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Economics Working Papers

  • Working papers in economics are accessible via the links below.


RePEc - the research papers in economics service - provides access to working papers, pre-prints, bibliographic records and metrics. The interface is called Ideas. Approximately 5,000 working paper series from over 100 countries are indexed. EUI economics papers are listed here. RePEc, founded in 1997, is maintained by a network of editors coordinated by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.


EconBiz is a portal of economic and business literature in German, English and other languages with full-text access to working papers and other publications. The portal, launched in 2002, is maintainded by the German National Library of Economics (ZBW) and is cross-indexed with RePEc.


NBER - the National Bureau of Economic Research - publishes the premier American working paper series in economics, with supporting data and software tools. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, NBER was founded in 1920.


CEPR - the Centre for Economic Policy Research - is an international network of economists, publishing working papers related to the European economy. CEPR, based in London, was founded in 1983.


FMG - Financial Markets Group - is an international research body dedicated to the study of international financial markets. FMG, based at the London School of Economics, was founded in 1987.



Google Scholar is a search and indexing service for bibliographic records and full texts of scholarly literature, including working papers. Google Scholar can be configured to give access to EUI Library-subscribed full-text content.


EUI Economics working papers

EUIlogoWorking Papers by EUI Professors, Fellows and Researchers are accessible via the Cadmus research repository, the RePEc economics portal and the ZBW EconBiz portal.

Information  about submitting a paper to the EUI Economics WP series is on this Departmental page. When submitting a working paper, authors should include keywords and JEL codes. For assistance write to [email protected]

All economists - Professors, Fellows and Researchers - are requested to submit details of works published during their time at the EUI to the Cadmus research repository. Full texts are included where possible. For further information write to [email protected]  EUI publications are indexed in this annual report.


Paper archive of Economics working papers
  • The Library holds an archive of older working papers in paper format
  • Before placing a request, search the Library CatalogueRePEc and ZBW EconBiz for digital versions
  • To order an older WP from storage, complete this request form.


Economics and data homepage

Contact: Thomas Bourke at [email protected]


Page last updated on 23 January 2025

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