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Political and Social Sciences Research Guide

  • A special welcome to new members of the SPS Department arriving in September 2024.
  • An introduction to Resources for Political and Social Research takes place in the Badia Theatre on Wednesday, 4 September at 09:15. The full programme is in the second paragraph below.
  • For research support please contact Thomas Bourke.

New Books and eBooks in the Political & Social Sciences

Orientation sessions for new SPS PhD researchers and post-doctoral fellows

Wednesday, 4 September
Badia Fiesolana, Theatre
Introduction to Library resources for research in the social and political sciences
Wednesday, 4 September
Badia Fiesolana, Library
Library open afternoon and tours
11 September
Badia Fiesolana, Refectory 
Inter-disciplinary introduction to data resources and services

25 September


Via Zoom

The Desktop Library: starting and sustaining a research project in the social sciences This session provides an integrated, project-focused overview of Library digital resources for starting and sustaining PhD-level research. The Library Catalogue, LibraryWeb, reference resources and the Sage Project Planner will be demonstrated using specific research topic examples.

9 October
Badia Fiesolana, Emeroteca

Bibliography-building, the Web of Science and Sage Research Methods: This session provides an overview of the Web of Science, a premier bibliography-building resource for 22,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals worldwide, with advanced search facets, citation analysis tools and exporting features; and Sage Research Methods which provides access to over 1,200 eBooks in all branches of the social sciences.

13 November


Badia Fiesolana, Seminar room 2

Premium news resources from the EUI Library: This session introduces the Library’s extensive news collection: individual e-newspapers, the PressReader database of same-day facsimile editions and the Factiva archival database of global news content from 18,000 sources in 160 countries.

11 December


Via Zoom

Publishing your first book: This session provides an overview of the publishing ecosystem for monographic and edited academic works; recent trends in the ebooks’ market; the economic evolution of the academic publishing sector viz the trade publishing sector; and how open access and new publishing models could impact author’s options for publication.

Library Catalogue

The Library Catalogue is the starting-point for locating books and accessing online journals, ebooks and databases. All paper and electronic resources are indexed in the Catalogue. Patrons can use My Account in the Catalogue top-menu to check due dates and renew 30-day loans. EUI members can also access ebooks and journals while off-campus. Connection interruptions should be reported via the Access Problem Form.


Books Collection

The social sciences books collection is located on the first floor of the Library. All works are classified according to the Dewey Decimal system. Full-text ebooks are accessible via the Catalogue. The Library has particular strengths in:

  • Political and Social Theory (100-199; 300-301; 320.01)
  • Sociology (300-307)
  • Comparative Politics (320-328)
  • Politics of European integration and processes of Europeanisation (321.0404)
  • International Relations and International Political Economy (327; 382)
  • Political Economy (360-369; 380-389)
  • Statistical theory and data science (519; 005)
  • The Library also maintains guides to the Economics collection, the Law collection and the History collection.

Library floorplans are on this page.

Books may be borrowed for 30 days, renewable if not requested by another reader. Overdue books are subject to fines. Readers should regularly check their accounts for overdue books - especially approaching holiday periods.

Readers are encouraged to suggest books, ebooks and manuals for acquisition by completing this online form. All new and older titles - in any language - are considered.


Journals Collection

CapapersElectronic journals are accessible via the Library Catalogue. EUI members also have off-campus access. Paper journals are located on the upper floor of the Library.

The Web of Science is a bibliographic database of articles from 22,000 peer-reviewed journals, with tools for advanced search, citation analysis and rankings' reports.

Publishers' e-journal platforms can be used for bibliography-building. Among the most important in the political and social sciences are IngentaJSTORSageScience DirectSpringerlink and Wiley.

The EUI Library Catalogue can be used for bibliography-building and exporting bibliographic metadata.

Google Scholar can be used for literature search and access to EUI subscription journals.

Cadmus is the EUI research repository. All EUI professors, fellows and researchers should submit details of works published during their time at the EUI to Cadmus. Where possible, full texts are included. Details of EUI open access publishing agreements are on this Library page.

Working Papers Collection

Full text working papers can be accessed via the EUI Library Catalogue and Google Scholar. Older paper versions are held in Library storage and can be requested via this online form.

SPS Department working papers are indexed in the the EUI institutional repository Cadmus and the Library Catalogue.

The procedure for submitting to the SPS working paper series is given in this departmental document.

Pofessors, Fellows and Researchers should submit bibliographic details of their EUI publications for inclusion in Cadmus. Submission guidelines are on this page.


Data Portal and Data Services

Data_ServicesResearch data services are introduced on this Library page. The EUI Data Portal links to 72 resource guides with (i) data description (ii) time coverage (iii) support links and (iv) instructions on how to access data.

Political, macroeconomic and historical time series databases provide statistics on global, regional and national economic and political-economic developments, provided by international organisations and major data publishers including: Databanks, ECB, Eurostat, Global Financial Data, IMF, OECD, Refinitiv-LSEG, Standard & Poor’s, Statista GmbH, World Bank, UN and WIIW.

Socio-economic databases provide individual, family and household observations. Major providers include: DIW, Eurostat, GESIS, ICPSR, Moody’s Analytics-BvD and UKDS. Access to micro data on the EUI Library restricted data server requires registration. Current EUI members can register for access by completing the micro data registration form (selecting the required dataset from the drop-down menu).

European, EU and Euro Area databases provide data for research on pan-European topics, EU states, European sub-state regions, the Euro area and Europe in global context.


Library Research Data Guide

The 11th edition of the EUI Library Research Data Guide was published in April 2023. There are ten sections:

1.   Data discovery and the EUI Library Data PortalCover_Data_Guide_2023_Small
2.   Data generation, data protection, data processing and ethical use
3.   Data management plans
4.   Research data management in EU programmes
5.   Managing data during the research project cycle
6.   Repositing and preserving data in the EUI repository Cadmus
7.   Open Data, FAIR Principles and Open Science
8.   Qualitative and unstructured data
9.   EUI infrastructure, software, protocols and support
10. International research data guidelines.

Download the PDF. The hyperlinked text is on the Research Data Services homepage.


Reference Collection
  • Political and social science reference resources are listed on this Library page
  • General reference works are listed on this Library page
  • SAGE Research Methods provides ebooks and tools in support of social science research methodology.


News: premium access

PRselectionInternational news resources are listed in this Library directory

The Library provides access to international news databases and archives:

The Microform Collection is located on the ground (garden) floor of the Badia Library.

Book reviews are available in the New York Review of BooksTimes Literary Supplement, European Review of Books and London Review of Books. Paper versions of these publications are available on the left side of the first floor of the Library.

The Sage Information Literacy platform provides resources "for the digital age of mis-, dis-, and malinformation." The Sage Research Methods collection is introduced on this Library page.


Practical Information

The Library Services directory provides information about My Accountsuggesting books for purcahseprinting and photocopyingborrowing and renewalsinter-library loans and off-campus access to electronic resources.

The autumn Research Skills Programme includes sessions on bibliography building; data management; international news resources; Sage Research Methods; Turnitin; Web of Science and Zotero.


Visiting Scholars


Autumn presentations for PhD Researchers and Post-Doctoral Fellows
Wednesday, 4 September
Badia Fiesolana, Theatre
Introduction to Library resources for research in the social and political sciences
Wednesday, 4 September
Badia Fiesolana, Library
Library open afternoon and tours
11 September
Badia, Refectory 
Inter-disciplinary introduction to data resources and services

25 September


Via Zoom

The Desktop Library: starting and sustaining a research project in the social sciences: This session provides an integrated, project-focused overview of Library digital resources for starting and sustaining PhD-level research. The Library Catalogue, LibraryWeb, reference resources and the Sage Project Planner will be demonstrated using specific research topic examples.

23 October
Badia Fiesolana, Sala del Capitolo

Bibliography-building, the Web of Science and Sage Research MethodsThis session provides an overview of the Web of Science, a premier bibliography-building resource for 22,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals worldwide, with advanced search facets, citation analysis tools and exporting features; and Sage Research Methods which provides access to over 1,200 eBooks in all branches of the social sciences.

13 November


Badia Fiesolana, Seminar room 2

Premium news resources from the EUI Library: This session introduces the Library’s extensive news collection: individual e-newspapers, the PressReader database of same-day facsimile editions and the Factiva archival database of global news content from 18,000 sources in 160 countries.

11 December


Via Zoom

Publishing your first book: This session provides an overview of the publishing ecosystem for monographic and edited academic works; recent trends in the ebooks’ market; the economic evolution of the academic publishing sector viz the trade publishing sector; and how open access and new publishing models could impact author’s options for publication.


Library garden

For research support please contact Thomas Bourke

Tel. 2346 [+39 055 468 5346]

Office: BF-085, Badia Library, first floor.




Page last updated on 19 July 2024

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