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Data description

GloboStatGlobalStat is an aggregated data portal with tools for analysing statistics on social, political, economic, environmental and sustainability variables worldwide. Data is sourced from international organisations and collated by the Global Governance Programme at the European University Institute, Florence, and the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Lisbon.

  • GlobalStat indicators are grouped in three clusters: Global trends; Sustainable livelihood; and Prosperity of nations/human well-being
  • There are 12 themes: Demographics; Economic Development and Trade; Energy; Environment; Financial activites and structure; Food, agriculture and fisheries; Freedom, conflicts and risks; Governance; Health and living conditions; Human and societal development; Human mobility; and Technological development.

GlobalStat is directed by Dr.Gaby Umbach, Global Governance Programme, RSCAS, EUI, Florence.


Time period
  • Data range varies by theme and country
  • UN sourced data is from 1960 to present.


Support links


How to access data

"With its ‘3-click to data’ approach GlobalStat facilitates the search for, access to, and use of data collected from various sources. You can access a comprehensive collection of data in which indicators are disaggregated as far as possible (for example into different gender or age groups). Country level data is presented for the 193 UN countries and for the longest period available, starting from 1960...

The website allows for multiple visualisations of data. Tables, rankings, bar and line charts offer different graphical representations of the indicators chosen. Filters by period (selection of years) and by groups (selecting countries, continents and/or other entities) are available for targeted in-depth analysis. GlobalStat also includes export functionalities that allow for data, metadata and graphics download."


Data homepage


Page last updated on 01 July 2024

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