American Bibliography of Slavic & Eastern European Studies (ABSEES), produced by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, provides information on East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. Coverage for ABSEES ranges from 1989 to present.
The ACLS Humanities e-Book (HEB) is a collection of over 5,700 sholarly books of major importance in the Humanities. All parts of the world and all periods are included. The aim is to include "books that remain vital to both scholars and advanced students, and are frequently cited in the literature." Fields currently included in the database are Area Studies, Historical Studies, Art History, Literature, Political Science and Religion. Some 300 titles are added to the collection annually.
Adam Matthew (AM Explorer) resources includes collections spanning the social sciences and humanities, developed in collaboration with leading libraries and archives ; guides to discover millions of pages of unique primary source content which empower students and researchers to develop critical thinking ; digital collections that transform teaching and research on important themes such as: Borders and Migrations, Gender and Sexuality, Global History, and War and Conflict. Single point of access through AM Explorer with built-in federated search functionality across all collections. It includes additional features to enhance student engagement such as Handwritten Text Recognition, Data Visualisation, Video and Oral Histories.
Full-text access to the Bulletin Quotidien Europe / Europe Daily Bulletin (French and English) from 2000 onwards, covering the latest news and information on European political and economic integration. It also includes two supplements: European Library and Europe Documents.
The Annual Regional Database of the European Commission (ARDECO) is maintained by the DG for Regional and Urban Policy, with input from Eurostat, Cambridge Econometrics and other harmonised sources. ARDECO provides pan-European regional (sub-state) disaggregated data, covering multiple indicators of growth, convergence, competitiveness and demography. The database contains time-series indicators for EU sub-state regions, and some EFTA and candidate country regions, at NUTS1, NUTS2 and NUTS3 statistical scales. Data is organised in four categories: Demography, Labour Market, Capital Formation and Domestic Product.
Collection of critical reviews providing synthesis of primary research literature in the disciplines of Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. The EUI Library subscribes to seven reviews only.
The Archive of European integration is an electronic repository and archive for research materials on the topic of European integration and unification. Its focus is the post-War development, activities, and foreign relations of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), the European Economic Community (EEC), the European Community (EC), and the European Union (EU).
The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek is a joint project of the German Federal Government, the Federal States and municipal authorities, which promote and finance the DDB. The project “Archivportal-D”, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG – German Research Foundation) already came into being in 2014 in this way, as well as the “Deutsches Zeitungsportal” (“German newspaper portal”) in 2021, likewise funded by the DFG. In the Archivportal-D, located in the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg (State Archives of Baden-Wuerttemberg), the objects from archives are made accessible in a more specific and detailed way. In addition, there has been a theme portal on the Weimar Republic since 2020, in which archival material on this epoch can be researched. The Zeitungsportal makes it possible to access historical newspapers with a full-text search, alternative search entries by publication date or newspaper title and a full-text viewer integrated into the portal, among other things.
Index to about 250 Italian legal journals, going back to 1970s, with abstracts and subject headings.