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Data Europa EU


Data description

DataEuropaEUData Europa EU provides access to 1.4 million public datasets from 36 countries (EU, EEA, Switzerland and EU Neighbourhood states). Data resources are indexed by the European Commission from national, regional, local and domain-specific public data providers. The interface is available in six languages. The Data Europa EU Academy supports data discovery, elaboration and preservation. The European Commision also maintains the Joint Research Center Data Catalogue

The Data Europa EU search tool facilitates the discovery of public open data. Data can also be retrieved by geographical location. The portal is maintained by the European Commission and partners;  Capgemini, INTRASOFT International, Fraunhofer Fokus, Con Terra, Sogeti, the Open Data Institute, TimeLex and the University of Southampton.


Time period

Data Europa EU provides access to five decades of statistical observations, varying by country, topic and data provider.


Support links


How to access data

Data Europa EU facilitates search by multiple facets: Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods; Energy; Regions & Cities; Transport;  Economy & Finance; International Issues; Government & Public Sector; Justice, Legal System & Public Safety; Environment; Education, Culture & Sport; Health; Population & Society; Science & Technology.


Related European, EU and Euro Area data resources


Data homepage

Contact: [email protected]


Page last updated on 01 July 2024

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