode with María Cañizares Espadafor and Sergi MartínezPhD researchers at the Department of Political and Social SciencesRTVE, 14 March 2022.

¡A 50 metros del Juan Sebastián de Elcano!, a podcast episode with María Cañizares Espadafor and Sergi MartínezPhD researchers at the Department of Political and Social SciencesRTVE, 14 March 2022.

Dublin hub to start tackling disinformation campaigns in Ireland, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), The Irish Times, 14 March 2022. 

Quels sites de fact-checking consulter sur la guerre en Ukraine?, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Moustique, 14 March 2022.

Du fact-checking au legal-checking, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)La revue européenne des médias et du numérique, 15 March 2022.

Criticizing Ukraine Is Free Speech, Too, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreThe Atlantic, 16 March 2022.

Russia’s War on Ukraine Transforms Europe, but Hard Decisions Lie Ahead, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Wall Street Journal, 16 March 2022.

Análise: Países nórdicos se perguntam se serão os próximos da lista de Putin, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN Brasil, 16 March 2022.

Perché Svezia, Norvegia e Finlandia temono di essere i prossimi Paesi invasi dalla Russia, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceFanpage, 16 March 2022.

Marina Ovsyannikova, Francesca e le altre. Le giornaliste donne e il loro eroico coraggio nella guerra in Ucraina,an article quoting a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomLuce!, 16 March 2022.

Ukraine Disinformation Explodes as COVID-19 Falls, Media Body Says, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Greek Reporter, 16 March 2022. 

‘Russian World’ Is the Civil Religion Behind Putin’s War, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreThe Wallstreet Journal, 17 March 2022.

Presentata al MIC la XXX edizione delle Giornate Fai di primavera, an article mentioning the School of Transnational Governance,, 17 March 2022.

Le Giornate Fai di Primavera compiono 30 anni guardando all'Ucraina, an article mentioning the European University Institute, ANSA, 17 March 2022.

Incontriamoci a... Firenze!, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Europe Direct Firenze, 17 March 2022.

Giornate Fai, 700 gioielli da scoprire. Da Trieste a Napoli, da Genova a Roma, un viaggio nell'identità italiana, an article including a picture of the School of Transnational Governance, La Repubblica, 17 March 2022.

Finland and Sweden Wrestle With the Benefits – and Risks – of Joining NATO, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceTime, 18 March 2022.

Energy Charter Treaty: four ways to amend it and enable green investments, an article written by Ottavio Quirico, Fernand Braudel Fellow at the Law Department, Energy Post, 18 March 2022.

Energie : l’autre guerre pour l’Europe, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Obs, 19 March 2022.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : «Il faut resserrer le nœud coulant des sanctions sur la Russie», a column written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 19 March 2022.




5 March - 11 March

Spotlight: It’s not the time for Finland to join NATO, former Finnish PM says.

In the wake of the military action against Ukraine, STG Director Alexander Stubb has given numerous interviews to international media outlets. In this interview with CNBC, he discusses the switch in sentiment towards NATO in Russia's neighbouring countries.


Credits: Shutterstock


Putin wanted to block Ukrainian NATO membership. Now more countries are eager to join, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNBC, 8 March 2022.

There Is a Path to Peace in Tigray, an article written by Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceForeign Policy, 5 March 2022.

Europese koolstofprijs keldert door oorlog in Oekraïne, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets at the School of Transnational GovernanceDe Standaard, 5 March 2022.

Schroederization. Ex-chanceler alemão pode vir a ser alvo de sanções económicas?, an article quoting  Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Observador, 5 March 2022.

Would a freeze on rents be constitutional in Ireland?, an article mentioning Hilary HoganResearcher at the LAW DepartmentThe Irish Times, 5 March 2022.

Insula Şerpilor, ţinta lui Putin care a răcit decenii întregi relaţiile României cu Ucraina, an article quoting Marius GhinceaPhD Researcher in the SPS DepartmentAdevarul, 5 March 2022.

Europe voices collective will and flexes muscle, an article written by Brigid LaffanFormer director of the Robert Schuman Centre, The Irish Times, 5 March 2022.

La guerra in Ucraina e le prime volte dell'Unione europea, a podcast interview with Paula Gori, Secretary-General of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Rai Radio 1, 5 March 2022.

Der Preis für den Krieg, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Der Standard, 6 March 2022.

Could the European bank recovery be over before it has begun?, an article quoting Thorsten BeckDirector of the Florence School of Banking and FinanceEuromoney, 7 March 2022.

Anti-Russian sentiment spreading to Central Europe, an article quoting Filip KostelkaChair in Political and Social Change at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Asia Times, 7 March 2022.

"No puedes apaciguar a Putin, hemos superado el punto de no retorno", an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Confidencial, 7 March 2022.

Musei gratis per le donne e incontri: gli appuntamenti dell'8 marzo, an article mentioning Costanza HermaninPolicy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Repubblica, 7 March 2022.

The economic policy consequences of the war, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreBruegel, 8 March 2022.

Unia zwiększa fundusze na uchodźców, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, DW, 8 March 2022.

Europe's unified welcome of Ukrainian refugees exposes 'double standard' for nonwhite asylum seekers: Experts, an article quoting  Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentreABC News, 8 March 2022.

Differentiated integration can foster fairer cooperation between EU nations but should be subject to constraints, an article mentioning the Robert Schuman Centre, Mirage news, 8 March 2022.

Gianni Riotta spiega la campagna europea per contrastare la disinformazione russa, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Linkiesta, 8 March 2022.

Banditen, le Resistenti ritrovate, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Patria Indipendente, 8 March 2022.

La guerre en Ukraine coûtera à l’Europe 175 milliards d’euros, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, L’OBS, 9 March 2022.

Oligarchs holding European passports avoid sanctions, an article quoting Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Dodofinance, 9 March 2022.

L’apocalisse panslavista di Kirill al servizio di Putin, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreDomani, 9 March 2022. 

La Bce alla prova della guerra di Putin, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Il Foglio, 9 March 2022.

La nouvelle guerre froide, an article written by Vassily Klimentov, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre,, 9 March 2022.

Stubb: Natodebatten har svängt 180 grader, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSvenska Dagbladet, 9 March 2022.

Az oroszok által megszállt Kígyó-sziget: a viszály régi almája Ukrajna és Románia között, an article quoting Marius GhinceaPhD Researcher in the SPS DepartmentHirado, 9 March 2022.

Da Tim e Idmo un programma scolastico per contrastare il fenomeno delle fake news, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), La Repubblica, 9 March 2022.

A non-member states: Finland’s ex-PM on NATO, a podcast episode of The Intelligence featuring a conversation with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Economist, 10 March 2022.

EU Aims to Bridge Divides Over Push for New Joint Bond Issuance, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Bloomberg, 10 March 2022.

"Sveriges sak är vår, och vår sak är Sveriges”, an article including an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceGöteborgs-Posten, 10 March 2022.

Anxious Russians flee by the hundreds each day into neighbouring Finland, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCBC, 11 March 2022.

 From `Pax Europa’ to Preparing for Life During Wartime, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, The Washington Post, 11 March 2022.

 Las amenazas para la economía mundial de la guerra en Ucrania, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman, 11 March 2022.





26 February - 4 March

Spotlight: Mediterranean, the sea of integration and common visions.

Marco Del Panta, Secretary-General of the EUI, shared his reflections on the influential role of the city of Florence in the context of European integration efforts and processes, in an op-ed for La Nazione.

Florence and European flags

Credits: Shutterstock


Mediterraneo, il mare dell’integrazione e delle visioni comuni, an op-ed written by Marco Del PantaSecretary-General of the EUILa Nazione, 26 February 2022.

Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Raises Questions About Energy Policy, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, The New York Times, 26 February 2022.

Paljastuiko vihdoin syy, miksi Venäjä hyökkäsi Ukrainaan juuri tällä viikolla?, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law Department, Aamulehti, 26 February 2022.

Olivier Roy : « La guerre en Ukraine nous prouve que la théorie du choc des civilisations ne fonctionne pas »,  an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreL’Obs, 27 February 2022.

Where will Putin stop? As Ukraine holds on, Eastern Europe holds its breath, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceNBC, 27 February 2022.

'Clever tactic' Ukrainians using British weapons to cut Russians off from supplies, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceExpress, 27 February 2022.

Dagli eroi di Snake Island al Vendicatore dell’aria: la guerra delle fake news tra Ucraina e Russia, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)La Repubblica, 27 February 2022.

Guerre en Ukraine : la FIFA et son président, Gianni Infantino, sous pression, an article quoting Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Le Monde, 27 February 2022.

Scenes from anti-war protests around the world, an article quoting Elizabeth Banks, PhD Researcher at the Department of History and Civilisation, PBS, 27 February 2022.

L'alfabeto delle mafie: "F" come Famiglia, an article mentioning Andrea Ichinofull-time professor and head of the ECO DepartmentLa Repubblica, 27 February 2022.

UCT GSB partners with six other institutions to launch the African School of Regulation initiative, an article mentioning the Florence School of RegulationHow we made it in Africa, 27 February 2022.

Europe rethinks its energy strategy after Russia's attack on Ukraine, an article quoting Sony Kapoor, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, NewScientist, 28 February 2022.

Putin outsmarted as EU poised to slash dependency on Russian gas, an article quoting Sony Kapoor, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre, Express, 28 February 2022.

‘Ethnic cleansing’: Ethiopian allies accused of Abala massacre, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Chronicle, 28 February 2022.

Germania și Uniunea Europeană, împinse pe calea înarmării de atacul declanșat de Putin asupra Ucrainei. „O schimbare uriașă. UE va deveni o super-putere politică globală”, an article quoting Marius GhinceaPhD Researcher in the SPS DepartmentFanatik, 28 February 2022.

Rappresentante Russia all’Onu: «Armi nucleari, Dio non voglia». La Borsa di Mosca chiusa anche martedì, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Il Sole 24 Ore, 28 February 2022.

Josep Borrell, el hombre de España en Europa: la vida discreta con Cristina Narbona del político que iba para director de banca, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Vanity fair, 28 February 2022.

Will the Climate Agenda Unravel?, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, Project Syndicate, 1 March 2022

Finland’s Drift Toward NATO Membership Accelerated by Russia’s Ukraine Invasion, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Wall Street Journal, 1 March 2022.

Putin ha rafforzato l'Alleanza atlantica come non mai, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Foglio, 1 March 2022.

Hoe weet je of deze foto uit Oekraïne wel authentiek is? Of video’s van luchtgevechten? 4 tips om nepbeelden te herkennen,an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)De Morgen, 1 March 2022.

As Causas. Putin: refazer o império czarista-soviético, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Expresso, 1 March 2022.

Putin detta le condizioni, "Riconoscimento della Crimea e Ucraina neutrale”, an article mentioning the European University Institute, AGI, 1 March 2022.

Guerre en Ukraine : l’opinion finlandaise bascule en faveur d’une adhésion à l’OTAN, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLe Monde, 2 March 2022.

Capitale umano pubblico, Brunetta nomina comitato per valutare l'impatto delle riforme in Italia e nell’UE. Sergio Fabbrini alla guida, an article mentioning Adrienne HeritierEmeritus Professor at the Department of Political and Social SciencesItalian Ministry for Public Administration, 2 March 2022.

Emmanuel Macron’s charm offensive, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, The Economist, 3 March 2022.

EXPLAINED : Why Finland Could Be The Answer To The Russian War Against Ukraine, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Project, 3 March 2022.

Many nonwhite refugees fleeing Ukraine caught in limbo at borders amid reports of discrimination, an article quoting Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy Centre, ABC News, 3 March 2022.

Evening Update: Over a million flee Ukraine as Canada steps up effort to help, an article quoting Andrew GeddesDirector of the Migration Policy CentreThe Globe and the Mail, 3 March 2022.

Palazzo Buontalenti, al via la progettazione dei ‘lotti master’ per la Scuola di governance internazionale dell’Istituto universitario europeo, an article featuring the School of Transnational Governance and  Marco del PantaSecretary General of the EUI, Firenze Today, 3 March 2022.

Three distinguished scientists to join the ERC Scientific Council, an article featuring Giovanni Sartor, Part-time Professor at the Department of Law, ERC, 3 March 2022.

Ucraina: le difficoltà della diplomazia e le possibili vie d'uscita, an article witten by Michele Giovanardi, Project Associate at the School of Transnational Governance, Toscana Oggi, 3 March 2022.

#Unasolasquadra per i diritti delle donne in Italia e nel Mondo, an article mentioning Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceTGR Toscana, 3 March 2022.

Ucraina, Nardella, fondi europei di coesione per gestire l’emergenza, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Cittá di Firenze, 3 March 2022.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is 'totally isolated', says former Finnish prime minister, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuronews, 4 March 2022.

« Ils sont là, à côté » : les Finlandais craignent leurs voisins russes, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceRadio Canada, 4 March 2022.

The Week Vladimir Putin lost control, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe Telegraph, 4 March 2022.

Le alternative al gas russo con Ilaria Conti, an interview with Ilaria ContiHead of the Gas Area at the Florence School of RegulationRSI, 4 March 2022.

Georgia's EU bid raises existential question: What is Europe and where does it end?, an article quoting Giancarlo Casale, Professor at the Department of History and Civilisation, Euronews, 4 March 2022.

Economista Ranci: "L'Europa valuti stop a import gas da Russia", an interview with Pippo Ranci, Advisor at the Florence School of Regulation,Yahoo! Finanza, 4 March 2022.

Differentiated integration can foster fairer cooperation between EU nations – but should be subject to constraints, an article mentioning the Robert Schuman Centre, EurekAlert!, 4 March 2022. 

Patto di amicizia tra Firenze e Marsiglia, an article mentioning the State of the Union 2022, Nove da Firenze, 4 March 2022.

Πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία / Η ατελείωτη λίστα με τα 243 fake news έως σήμερα, an article featuring the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)AVGI, 4 March 2022.





19 February - 25 February

Spotlight: When Will The Pandemic End?

Adam Kamradt-Scott, Chair of Global Health at the School of Transnational Governance, participated in a an "Ask the Experts" survey for Foreign Affairs on whether, by the end of 2022, most countries will no longer be employing extraordinary public health measures to slow the spread of COVID-19.




Credits: Shutterstock


When Will the Pandemic End?, a survey interview featuring Adam Kamradt-ScottChair of Global Public Health at the School of Transnational GovernanceForeign Affairs, 22 February 2022.

Citizens demand EU accountability on ecological transition and public information, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Euractiv, 21 February 2022.

TRESCA: así funciona la cacería europea contra las noticias falsas, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)El País, 21 February 2022.

Que papel para os valores europeus no futuro da União Europeia?, a podcast episode featuring Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Público, 21 February 2022.

Election watch: Brussels to act on boosting EU residents’ voting rights, an article mentioning the European University Institute, Dutch News, 21 February 2022.

Pandemia e gender gap: un incontro dedicato all'equità della salute, an article mentioning the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), La Nazione, 21 February 2022.

Sofagate (2) and the need to teach equality in politics, an article written by Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceLa Repubblica, 22 February 2022.
Also available in Italian: Sofagate (2) e il bisogno d’insegnare l’eguaglianza ai politici.

PM Draghi visits Florence, a video of a speech by Italy Prime Minister Mario Draghi mentioning the European University Institute, Governo Italiano, 23 February 2022.

Draghi a Firenze: fine dello stato di emergenza, allentamento su mascherine e green pass, an article mentioning the European University Institute, La Nazione, 23 February 2022.

”Keväällä 2020 Suomi halusi suojata vanhoja ja hauraita”, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Part-time Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Law DepartmentVerkkouutiset, 23 February 2022.

Crise ukrainienne : l’efficacité des sanctions envers la Russie, an interview with Jan LepeuPhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social SciencesInstitut Montaigne, 24 February 2022.

Digital content curation: Journalists step in where platforms have no answers, an article mentioning a report by the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)LSE Blog, 24 February 2022.

Pascoli e greggi come una volta per ricreare il panno di Casentino, usato in ‘Colazione da Tiffany’, an article mentioning Michele NoriResearch Fellow at the Global Governance Programme (GGP) at the Robert Schuman Centre, Pianeta 2030, 24 February 2022.

Retroguardia universitaria, an article quoting Giovanni Tonolo, PhD researcher at the Department of History and Civilisation, La Repubblica – D, 24 February 2022.

Disinformation, Ukraine and the war of words on social media, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)The Journal, 24 February 2022.

‘Ethnic cleansing’: Ethiopian allies accused of Abala massacre, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceAljazeera, 25 February 2022.

Russia Ukraine conflict: Kyiv under siege as troops close on capital, an article featuring an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceChannel4, 25 February 2022.

Trudeau announces sanctions on Putin, calls for Russia's removal from SWIFT banking system, an article featuring an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCBC, 25 February 2022.

Will Russia’s Ukraine invasion drive Sweden, Finland to NATO?, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceBreaking Defense, 25 February 2022.

Saa voimaan fyysisesti pahoin” – sadat suomalaiset kertovat, miltä Ukrainan sota tuntuu, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceVerkkouutiset, 25 February 2022.

Canada, European countries preparing for influx of Ukrainian refugees, an article quoting Anna TriandafyllidouVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman CentreCTVNews, 25 February 2022.

Academics propose measures to modernize the Spanish monarchy and free it from political controversy, an article quoting Ariane Aumaitre, PhD Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Legal Today, 25 February 2022.

Ohtlikud sõjavaled sotsiaalmeedias ja kuidas neid ära tunda, an article mentioning the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Eesti Päevalehe, 25 February 2022.

“Nem para engraxar os sapatos de Churchill serviam”. Políticos criticam inação da União Europeia perante guerra na Ucrânia, an article mentioning Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Sapo, 25 February 2022.





12 February – 18 February

Spotlight: African and European Leaders Meet Against Backdrop of Enduring Problems

Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, was quoted in The New York Times sharing his view on how a recent campaign to boost the reputation of the European Union in Africa was profoundly linked to migration.




Credit: Shutterstock


African and European Leaders Meet Against Backdrop of Enduring Problems, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe New York Times, 18 February 2022.

Il destino incerto della Bbc è lo stesso di tutti i media, an article quoting Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomDomani, 12 February 2022.

He Knows Putin Well. And He Fears for Ukraine, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceThe New York Times, 14 February 2022.
Also available in Spanish: Un líder nórdico conoce muy bien a Vladimir Putin: por eso teme por Ucrania.
Also available in Portuguese
: O material jornalístico produzido pelo Estadão é protegido por lei. As regras têm como objetivo proteger o investimento feito pelo Estadão na qualidade constante de seu jornalismo.
Also available in Coratian: Svjetski lideri od njega traže savjet jer odlično poznaje Putina. A danas je jako zabrinut: ‘Promijenio se!‘.
Also available in Finnish: Niinistö kertoo Putinista New York Timesin haastattelussa: ”Hänen päätöksensä ovat selkeästi muuttuneet”.

Après l’assaut de l’EI contre la prison d’Hassaké, le désarroi et la peur des habitants, an article quoting Patrick HaenniVisiting Fellow at the Middle East Directions ProgrammeLe Monde, 14 February 2022.

Fmr. Finnish PM: 'Finlandization' not an answer for Ukraine, an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceCNN, 15 February 2022.
Also available in Finnish: Alexander Stubb CNN:lle: Vladimir Putin on tehnyt tahtomattaan Suomesta Natolle myönteisemmän.
Also available in French: La "finlandisation", une neutralité controversée évoquée pour la crise en Ukraine.

Meet the extrovert billionaire bidding to be the Czech Republic's next president, an article quoting Filip KostelkaChair in Political and Social Change at the Department of Political and Social SciencesEuronews, 15 February 2022.

Uguaglianza di genere, dall’Ue un obbligo per le Università, an interview with Costanza HermaninPolicy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational GovernanceIl Riformista, 15 February 2022.

El buen uso de la tecnología en los procesos políticos. DANIEL INNERARITY, an article featuring with Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceEn Positivo, 15 February 2022.

Undret Från Öst, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceProletären, 16 February 2022.

Royaume-Uni : comment le « Partygate » a déstabilisé le gouvernement de Boris Johnson, an article co-authored by Laurie BoussaguetVisiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Le Journal du Dimanche, 16 February 2022.

Entretien avec Olivier Roy sur la question ethnique en Afghanistan : « Quand on utilise le facteur ethnique de manière hégémonique, on ne comprend pas les dynamiques à l’œuvre en Afghanistan », an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLes Clés du Moyen-Orient, 17 February 2022.

Bolsonaro na Hungria: como primeiro-ministro Viktor Orbán se tornou inspiração para a ultradireita, an article referencing a report by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomBBC Brasil, 17 February 2022.

African and European Leaders Meet Against Backdrop of Enduring Problems, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceThe New York Times, 18 February 2022.

Finland irritated over Scholz’s Ukraine-NATO comments, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEuractive, 18 February 2022.
Also available in German: Scholz‘ Nein zum NATO-Beitritt der Ukraine sorgt in Finnland für Ärger.
Also available in Polish: Skrajne opinie w Finlandii po wypowiedzi Olafa Scholza o Ukrainie i NATO.

Olympia 2022: finnland nimmt meiste medaillen aus peking heim - der etwas andere medaillenspiegel, anarticle quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEurosport, 18 February 2022.

Stéphane Le Foll : « La citoyenneté plus forte que l’identité », an article quoting  Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Point, 18 February 2022.

Gulbenkian traça três cenários para Portugal chegar a 2030 a crescer, an article quoting Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)JN, 18 February 2022.

Grèce: la liberté de la presse en danger, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomBon pour la tete, 18 February 2022.





5 February – 11 February

Spotlight: Wealth tax has better press with the French than inheritance tax

Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman Centre, wrote a column for Le Monde in which he takes notes of how French citizens are about as opposed to inequalities as they are skeptical of the fiscal measures that would reduce them.




Credit: Shutterstock


« L’impôt sur la fortune a meilleure presse auprès des Français que la taxation des successions », an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 5 February 2022.

The most important economic challenges facing the EU in 2022, a podcast episode featuring Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreFuture is Blue, 7 February 2022.

Why Finland Rejects ‘Finlandisation’ For Ukraine, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceKyv Post, 7 February 2022.

Steun consument financieel om versneld schonere energie te kiezen, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, De Telegraaf, 7 February 2022.

France pushes 'European way of life' amid Macron re-election bid, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreEuobserver, 8 February 2022.

Mustafa İslamoğlu, gözyaşlarıyla anlattı: Bir dönem İslamcı olduğuma çok pişmanım, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreSamanyolu Haber, 8 February 2022.

CoFoE should become permanent exercise into EU legislative process, an interview with Kalypso NicolaïdisChair in International Affairs at the School of Transnational GovernanceEuractiv, 8 February 2022.
Also available in German: CoFoE sollte dauerhaft in den EU-Gesetzgebungsprozess einbezogen werden.

Perché gli agricoltori rumeni stanno lasciando l’Italia, an article quoting Letizia PalumboVisiting Fellow at the Migration Policy CentreIrpimedia, 8 February 2022.

Lancement d’une école pour accélérer la transition énergétique en Afrique, an article mentioning the Florence School of RegulationFormation, 8 February 2022.

Macron väläytti Ukrainan ”suomettumista” – Stubb ojensi Twitterissä, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceIltalehti, 8 February 2022.

Dlaczego Finlandia nie wybiera się do NATO? "Byłoby to dla niej bardzo kosztowne", an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceOnet, 8 February 2022.

Crise en Ukraine: la "finlandisation", une neutralité controversée comme solution ?,an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceLe Vif, 9 February 2022.

Europe’s Net-Zero Carbon Crackup Begins Ahead of Schedule, an article quoting Jean Pisani-Ferry Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreWall Street Journal, 10 February 2022.

'Finlandização', uma controversa neutralidade mencionada na crise da Ucrânia, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational, 10 February 2022.

¿Qué es la ‘finlandización’ y por qué se habla de ella en la crisis de Ucrania?,an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Espectador, 11 February 2022.





29 January – 4 February

Spotlight: Costa’s win in Portugal continues comeback by Europe’s centre-left

Simon Hix, Stein Rokkan Chair in Comparative Politics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, was quoted in The Guardian sharing his thoughts on the recent Portuguese elections and the cautious comeback of social democratic parties in Europe.



Credit: Shutterstock


Costa’s win in Portugal continues comeback by Europe’s centre-left, an article quoting Simon Hix, Stein Rokkan Chair in Comparative Politics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, The Guardian, 4 February 2022.

Agcom: “Bisogna tutelare di più il pluralismo”, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomCorriere Comunicazioni, 29 January 2022.

Brexit 'certainly diminished' UK's global influence, ex Finnish PM claims 'No question', an interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceExpress, 30 January 2022.

The State of the Union il 5-7 maggio 2022, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, Nove da Firenze, 30 January 2022.

European public goods: How we can supply more, a column co-authored by George PapaconstantinouChair at the School of Transnational GovernanceVOX.EU, 31 January 2022.

Firenze intitolerà una strada a David Sassoli vicino all'Istituto universitario europeo, an article featuring the European University Institute, La Repubblica, 31 January 2022.

La politica di bilancio è l’arma giusta contro l’inflazione in Europa, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreIl Sole 24 ore, 31 January 2022.

Audiovisivo, Giomi: “Nuove norme non tutelano il pluralismo dell’informazione”, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomCorriere Comunicazioni, 31 January 2022.

Morocco's New Development Model, Example to Follow for Libya, European Research Centre Says, an article featuring a paper by the Migration Policy CentreAssahifa, 31 January 2022.

Intel decision spells trouble for Vestager’s Google campaign, an article quoting Nicolas PetitJoint Chair in Competition Law at the Law Department and at the Robert Schuman CentrePolitico, 1 February 2022.
Also available in French: La décision d’Intel crée des problèmes pour la campagne Google de Vestager.

António Costa, una mayoría absoluta que desafió a la pandemia y a las encuestas, an article quoting Mariana Da Silva Carmo Duarte, PhD Researcher in the Department of Political and Social Sciences, El País, 1 February 2022.

Até na Direção de Rio, Montenegro é visto como o melhor posicionado, an article quoting Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), JN, 1 February 2022.

Il futuro dell’Europa, la parola ai cittadini, an article featuring the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Futuro Europa, 1 February 2022.

In Moravia, Bohemians are warned to Czech their privilege, an article quoting Filip KostelkaChair in Political and Social Change at the Department of Political and Social SciencesEuronews, 2 February 2022.

The Game di gio 03/02/22, an interview with Roberta CarliniResearch Associate at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomRadio Popolare, 3 February 2022.

Calling Russia-Ukraine tensions ‘a frozen conflict’ is misleading: Turkey, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceYeni Safak, 3 February 2022.

Macro-financial policies in an international financial centre, an interview with Thorsten BeckDirector of the Florence School of Banking and FinanceVoxEU, 4 February 2022.

Alexander Stubb: Venäjä saa nyt tismalleen mitä haluaa, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceUusi Suomi, 4 February 2022.

African School of Regulation launches to speed up energy transition, an article mentioning the Florence School of RegulationSmart Energy International, 4 February 2022.







22 January – 28 January

Spotlight: Women leaders in Europe are alwaya (from the) right 

Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, wrote an article for Euronews and Il Sole 24 Ore about Roberta Metsola's election as EP President and the political background of women leaders.


Credit: Shutterstock


Donne al potere? Sì, ma quasi solo nel centrodestra, an article written by Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Il Sole 24 Ore, 23 January 2022.

Silvio Berlusconi ditches presidency campaign as ‘Italy needs unity’, an article quoting Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman CentreThe telegraph, 23 January 2022.

Rumorología y noticias falsas en la Educación Secundaria, an article quoting Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentEl País, 23 January 2022.

Carole Cadwalladr ci insegna a difenderci dalle “sberle”, an article quoting Pier Luigi Parcu, Director of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, Domani, 23 January 2022.

A surpresa previsível, an article written by Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)TSF, 24 January 2022.

15 livres pour comprendre l’Italie, an article mentioning a book co-authored by Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreLe Grand Continent, 24 January 2022.

A toehold in Central Asia, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreThe Tribune, 24 January 2022.

Activist investors and a ‘greenwashing’ backlash: Change is coming to the corporate world, an article quoting Jos Delbeke, EIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, CNBC, 25 January 2022.

Apple Hit With Weekly €5M Fines In Dutch Dating App Dispute, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon Markets, Verve Times, 25 January 2022.

Can Italy Maintain Its Pandemic-Era Transformation?, an article co-authored by Alexander Stubb and Fabrizio Tassinari, Directors of the School of Transnational Governance, Project Syndicate, 25 January 2022.
Also available in Italian: Un buongoverno endemico per l'Italia

Ukraine crisis: 'a 50/50 situation', a video interview with Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceSky News, 26 January 2022.

European inflation is not American inflation, an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreProject Syndicate, 27 January 2022.
Also available in German: Europäische Inflation ist keine amerikanische Inflation.
Also available Spanish:
La inflación europea no es la inflación estadounidense.

'The State of the Union' dal 5 al 7 maggio a Firenze, an article featuring the State of the Union 2022, La Nazione, 27 January 2022.

Conference: young people and politics in Portugal, an article quoting Jorge Fernandes, Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre, Observador, 27 January 2022.

Media: Giomi (AGCOM), normativa Tusma non tutela pluralismo informativo, an article mentioning the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomBorsa Italiana, 28 January 2022.

US military readies to ‘walk and chew gum’ as multiple crises loom, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational GovernanceDefense News, 28 January 2022.





15 January – 21 January

Spotlight: Russian threat to Ukraine could push Finland, Sweden to join NATO

Alexander Stubb, Director of the School of Transnational Governance, was interviewed by Fox News on the possibility of Finland to join NATO as a result of the recent Russian escalation of military hostilities against Ukraine.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


Russian threat to Ukraine could push Finland, Sweden to join NATO, an article quoting Alexander StubbDirector of the School of Transnational Governance, Fox News, 21 January 2022.
Also available in French: La menace russe contre l’Ukraine pourrait pousser la Finlande et la Suède à rejoindre l’OTAN.

A 20 éves euró: egység és kétség, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreMérce, 15 January 2022.

Euro – a wise choice of European politicians, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreSparkChronicles, 15 January 2022.

ΕΕ: Πρεμιέρα της Γαλλικής Προεδρίας με «ισλαμοφοβικό κυνήγι μαγισσών», an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre , TVXS, 16 January 2022.

Daniel Innerarity: "Una sociedad homogénea es una ilusión óptica que se desvanece en cuanto te acercas", an article featuring an interview with Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceNoticias de Navarra, 17 January 2021.

Tg3 Mondo - Puntata del 16/01/2022, a video broadcast featuring Lucia Sorbera, Fernand Braudel Fellow at the Department of History and Civilization, TG3, 17 January 2021.

Berlin think-tank positions itself as midwife of EU climate policy, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsEuractiv, 17 January 2022.
also available in French: Un groupe de réflexion berlinois se positionne comme la source de la politique climatique européenne.

Fiscalité des héritages: en Irlande, une succession story, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLibération, 17 January 2022.

A dicembre, dopo il balzo dei contagi, picco nella disinformazione a tema Covid-19, an article featuring a brief from the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Pagella Politica, 17 January 2022.

Future Congress: Spanish philosopher points out that Boric will need the former Concertación to achieve changes, an article featuring an interview with Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl Mostrador, 17 January 2021.

Reparations and Finding Justice for Victims of Sexual Violence, an article written by Tariq Azeez, Master student at the School of Transnational Governance, International Policy Digest, 18 January 2022.

Pour l’économie française et européenne, réussir l’après-Covid, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreBanque de France, 18 January 2022.

»Frågan om euron kvarstår«, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreDagens arena, 18 January 2022.

Parecidos y diferencias entre dos extremos: el caso de Vox y Podemos en España, an article written by Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceClarín, 19 January 2021.

Opinion – The Libyan Border as a Testing Ground for European Sovereignty, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreE-International Relations, 19 January 2022.

Kazakistan’da ne olmalıydı?, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre , Ocakmedya, 19 January 2022.

Pandémie et conflit politique : la catastrophe qui n’a pas eu lieu, an article quoting Miguel Poiares Maduro, Part-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), Le Grand Continent, 19 January 2022.

Hoe beoordelingssystemen de gendergelijkheid op de werkvloer kunnen tegengaan, an article quoting Klarita GërxhaniChair in Sociology at the Department of Political and Social SciencesMT/Sprout, 19 January 2022.

La plenaria della Conferenza sul futuro dell'Europa discuterà le prime raccomandazioni, an article mentioning the European University Institute, AGI Italia, 19 January 2022.

Il Giappone e il QUAD – Intervista al Prof. Giulio Pugliese (EUI-Oxford), an interview with Giulio PugliesePart-time Professor at the Global Governance Programme,, 20 January 2022.

A dicembre due notizie false su tre hanno riguardato la pandemia: il report, an article featuring a brief from the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)Pagella Politica, 20 January 2022.

Cambiar la Sociedad, an article written by Daniel InnerarityPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceEl País, 21 January 2022.

Women leaders in Europe are always (from the) right, an article written by Costanza Hermanin, Policy Leader Fellow at the School of Transnational Governance, Euronews, 21 January 2022.

The dust has settled on COP26. Now the hard work begins, an article quoting Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsCNBC, 21 January 2022.
Also available in French: La poussière est retombée sur la COP26. Maintenant le dur labeur commence.

Czech left-wing parties are at rock bottom. Can they make a comeback?, an article quoting Filip Kostelka, Chair in Political and Social Change at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Euronews, 21 January 2022.
Also available in Spanish: Los partidos checos de izquierda han tocado fondo. ¿Podrán regresar?

Indonesia: Secularization And The Toxic Identity War, an op-ed quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre , Eurasia review, 21 January 2022.





8 January – 14 January

Spotlight: After a year of uncharacteristic calm, Italian politics is set for a rude awakening

Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, was quoted in The Times on how the uncharacteristic calm that has settled on Italian politics in the past 11 months could soon be shattered.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


After a year of uncharacteristic calm, Italian politics is set for a rude awakening, an article quoting Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreThe Times, 9 January 2022.

Ne ide nam i gotovo: Hrvatska ‘malom Švicarskom‘ nije postala ekonomski kako su nam obećavali devedesetih, a neće ni prema spremnosti na neposrednu demokraciju, an article quoting Hanspeter KriesiPart-time Professor in the SPS department and Principal Investigator of the ERC-funded SOLID projectSlobodna Dalmacija, 8 January 2022.

« L’islam de Sayyid Qutb, un combat total contre un adversaire à la fois juif, chrétien, athée », an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 9 January 2022.

Silvio Berlusconi keen to play kingmaker in ‘Operation Squirrel’ presidential campaign, an article quoting Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreThe Telegraph, 10 January 2022.

Pour Emmanuel Macron, un nouvel « en même temps » économique à inventer avant l’élection présidentielle de 2002, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 10 January 2022.

Most Powerful Passports Index Exposes Travel Apartheid, an article quoting Mehari Taddele Maru, Part-time professor at the School of Transnational GovernanceeTurboNews, 11 Januray 2022.
Also available in German: Reise-Apartheid: Die leistungsstärksten und leistungsschwächsten Reisepässe der Welt für 2022
Also available in French: Inégalités liées aux voyages : les passeports les plus et les moins puissants du monde en 2022
Also available in Japanese: 旅行のアパルトヘイト:2022年の世界最強/最弱パスポート
Also available in Korean: 여행 아파르트헤이트 - 2022년 세계 여권 파워에 큰 격차 발생

Le 11 janvier 2002, jour où les premiers prisonniers arrivaient à Guantanamo, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreEurope1, 11 January 2022.

“Kazakistan’dan yola çıkıp devrim de olmaz bahar da…”, an interview with Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreHaber Turk, 11 January 2022.

Miguel Poiares Maduro é o novo diretor da Global School of Law da Universidade Católica, an article featuring Miguel Poiares MaduroPart-time Professor at the School of Transnational Governance and Chair of the Executive Board of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)O Journal Económico, 11 January 2022.

Jásot nad zařazením jádra a plynu mezi udržitelné zdroje může rychle zhořknout, an article mentioning the Florence School of RegulationVoxpot, 11 January 2022.

Secularization and the toxic identity war, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centreucanews, 12 January 2022.

Le lacrime di Firenze per il suo David Sassoli: «Era innamorato di questa città», an article quoting Renaud Dehousse, President of the European University Institute, Corriere Fiorentino, 12 January 2022.

Blasphemy and jihad: Macron launches EU debate, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreEu Observer, 12 January 2022.

Macron Uniós Vitát Indít Az “Istenkáromlásról” És Dzsihádról, an article quoting Olivier RoyPart-time Professor at the Robert Schuman CentreSzombat, 12 January 2022.

Vom Think-Tank an die Spitze: Patrick Graichen, an article mentioning Jos DelbekeEIB Chair on Climate Change Policy and International Carbon MarketsEuractiv, 12 January 2022.

I complottismi e il vuoto della politica, an article writen by Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentMicroMega, 13 January 2022.

Passport: Which are the most and least powerful in the world by 2022, an article mentioning Victoria Finn, Max Weber Fellow, The Goal Spotlight, 13 January 2022.
Also available in Spanish: Los pasaportes más poderosos del mundo para 2022 y la 'ventaja' que tienen

We need an idea of Europe for the youth, an article written by Marc SteiertPhD Researcher in the LAW DepartmentLa Repubblica, 14 January 2021.




1 January – 7 January

Spotlight: The euro zone and the euro crisis

George Papaconstantinou, Chair at the School of Transnational Governance and Director of the School’s executive education programme, looks back on the twenty years of the eurozone in this interview with Le Monde.


Photo credit: Shutterstock


« La zone euro a perdu du temps, si bien que le coût de la crise de l’euro a été beaucoup plus lourd que nécessaire », an interview with George PapaconstantinouChair at the School of Transnational GovernanceLe Monde, 2 January 2022.

Jean Pisani-Ferry : « Ce n’est pas en flattant leur nostalgie qu’on détournera les électeurs des solutions imaginaires », an article written by Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreLe Monde, 1 January 2022.

Legal perception and finance: when the perception matters more than the actual law, an article co-written by Mathias SiemsDirector of Graduate Studies and Full-time Professor of Private Law and Market Regulation in the Department of LawLSE Blog, 4 January 2022.

För vem är euron bra?, an article quoting Jean Pisani-FerryTommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair at the Robert Schuman CentreDagens Arena, 4 January 2022.

Macron’s pan-European academy ‘welcome but needs work’, an article quoting Renaud Dehousse, President of the European University Institute, Times Higher Education, 5 January 2022.

Kunnen we nog op een normale manier verschillend denken?, an article quoting Ofra Klein, PhD researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, De Groene Amsterdammer, 5 January 2022.

The Italian presidential elections and the politics of trust, an article written by Erik JonesDirector of the Robert Schuman CentreEncompass, 6 January 2022.

La independencia y el pluralismo de los medios de comunicación, imprescindible para los ciudadanos de la UE, an article mentioning the Conference on the Future of Europe hosted at the European University Institute, Singolo XXI, 6 January 2022.

The lake monster, an article quoting Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC Department, Market Research Telecast, 7 January 2022.

El monstruo del lago, an article quoting Nicolas GuilhotProfessor of Intellectual History in the HEC DepartmentEl País, 7 January 2022.


Page last updated on 09 February 2023

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